disorders. Chronic malnutrition retards growth and is the easiest disorder to prevent. Emotional deprivation or abuse can sow growth. Normal growth usually resumes when the child's envi- ronment changes. • Disease. Children with res- piratory, liver, kidney or con- genital heart disease, cystic fibrosis or diabetes may be prone to growth retardation. • Intrauterine factors. For rea- sons that often are unknown, some babies fail to grow in the womb. Such an infant will be small at birth, most likely weigh- ing fewer than 5 pounds. The child usally never catches up in size. Sometimes drugs taken by a mother during pregnancy af- fect the size of her baby. • Chromosomal factors. Turn- er's syndrome is a frequent cause of growth failure in girls. These girls are very short, sel- dom reaching 5 feet tall, and they fail to develop sexually. This is a result of a misshapen or missing X chromosome in body cells. • Drugs. Ingestion of some medications, like steroids, can af- fect growth. Treatment depends on the disorder. Some, such as thyroid and pituitary abnormalities, can be treated with growth hor- mones. Should growth hormones be given to normally developing, short-stature children, simply to boost adult height? Statistics take into account children's sporadic eating patterns. Dr. Khardori says it is un- known whether synthetic hor- mones truly increase adult height, or simply speed growth until the predestined adult height is reached. "We don't know what the ef- fects of growth hormone are on normal people. It may actually be detrimental. In absence of an answer, we don't recommend therapy to someone who doesn't need it." Not surprisingly, children grow most rapidly during their first year, when they add 9 to 11 inches. From 12 to 24 months, they grow 4 to 5 inches. Another 3 to 4 inches are added from 24 to 36 months. From 36 months to puberty, children spurt from 2 to 2.5 inches each year. A major growth spurt occurs during puberty, an event that of- ten requires incredulous parents of suddenly full-sized youngsters to purchase new wardrobes of longer-legged jeans and bigger shoes. SIZE page 78 This Mother's Day consider a gift for the heart. To help you celebrate a healthy Mother's Day, the Sinai Family Medical Center in Oak Park is offering a free cholesterol and blood pressure screening from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., on May 12, 1995. No appointments are necessary. Our Family Practitioners are dedicated to keeping you and your family healthy. From birth through adolescence, adult- hood and geriatric care, a Family Practitioner can provide most of your family's medical care. Please join us on May 12 as we celebrate Mother's Day! Meet the doctor, clinical nurse practitioner and our friendly staff. We look forward to seeing you. OfEtliMftfahititk SINAI FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER Parkwoods Plaza 13361 West Ten Mile Road (on the southeast corner of Ten Mile/I-696 service drive and Coolidge Road) Oak Park (810) 547-0700 Light refreshments will be available. inai 0) 0) 77