Community Views r The Militia Movement: Four-Pronged Approach DICK LOBENTHAL SPEC AL TO THE JEW SH NEWS I have achieved troops (most under the authori- mies." "Mark of Michigan" (Mark my "15 minutes in ty of the United Nations) and ul- Koernke), who has received so the limelight" that timately send loyal Americans much publicity, is affiliated with Andy Warhol pre- into concentration and labor the Christian Identity Move- dicted for every hu- camps. Thus, the last resources ment. man being. My on which the citizens can count A third thread is a hate and ex- words or my image are organized bands of armed cit- tremist group called Posse Comi- have been spread izens who will be at the barri- tatus, which means "Power to the across the world cades to prevent these tragic Country." For them, the only le- (although I can't occurrences. To this can be added gitimate official in the United guarantee that they were seen or an almost infinite variety of in- States is the county sheriff (who heard or read). tellectual and rhetorical "wrin- if he betrays you should be sub- Indeed, for the past couple of kles" attesting to the venality of ject to revolver justice). All oth- weeks I, like my ADL colleagues the government and government ers, especially the federal officials, across the country, have handled officials. are illegitimate. When you hear literally 100 media inquiries a Depending on how one ana- about people refusing to buy li- day as the media quite properly lyzes the groups, there are either cense plates, pay taxes, get a dri- picked apart every scintilla of three or four separate currents ver's license, etc., the probability minutia which might have a which — after the acceptance of is they are or are influenced by bearing on the terrible and trag- the basic philosophy above — dis- Posse Comitatus and its rhetoric. ic terrorist bombing in Oklahoma tinguish the militias. Posse also liberally sprinkles its City. The first is the John Birch So- messages with exposing Jews, While John Doe 1 or 2 or 3 or ciety, whose organization and blacks and other minorities as 4 or 5 may have been the indi- philosophy occupy one group. In- "the problem." vidual focus, the institutional vil- deed, Norman Olsen, recently re- A fourth component is what is lain in all of this was "the called "unorganized militia." Militia." And so it might be One of Mark Koernke's oper- timely to discuss the fact that ations is called Michigan Mili- there isn't a militia, but sev- tia At Large. That's the eral. Indeed, there are four purpose of his messages "shot- separate threads which run gunned" across the country via throughout the militia move- short-wave radio and the In- ment. To be sure, one thread ternet. Mr. Koernke's militia runs through all of them: that and his broadcasts to an the government is engaged in unidentifiable audience reflect a huge conspiracy against the a "leaderless cell," one that citizenry. isn't formally organized and This conspiracy has been doesn't hold meetings. Such going on for years, and the groups cannot be infiltrated tragic event at the Branch and no single group could be Davidian compound in Waco held responsible nor their lead- two years ago was the first or- ers charged with crimes. ganized strike of the govern- Militias, essentially cyclical ment against the citizenry. in nature, have been around This was followed up by the for quite a while; what we are killing of the wife and child of seeing is only their most recent a white separatist (who, it just re-incarnations. But conspir- happens, was resisting arrest acy theories have been around by the FBI executing felony for centuries, although the warrants against him) — a paranoid relationships to gov- thinly veiled excuse to justify ernment are almost exclu- government murder. sively an American This was followed up by the phenomenon. equally thin-veiled excuse to There will always be those disarm American citizens by who see themselves beset by passage of the anti-crime bill secret and evil forces and who which outlawed certain weapons signed head of the Michigan must organize to save the rest of and made purchase of others Militia, is a member of the John slightly more inconvenient. (It Birch Society and attends its the world which is too ignorant doesn't matter that the anti- meetings. The John Birch Soci- or too uncaring to know what is crime bill did almost nothing to ety message is not a hate mes- "really going on." There will always be their disarm citizens, including the fact sage (unless one counts hating handmaidens, the Mark Ko- that it did not make it illegal to the federal government). purchase automatic weapons, The second thread is a hate ernkes of the world, who make only those manufactured after message. A hate group called the their livings assuring their fold a certain date, and even today Christian Identity Movement that it's "us or them." It will always be so until the there is a very brisk business of best illustrates it. (In Montana collective voice of the American buying and selling automatic and and elsewhere, the Christian semi-automatic weapons and Identity message is delivered people rises up in outrage and in- their bullet magazines.) through Aryan Nations.) Iden- dignation; until America rejects Further, the argument goes, tity believes that people of color, passivity and inaction, supports the government is engineering a whom they call the "Mud People" democratic organizations, votes fiscal crisis (to occur in 1996) to who have come to earth through and otherwise behaves in ways create national chaos which will the netherworlds below, are agi- which underscore, not under- serve as the excuse to occupy our tated by the satanic Jews who mine, democracy; commits itself towns and cities with foreign manipulate them to cause all our to solutions, not blame; and dri- troubles. Identity advocates arm- ves these paranoid voices of doom Richard Lobenthal is the director ing oneself, being prepared to either back into the fold or back of the Anti-Defamation League barricade oneself and ultimately under the rocks from which they in Michigan. doing violence against "the ene- crawled. Editor's Notebook Remembering The Machers PHIL JACOBS EDITOR Looking through some of the back issues of The Jewish News is akin to reading a history book. Not only does one read about the 11 Holocaust as it AL-4A was happening and World War II as it was hap- pening, there was also extensive coverage of the establishment of the State of Israel. If anything, these old pages show a strong and loyal dedica- tion of Detroit's Jewish commu- nity to Israel. The front page headline on the May 21, 1948, Jewish News read, 'We Acclaim the Reborn State of Israel and the First Provisional President of Israel, Dr. Chaim Weizmann." On the very next page was an Maple-Drake Jewish Commu- nity Center. The event, which will be pre- viewed in our May 19 edition, will include a 3.5-mile walk of solidarity, picnic foods and plen- ty of entertainment though the evening. For the Hermelins, the event answers important questions covering the current state of Di- aspora-Israel relations. In 1948, 22,000 jammed Central High, and as recently as 1991, 3,500 Detroiters packed Shaarey Zedek to show support for Israel during the Persian Gulf War. The question the Hermelins pondered was the need for the dramatic, the urgent, to get and keep Jews interested in what was going on in Israel. The oth- er issue brought up was the very need for an event here in Detroit Walking for Israel. Everyone is a "macher." article of how 22,000 Detroiters assembled at Central High School for this city's first-ever Israel In- dependence Day celebration. The place was so overcrowded that thousands were turned away. David Hermelin was at that rally as a youth. He said he re- members watching the "mach- ers" as they led the day's excitement. Now, Mr. Hermelin and his wife, Doreen, are the "machers." They are the general chairmen for the May 21 Israel Fest, marking the 47th anniversary of the State of Israel at the to celebrate a connection with Israel. Many in our community are bored with the traditional walk, and surveys have shown that younger American Jews have less of a "sense of owner- ship" when it comes to the State of Israel. "As the Jewish community starts to move into a new sort of relationship with Israel, some of the events that we are spon- soring carry with them more symbolism and point more to- ward terms oflinkage," said Mr. Hermelin. "There's a different REMEMBERING page 12