Congoleum BEST NO-WAX SCUFF-TUFF INLAID VINYL FLOOR Be id ehvuh so humble der's no place like Brooklyn. Yuh know what I'm tahlkin' about, brudder? SALE S 99 ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM ASSOCIATE EDITOR Q: Is it true that every Jewish REG. $49.50 SQ. YD. FUTURA $28 so. $41.50 ya REG. 92 ESTEEM g95 REG. $37.50 1111 .SQ. YD. TRIUMPH S2 CELESTIAL $28 REG. 95 SQ. YD. $41.50 $ri.A95 Zma sQ. ya $32.50 DIMENSIONS • SCUFF-TUFF Wearlayer Virtually Eliminates Scuffs REG. U F IRST QALITY PLUS WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SALE ON EVERY ROLL OR REMNANT IN OUR STOCK, YOU SALE SAVE 40 TO 70% Born In Deh USA MAY Floor Covering Pius, Inc. star, even if he was born in Los An- geles or Detroit or Chicago or even Des Moines, was really born in Brooklyn? A: Yes. Of course, there are always going to be a few who insist they were born elsewhere. Actor Rob- by Benson and producer Aaron Spelling claim, for example, to have been born in Texas. Actress Barbara Hershey says she was born in Hollywood. But some truths are just too powerful to ignore: Lenny Bruce's observation, for exam- ple, that everyone in New York City, regardless of what religion he says he is, is actually Jewish. Or the comedian's comment that everyone Italian must be Jew- ish. So, too, comes the fact that everyone Jewish, regardless of what appears on his birth cer- tificate, was born in Brooklyn. Among the famous Jews ad- mitting birth in New York's fourth-largest borough: Joey Adams, Woody Allen, Lyle Alza- do, Mel Brooks, Andrew Dice Clay, Aaron Copland, Alan Der- showitz, Neil Diamond, Richard Dreyfuss, Herb Edelman, Har- vey Fierstein, Milton Friedman, David Geffen, George Gershwin, Elliot Gould, Buddy Hackett, Curly and Moe Howard, Gabe Kaplan, Danny Kaye, Harvey Keitel, Carole King, Bernie Kopell, Martin Landau, Steve Lawrence, Bernard Malamud, Barry Manilow, Zero Mostel, Joseph Papp, Buddy Rich, Joan Rivers, Neil Sedaka, Jerry Se- infeld, Maurice Sendak, Ben- jamin "Bugsy" Siegel, Beverly Sills, Barbra Streisand, Irving Thalberg and Wendy Wasser- stein. 2258 Franklin Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 1 block East of Telegraph, North of Square Lake Road (810) 332-9430 Mon. & Wed. 9-7, Tue., Thur. & Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-3 A DAVID ROSENMAN'S AVM Amok PlUIROIAIIIIERS 42 NEW & USED CAR BROKER Sales • Leasing • Buying (810) 851-CARS (810) 851-2277 The late Bernard Malamud: The Natural author never dodged the fact that he was born in Brooklyn. Q:Why is it that Pentecost, the English name for the Jewish holi- day of Shavuot, also is the name of a Christian holiday? A: In Hebrew, Shavuot Q: Everybody knows about the Nuremberg Trials, where Nazi lead- ers from Germany were brought to trial. But whatever happened to the notorious Arrow Cross Party, Hungary's fascist leaders during World War II? means "weeks," because the holiday is seven weeks (and one day) after Pesach. "Penta- A:The Arrow Cross (in cost" is derived from the Greek Hungarian, Nyilaskeresztes pentekostos meaning "50th." Part-Hungarista Mozgalom) Shavuot came to be called was the most extreme of a Pentecost during the Hel- number of fascist parties lenistic period of Jewish histo- in Hungary during World War ry. II. The Christ- ian Pentecost is celebrated on the 50th after day Easter. Chris- tians believe that on that day the Holy Spirit de- scended on the apostles. Because early Christians ob- served Easter on Pesach, the 50th day As part of their Shavuot celebrations, children offer fruits to after Easter an elderly woman in Jerusalem. coincided with Shavuot, which in Christian thought Though founded in the took on a new meaning. 1930s, the party didn't Shavuot commemorates the rise to prominence until first fruits of the wheat harvest Ferenc Szalasi took over in and the giving of the Torah at 1940. Born in 1897, Szalasi Mount Sinai. The church's became a close friend of Hitler, transformation of Shavuot was who appointed him "Nation's based on the belief that the Leader" following the Nazi "gift of the spirit" from Jesus occupation of Hungary. was the first fruits of the new Szalasi began his nation's dispensation that fulfilled and anti-Jewish program first succeeded the religious system with sanctions, followed of the Torah. by pogroms, the establishment of Jewish ghettos, and finally 0:1 heard that the most popular by shipping Hungarian Jewry novelist in Colombia during the off to the death camps. The Arrow Cross, whose 19th century has a Jewish con- supporters wore green uni- nection. What can you tell me forms with a badge of crossed about that? arrows, fell in April 1945 when A: Born in 1837, Jorge Isaacs the Soviet army liberated was the author of the love sto- Hungary. Ferenc Szalasi tem- ry Maria, which continues to porarily escaped into Ger- this day as a classic of Latin many, where American American literature. authorities captured him. He Isaacs was the son of a was returned to Hungary Colombian mother and a where he and other leaders of British Jew who converted to the Arrow Cross were tried, Christianity. He was raised a convicted and executed in Catholic. 1946. Maria, Isaacs' only work, was an instant success when it was published in 1867. It was translated into numer- ous languages. Send questions to "Tell Me Why" Isaacs later entered politics c I o The Jewish News, 27676 and became a diplomat. He Franklin Rd., Southfield, MI died in 1895. 48034 or send fax to 354-6069. N