A Vote Of Confidence For The Whole Community For years, those in our community interested in the future of its educational scene have won- dered what life would be like in this communi- ty if Hillel had a high school. Those moments of conjecture and "what ifs" could come to an end after hearing this week of Jay Kogan's landmark S4 million gift toward the establishment of a Hil- lel high school. A high school will offer educa- tional continuity to Hillel students who now must go different routes following eighth-grade grad- uation. The school also could provide an impor- tant option to Jewish families throughout our community. If there's one warning that needs to be heed- ed, it comes in the form of strategic planning and cooperation for all of our educational bodies in conjunction with Federation. Last week, we learned of Rabbi Bergstein's efforts to open a new day school. This week, it's the Hillel project. It's easy to say, "the more, the merrier." How- ever, this community, with its limited resources, cannot afford to overtax the efforts and funds of its community members. Before the concept of "community" high school takes further root, it's important that the existing educational insti- tutions at least get word on the effect, if any, a new school or new schools will have on the over- all educational community. The last thing need- ed is for educational institutions to become jealous of one another. All of this should be be- yond the petty. It's more a case of whether we're five or 20 schools, we're still in this together. A new Hillel high school could impact other institutions. Not necessarily in number of stu- dents, but in resource availability. Not to put a damper on Hillel's triumph, because it is cer- tainly an announcement to celebrate, we're ad- vocating caution for the future that keeps the community together and its voices heard through planning and communication. The Case For Shavuot Back before Lee Iacocca took over, the Chrysler Corporation was the also-ran of the Big Three American automakers, not quite up to the stature of Ford and General Motors. No one thinks that way today. So maybe we could use some smart Iacocca to help pump up the image of Shavuot, the Chrysler of the Big Three Jewish agricultural/pilgrimage holidays (the others are Pesach and Sukkot). The holiday, which begins at nightfall Saturday, commemorates God's giving, at Mt. Sinai, of the Torah to the Jewish people and the world. This is the moment supreme in our tradition. But, outside of the Orthodox community, most Jews do little to celebrate Shavuot. That's because Shavuot is a victim of circum- stances. While Memorial Day opens our swim- ming pools, by the time Shavuot rolls around, many of us have jumped into our summer rou- tines. That means fewer hours in synagogue, Jewish programs and anything other than va- cation and relaxation. But look•again, with your leisure-bound mind- set. Like other Jewish holidays, there is a pha- lanx of fun customs and traditions built into this celebration. Shavuot has its unique food and rit- w ual• Readings include the Book of Ruth, with its LU two female protagonists, and an important chap- ter from the Book of Ezekiel. ci) 4 It is customary to eat dairy foods on the hol- iday. Shavuot's position as an early summer fes- tival makes it perfect for covered-dish get-to- gethers for families. Shavuot means "weeks," as the holiday falls seven weeks and a day af- ter Pesach. And then there is the tradition — college stu- dents get ready — the Shavuot all-nighter. Dur- ing the tikkun leil Shavuot, or the night of repair, Jews study together until dawn. This mystical custom parallels the days the Israelites prepared before receiving the Torah. A num- ber of Detroit synagogues will carry on this cus- tom. Historically, the pastoral Book of Ruth re- flects the agricultural roots of Shavuot as the gathering of the first fruits. And, paralleling the communal meeting with God at Sinai, the first chapter of the prophet Ezekiel, in which he envisions God's chariot, reflects a personal encounter with the Holy One. We but scratch Shavuot's surface here. Shavuot commands your energy and calls for your attention. So, as the talmudic scholar Hil- lel said, go and study — even if it takes all night. When it comes to Judaism, be your own Lee Ia- cocca. Letters Fein Article `A Disservice' I believe that Leonard Fein's ar- ticle, "Embracing Poverty's Ene- my," was offbase and a disservice to the Jewish people. It is not a "shame" or "disgrace" that Newt Gingrich is to be honored by the Theological Seminary of Conser- vative Judaism. Although you may not agree with some of Mr. Gingrich's policies, he is possibly the strongest and most influen- tial member of Congress, and one of the strongest supporters of the State of Israel. Israel and the Jewish people need support from the broad spectrum of the political arena. The only way to gain this support is to provide support in turn. Mr. Fein seems to have a social jus- tice litmus test which matches that of many of the recently de- feated former members of Con- gress. It is noteworthy to be involved in social justice, as Jews have always been and will con- tinue to be. However, I am afraid that if Mr. Fein had been in charge of Jewish politics, Israel and the Jewish people would have lost their support when his acceptable politicians were put out of office in the last election. Where would we be then? Jeffrey J. Kahan Bloomfield Hills Correcting A Wrong The Clinton administration now has an opportunity to correct a "wrong" committed against Is- rael 15 years ago. In July 1980, President Carter acquiesced in a U.N. Security Council resolution calling upon member states to take their embassies out of Jerusalem. The result was that 10 diplo- matic missions moved out of Jerusalem. In 1980, the U.S. Sen- ate overwhelmingly approved a resolution introduced by Sen. Patrick Moynihan recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel. At that time, too, the Arabs raised a hue and cry, threatening bloodshed. But the Senate was not intimidated and Arab threats fizzled out. Today, President Clinton and Secretary of State Christopher are voicing disapproval of a res- olution proposed by Senate Ma- jority Leader Bob Dole, with the support of House Speaker Newt Gingrich, calling for the transfer of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as an "ill- timed initiative that is likely to disrupt the peace process." Once again, the Arabs are threatening a Mideast Armageddon, sensing — it seems, correctly — that the Clinton administration is "weak" and more susceptible to black- mail. While Israeli Prime Minister Rabin has given the Dole initia- tive a tepid signal of approval, an unnamed aide traveling with the prime minister let it be known that adoption of the Dole resolu- tion would prove "embarrassing and counterproductive." As if on cue, some ultraliberal pundits and columnists intimated that Sen. Dole's initiative smacked of political expediency and should be treated as such. For years, Zionists and Israel activists have been pushing for U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. President Clin- ton has pledged — time and again — to make it so. It be- hooves the president to reject the counsels of fear and intimidation and come out boldly in support of the Dole resolution. The U.S. can ill afford to repeat the polit- ical folly on Jerusalem commit- ted by the Carter administration 15 years ago. Ezekiel Leikin Executive Vice President, ZOA — Detroit Reflecting Community's Enthusiasm At Library Hats off to Jennifer Finer for the terrific article on the reopening of the Henry and Delia Meyers Memorial Library at the Maple/Drake Jewish Communi- ty Center. She accurately re- flected the enthusiasm of the entire community concerning our reopening. We wanted to remind your readers that the JCC Library is a community library and is open to everyone, whether or not he or she is a Center member. Lee Kepes, Susie Rosenzweig Co-Chairs, Friends of the Library Committee