Community Views Editor's Notebook This Independence Day Brings New Perceptions I've Seen The Hysteria: It's A Major Warning RABBI DANIEL POLISH SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS PHIL JACOBS ED TOR Yom Ha'atzma'ut has been included, by the Reform movement, in the calendar of holi- days. Quarrel as the other strains of Jewish life might with Reform Ju- daism, we will, I am sure, in time come to recognize that this day celebrates a miracle and deserves to be celebrated no less atten- tively than Pesach or Chanukah. This day, which we are ob- serving beginning this evening, is a kind of national rejoicing. We as a people have, in the words of Emil Fackenheim, "re-entered history" with the re-establish- ment ofJewish sovereignty in our time. This particular Yom Ha'atz- ma'ut finds us in a more radical- ly new place than ever before in Israel's 47 years. The Israel I fell in love with when I visited it for the first time in 1958 felt small. Its borders were surrounded by vehement enemies. The state of siege was palpable. Its economy was small and constricted. As an adolescent I did not, of course, think in those more abstract terms. What I was aware of was the scarcity of food, the lack of amenities and the seeming primitiveness of ma- terial life. But this economic limitation was more than com- pensated for by the pioneering spirit which domi- nated the society I was visiting. People radiated a sense of sharing a great adventure, being a part of a noble cause that en- riched them spiritually for being a part of it. The Israel of those times seemed light years re- moved from the life I knew in the United States. This "little Israel" was the Is- rael that compelled the admira- tion and affection of Jews around the world for two generations now. We have felt called to rally to the assistance of our brothers and sisters in jeopardy. We have felt somehow ennobled by di- recting our efforts to showering our solicitude and support on the Israel in need. But time has overtaken this vi- sion. The Israel that is celebrat- ing this day of independence is in the process of establishing polit- ical and economic ties with the nations on its borders. The state of siege seems, in the main, lift- Daniel Polish is senior rabbi at Temple Beth El. ed (of course, the threat of ter- rorism continues as real there as it does, tragically, in the United States). Materially, Israel is re- garded as having one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Its standard of living far sur- passes those of its neighbors and many other nations in the in- dustrial world. The pioneering spirit has, sadly I believe, been replaced by a sense of individu- alistic aspiration and well-being. People are preoccupied with cre- ating good lives for themselves. Israelis tend to think in the same individualistic terms that Americans do, rather than in the collectivist terms that character- ized the generations of our fa- thers. Israel today is not that different from the United States. There are parts of Israel already where one could be confused about exactly where he is. Many today are asking diffi- cult questions about these changed realities. Can the Israel of today compel the same affec- tion and concern from American Jews that it did in the past? Will we still worry about Israel today and feel attached to it in the same way that we did yesterday? These questions seem to rest on the notion that assistance and concern are a river that flows in one direction. The fact is that things have changed so radical- ly that we need to develop a new paradigm for our relationship with Israel. There is no way of perpetuat- ing the intensity of yesterday's relationship or even its form. The compelling reality of this Yom Ha'atzma'ut is that we find our- selves in the middle of reviewing how the Jewish community of Is- rael and the Diaspora are to re- late to one another. It is increasingly clear that help, con- cern and solicitude will be flow- ing in two directions in the years to come. For while Israel in the past has been the beneficiary of American material assistance, Israelis are feeling increasingly a sense of their own responsibility for our well-being. Intimations of this striking change can be heard in the various statements made by leading figures in Israel which re- ject the idea that Israel contin- ues to need American material help. No less significant are the statements made by people like Prime Minister Rabin and For- eign Minister Peres that talk about Israel's need to reach out to the Diaspora. Israelis on all levels talk with concern about what is happening in American Jewish life. They see as alarming the increase of intermarriage and other indications of assimilation, the decline in Jewish education and knowledge among American youth and the general erosion of the institutions of American Jew- ish life. Remarkably, the Israelis are seeing the deterioration of our community as a source of chal- lenge to themselves. Israelis are recognizing the need for the Jew- ish state to become the spiritual center of the life ofJewish people around the world. Many Israelis speak about their responsi- bility to help us re- build our institutions, develop programs of education that are more compelling for our children and are successful in fulfilling their mission, and work with us on strategies to assure the survival ofJewish life here. What a remarkable transformation'in 47 years! Not