Understanding The Impact Of Recent Agency Layoffs Layoffs can be brutal. Not only for the person los- ing his position, but also for those who have to find excruciating ways of crunching jobs as well as numbers. Those job cuts become even more difficult when they happen within the organized Jewish com- munity, a place once regarded as a safe haven for careers. This week we learned of several Jewish com- munity workers at the Agency for Jewish Edu- cation who were at least temporarily "pink-slipped" and of more permanent changes at the Jewish Community Council. Even if the AJE layoffs are temporary, a com- mon practice for educational groups during the summer months, a work furlough of any sort can be difficult. We know that for some, working in the Jewish community was not just a job, but a calling they believed in. It is our hope that these people will quickly find new positions. It is also our wish that they understand that they were appreciated not only as individuals but for their commitment to the Jewish community. Still, there is the issue of cutbacks. Though they are brutal, and though they hurt, maybe it's time we realize that more may be necessary. With federations all over the country finding dollars more difficult to come by, programs and positions for support staff are not automatic anymore. While Detroit's federation is blessed with a com- munity that provided it a successful fund-rais- ing campaign, it also realizes a need to be judicious in its spending. All around us, corpo- rate America is streamlining, and federations are understanding the need to run if not as a business, then in a business-like fashion. We don't want to see anyone lose his or her job. We do, however, encourage the process of feder- ation agencies taking close looks at themselves and making appropriate changes, be it through attrition or reprioritization of funds and pro- grams. To serve this community now and into the next century, we won't be able to survive only on good intentions. The Agency for Jewish Education and the Jewish Community Council won't find them- selves alone when it comes to fiscal accountabil- ity. That doesn't make life easier if you've been temporarily laid off. Still, to think we can avoid cutbacks at this point is to wear a blindfold around reality. We encourage Jewish Vocational Service to of- fer job counseling and retraining to any Federa- tion employee facing a layoff. We also want the Jewish Family Service to be there for some who find that a layoff translates into a loss of self-im- age and worth, not to mention help in finding ways to pay for food and house bills. All of this hurts. But the pain we all could feel as a communi- ty, if we don't keep a closer eye on the fiscal bot- tom line, could be much more severe. Michael's Bad Rap Poor Michael Jackson. At times, nothing goes right for him. First, the cynics questioned his sex- uality. Then, the lawyers questioned his sexual conduct. After that, fellow African Americans questioned his allegiance to them. And now, some Jews and others question if the King of Pop is a racist and an anti-Semite. This latest investigation came with the release last week of HIStory Past, Present and Future, Part I. Half a retrospective of Jackson classics, half new releases, the album stopped some lis- teners stone-cold when they got to "They Don't Care About Us." It features these lines: "Jew Me, Sue Mel Everybody do me l Kick Me, Kike Mel Don't You Black or White me." The anti-Semitism seems as plain here as the priceless free publicity that the controversy has stirred. Michael's response? "I'm not anti-Semitic because I'm not a racist. I could never be racist. I love all races from Arabs to Jewish people," he told ABC's Diane Sawyer. Mr. Jackson went on to say that his accountants and lawyers are Jewish, as are "my three best friends — David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Steven Spielberg." Michael, are you really that unsophisticated or is this, too, part of the show? Were it not so sad, we could laugh. Michael Jackson is no ma- licious anti-Semite. He is a product of a coun- try where anti-Semitism is seen as a legitimate expression of the racism he seeks to stem. In the fallout from the Sawyer interview, the Anti-Defamation League and the Simon Wiesen- thal Center, premier exposers of anti-Semitism — potential and potentially potential — protest- ed Mr. Jackson's lyrics. The singer apologized; they accepted. The quick pace of activity here is uncharac- teristic. Instead of jumping instantly on Mr. Jack- son, the Jewish groups should have first privately met with him to determine why he had chosen these words. If his intention was, indeed, to write "an antiracist song," then perhaps there was some merit in the intention, albeit not in the fi- nal product. What Mr. Jackson, the past target of innu- endo, if not outright slander, may have learned is that Jews are quick to cry foul when it seems legitimate. But did he learn why they have these reflexes? And did either side conclude how this can be avoided in the future? Probably not. But that's what makes Hollywood the world's enter- tainment capital. Issues, like stars, are here to- day, gone tomorrow. Because, you see, the show must go on. Opinion Children Of The Dream AKIVA ELDAR SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS ien plans were being but it also is relishing the person- made for the recent cele- al freedom inherent in a private car. bration of Israel's Inde- It is true that the growth of popu- pendence Day, one lation and consumer affluence have Jewish community in the United created new tensions between eco- r' States began to build its festive Is- logical and development needs, but rael program around a living and this is a challenge that all normal breathing camel. It seemed to me western nations face. In Israel, as a hopelessly anachronistic symbol elsewhere, an environmental lob- of the Jewish state. If they were by has risen to offer alternatives. Many of these achievements looking for a realistic symbol, they should have chosen Ofek-3, the re- were substantially facilitated by the progress that has taken place cently launched Israeli satellite. It is regrettable that the Amer- in Arab-Israel relations and in Is- ican Jewish community still insists raeli-Palestinian relations in par- that Israel remain as it was in the ticular. Only after the signing of the W 1950s. Why would they assign us the role of larger-than-life heroes like those portrayed in Leon Uris' "Exodus," and have us act out the part to assuage their own societal angst? These very heroes, as well as the American Jewish community itself, fought to build a modern Jewish nation. The role of soldier-fanner was an essential way station on the road to this goal. Today's Israelis are armed with cellular phones and computers. This is the triumph of yesterday's pioneers and of gener- ations of American Jewish leaders who delivered American support. Together with building a mod- em society, Israel has retained its Jewish essence. It is unarguably the only Jewish society in the world where families overwhelmingly share Shabbat dinner with their parents due to the close geograph- ical proximity. Israel has prospered mightily in the last few years. In 1994 the Gross Domestic Product totaled $70 bil- lion. In 1995, it will reach an esti- mated $85 billion. GDP per capita reached $15,000 in 1994, a figure equal to Great Britain's present rate. Free time is spent in pursuits that should be familiar to all Amer- icans, shopping in the mall, work- outs at the health club, going to the beach. It is this same quality of life that all of mankind strives for. I remember when owning a pri- vate car in Israel was an extrava- gance. Today 1.2 million private cars, mostly new and fully loaded, are on Israel's roads, themselves vastly improved. Israel still has a heavily used mass transit system, Declaration of Principles, for ex- ample, was the Gulf Cooperation Council able to announce a re- scinding of the boycott. Thus peace has both broadened and expedited Israel's economic evolution. Given Israel's technological capability and skilled work force, it is no wonder that a glance at recent business ventures reveals a Fortune 500 list of investors. The road to political accommo- dation with the Arab countries is a difficult one. However, such ac- commodation is the only way to en- sure Israel's security and continued prosperity. When my parents came to mandatory Palestine in 1933, the cousins who remained in Europe warned them that they were going to a land of hopeless and unimag- inable hardship (like the doom- sayers who foretell Gaza's imminent demise). Today, a strong, organized Diaspora is one of the prerequisites for ensuring that Is- raeli and Jewish interests will be protected in the future. We worked together to absorb an unprece- dented wave of 600,000 immi- grants. We can meet the challenges of peace as well. However, the American Jewish community should realize that, more than anything else, Israel's success is the surest guarantor of Jewish continuity. When my chil- dren go to public school in Jerusalem they by definition go to a Jewish school of high quality. This is the dream that the pio- neers labored for, this is what 18,000 Israelis have sacrificed their lives for. El