* * * * EVERYBODY KNOWS STAR HAS THE BEST TUNA IN TOWN! NOW WE ALSO HAVE DELICIOUS FAT FREE TUNA! STAR NOW ALSO HAS HAND CUT LOX! rOUR TRAYS CAN'T BE BEAT - I FOR QUALITY & PRICE! MEAT TRAYS . . . $5.50 per person I DAIRY TRAYS . . .$ 9.75 per person *1 I $ 5 ON OUR OFF! BEAUTIFUL * I ALREADY LOW-PRICED I MEAT OR DAIRY TRAYS With This Coupon DELIVERY AVAILABLE • Expires 12-31-95 • One Per Person - - =MI - - - • HOMEMADE COLE SLAW • HOMEMADE POTATO SALAD • HOMEMADE CHICKEN SALAD • HOMEMADE TUNA SALAD • HOMEMADE EGG SALAD • Not Good Holidays • 10 Person Minimum - 1=0 WE COOK OUR OWN CORNED BEEF & PASTRAMI OPEN 7 DAYS—MON.-SAT. 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., SUN. 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. STAR DELI 24555 W. 12 MILE, Just West of Telegraph, Southfield 352-7377 Let Us Cater Your Next Affair In the last 40 years, the death rate from heart attack has dropped 34% the death rate from con- genital heart defects is down 41% and the death rate from stroke is down 60%. Thp American Heart Association of Michigan is 40 years old. American Heart Association of Michigan A United Way Agency 0 3 iniOni31) 7ede B • A • N A "The Simone Vitale Band is an assurance of a great evening." Danny Raskin, Jewish News • Weddings • Bar/Bat Mitzvahs • Anniversaries • Private Parties FOR ALL YOUR HAPPY OCCASIONS (810) 544-7373 OR* VONM44 %400%4 Vtli kkh •b - ovq1i,1 kak IL h Taking A Trip Down Memory Lane DANNY RASKIN LOCAL COLUMNIST T he guest Mystery Munch- er writes... The yellowing pages of old scrapbooks hold a multitude of mem- ories ... And rediscovering menus from restaurants which have fad- ed away but never die and are pasted in your mind, as well as in old scrapbooks, is a step back into the past. Stored away in my memora- bilia is a 1942 menu from Hund's on Grand River and Bagley... The special of the day was whole broiled baby lobster with drawn butter, mixed seafood with tar- tar sauce, salad, potatoes, rolls and butter and coffee for the price of $1.60 ... Today, the lobster alone could cost over 10 times that much. How can you beat a complete dinner for $1.60 which included Hund's special an- tipasto, fresh jum- bo shrimp cocktail, garden vegetable soup, chopped liver, Florida fruit cup, double consomme with egg drops or Rhode Island clam chowder, salad, frog legs North- wood Inn style, a choice of potatoes, Harvard beets or Michigan corn on the cob, assorted homemade pies, special sundaes, watermelons or Roquefort, Liederkranz or camembert cheese. Steak with all the trimmings was $2.20 and Hund's special baked stuffed deviled crabs were $1.40... When was the last time you had a corned beef sandwich at these prices? Hund's also pro- vided dinner music and enter- tainment. Speaking of Hund's reminds me of Northwood Inn on Wood- ward, which was owned by the same restaurateur, Mildred Hund... The Tuesday night buf- fets at Northwood, with all the shrimp (among other things) you could eat between dance sets were relatively inexpensive treats and there's not likely to be any- thing like them again in these parts. I came across a 1940s break- fast menu which says "William Boesky, Joe Freedman and staff wish you a Happy New Year"... That breakfast menu at their Brass Rail on Adams featured broiled filet mignon sandwich with tole slaw and french fried early dinner guests who left be- potatoes for 65 cents... Or you fore 8 p.m .... For others, there could have smoked lox and eggs was a 50-cent cover Sunday with french fries and toast for the through Friday and 75 cents on same price... Coffee was a nickel. Saturdays and holidays... But Many Detroiters remember there was a $1 dance admission the Marine Dining Room in charge during the week and Chicago's Edgewater Beach Ho- $1.25 Saturdays, holidays and tel ... I have a menu from 1944 Sundays from 6 to midnight. and on the cover is a picture of I found a 1940s simulated Chef Baltera, a nationally known wood menu, shaped like a T from personality who had been serv- the restaurant name, Tip's, which ing Marine Dining Room patrons featured thick steaks from 95 for almost two decades. cents to $1.10 and thin pancakes The table d'hote dinner in- for 20 cents to a quarter... The 25- cluded a choice of fresh seafood cent pancakes included eggs and cocktail, papaya nectar or toma- four different meats... I don't re- to juice, cream of asparagus soup, member where this place was... bluepoints, fresh fruit cocktail But it was interesting to read the grenadine or double consomme... bottom of the menu which said, The most expensive entrees on "All items listed are at or below our ceiling prices ac- cording to Office of Price Administra- tion regulation." Moving closer to home, who can ever forget Darbys on Seven Mile and Wyoming, which catered to breakfast, lunch, dinner, bar and after-theater crowds... Waiting for a table was like being in a reception line at a wedding. It seemed as though everybody knew everybody and ex- changed greetings... Darbys served a number of dishes the menu were filet mignon or guaranteed to please everyone... prime beef tenderloin saute for The one I remember best was the $3.20, turkey and sweetbreads chicken poulette. But Darbys Louise, lamb chops or roasted was more than an eating spot, it stuffed fatted capon with chefs was a social experience. dressing and cranberry sauce at Many thought the Piccadilly $2.85, and broiled whole squab Restaurant in the former Raleigh chicken on toast with bacon, House would be a reasonable fac- $2.75. simile of Darbys... But it never These, of course, were complete quite made it... I was, however, dinners with appetizers, new impressed with the imagination lima beans or French fried egg- and talent of whoever described plant, candied sweet or creamed the goodies on the bill of fare. whipped potatoes, Belle Fermiere I recently found a Piccadilly salad, pear, strawberries, cream menu in my collection which cheese and jelly—or crisp lettuce says, "If you try to rip off one of with French dressing. our table menus, it will activate Desserts were also included our electronic menu stealing ma- and you could order graham but- chine which will unlock a cage terscotch or fresh rhubarb pie, filled with 124 gossiping women chocolate marshmallow cake, programmed to talk your ear off frozen puff with chocolate sauce for one whole week." or a strawberry parfait... Coffee, Among items on the menu tea or milk and hot raised biscuits were, "Too much grief and ag- were part of the meal... A bottle gravation to the waitress-25 of burgundy, claret, Rhine or cents"... Others were "Liver come sauterne wine set customers back back to me. Chopped liver with a whopping $1.35. It was cheap- onions and chicken fat guaran- er by the glass-30 cents. teed to come back and haunt you There was no cover charge for with gas and indigestion," "Play