just the transformation in political and economic realities, but the trans- formation in self-perception and understanding. Israel has gone, in its own eyes, from being a so- ciety in need to being a society that gives aid to Jewish commu- nities in need. It will be a harder challenge for us in America to see our roles differently than we have in the past. But if we can allow our- selves to let go of our sense of our- selves as "lady bountiful" and come to understand ourselves as involved in a more complicated, reciprocal relationship, then we and the Jewish community of Is- rael can grow out of the ties that characterized us in the past and into a new level of mutuality that can benefit both our societies. A Yom Ha'atzma'ut very dif- ferent from those in the past? Ab- solutely. But this is not reason to mourn. We greet it with the sense that we are at the dawn of a new and, we pray, exciting, produc- tive time in the life of the State of Israel and other Jewish people wherever they live. E Maybe I shouldn't How callous, how cold, we write this note- scolded. book this week. The popular "Seinfeld" show Maybe my ex- made light of it all when Jerry pectations are missed the entire movie while too high. making out with his girlfriend. I don't know. Now comes the story of a What would movie shown before Jewish stu- you say? What dents in a synagogue sanctuary. would you do? It happened in our neighbor- Here's the scene. You have hood. It probably isn't exclusive your hands on a movie that to one synagogue, however. It deals with Anne Frank and the happens more than we want to secret annex and the Holocaust. admit. Let's say you give it to your sev- Where it occurred is far from enth-grade child to take to important. But should Jewish school for his class to learn. You children be above misbehaving find out when the class is held, in religious school, especially then you slip into the back of the when it comes to an issue like auditorium to watch the movie. the Holocaust? Or is it too much But instead of focusing on the to expect? movie, you are taken by the Please, most of the students "theater" you see in the class. in the class were behaving beau- Here's what you witness. tifully. They were distracted by While people in the film are be- the ones who weren't. ing interviewed about their role Do we punish the Jewish stu- saving Jews during the Holo- dent who makes light of the caust, a class member starts Holocaust? What is that pun- whispering to another. Laugh- ishment? Do we tell his parents? ter breaks out. Or do we help sensitize him, Nervous laughter is to be ex- maybe with the aid of his fam- pected when anyone, a child or ily. an adult, is reminded of the Howard Gelberd, executive Holocaust. After all, to defend director of the Agency for Jew- against the hurt some of us need ish Education, places 20 percent something. of the blame on the children But the scene in the audito- themselves. The other 80 per- rium did not end with "nervous" cent he sees as the fault of the laughter. Instead, more disci- system. pline problems among the stu- "Many kids today don't see dents arose. An elbow in the what's happening in a Holo- ribs, taps on the shoulder, more caust movie as their story," Mr. giggles. There were issues of Gelberd said. "They don't iden- students being taken out of the tify with the people as them- class and separated from the selves. The link is gone. That rest. A young girl on the televi- should be an alarm for all of us. sion screen told her story of hid- It's the ultimate slap in the face. ing. She was around their age. I blame the kids less than the Is it too much to ask young community, because if there teens to sit around and watch a was more of a value system and movie about the Holocaust and respect for Jewish life taught by expect them to show respect for our families and our schools, the topic? Maybe the expecta- this apathy wouldn't happen. tion level is too high for us and "You can't bring kids in a for these kids. Maybe there's too room and say you must em- much pressure to offer respect. pathize with this right now, this As one of the students said, minute," Mr. Gelberd continued. "We've pretty much had the "It has to be a result of their ex- Holocaust drummed in our perience to bring them to this heads all of our lives." Are they, point in their lives. We as edu- therefore, tired of the Holocaust? cators and parents need to deal I don't know. Maybe I would better with these issues both in have acted the same way if I and out of class. What do you was their age. want from these kids? "Many of If any one of us had learned them are already turned away, that a group of Christian stu- because there weren't good Jew- dents were misbehaving during ish role models who made them a Holocaust film, we likely part of the Jewish story. And we would have been upset enough expect them to choose a Jewish to make all sorts of assump- spouse, join a synagogue and tions. They don't have "owner- give money to Federation? Why ship" in this, we'd say. "It comes are these kids more excited from their homes," we might about the Pistons or going to the say. mall? Because we need to do a A high school in Oakland, better job delivering for them." Calif., made national news Still, Jewish students misbe- when its students, largely black, having during a Holocaust film? laughed and talked their way There's just so much to be through Schindler's List. HYSTERIA page 12