Starting New Americans adapt Oil er to a different lifestyle. JENNIFER FINER STAFF WRITER FIOTOS B Y GLENN TRIE Before the Goldshteyn family purchased a car, they did a lot of walking along Greenfield. At first, they couldn't un- derstand why Elizabeth O'Neill, a day care specialist and close friend of their rela- tive, was so eager to help them. Ms. O'Neill took them shop- ping, sent a card on Valen- tine's Day and bought various items without taking money. When immigrants come to the United States, they need an anchor (in most cases a rel- ative already living here) to contribute money for each new arrival — $1,000 for those un- der the age of 65 and $50 for those 65 and older. The anchor signs a contract with Reset- tlement Service agreeing to help the newcomers find a job, locate an apartment and pur- chase groceries and other household items. With the help of Resettle- ment Service, the anchor finds their relatives an apartment, often in Northgate or Lincoln Towers, and prepares for their arrival. The Goldshteyns live in Northgate. Their two-bedroom apartment contains mostly do- nated furniture acquired through Resettlement. Three brown couches line the walls of their main sitting room. A televi- sion sits on a piece of furniture and a bookshelf is pushed against the same wall. One ofYelena's art pro- jects decorates the room. A caseworker from Resettlement Service works closely with the fam- ily and provides them with a four- month budget. The Goldshteyns are approaching the end of their four months and if they do not find jobs, they will have to apply for Aid to Families with Dependant Children. The 16-week budget comes from the anchor's contribution and a $300-per-person stipend from the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit. Within the first few days of ar- rival, any new American 16 or old- hey watch the Discovery Channel, shteyn, meant earning $20 a experience a strong culture shock because everything is so different," marvel at how friendly strangers month. "The main reason we came here said Lenna Israetel, a Resettlement can be and, for the first time, they don't have to share a one bedroom was for our children," Ms. Frayman Service counselor. "For those who apartment with five other family said. "It was hard to be Jewish and come over and do not speak Eng- we didn't want our children to grow lish, it's an even greater shock. They members. don't know how to do simple things In the former Soviet Union, this up under such poor conditions." The family brought only a few like entering a store through the family never experienced any of these comforts. But now they live possessions. Holding on to some right door. It probably takes a few in the United States, and things are clothing and several books, they weeks to several months to get sit- sold most of what they owned to uated. Within the first year a fam- different. ily is acclimated and almost all Until this year, the family, like help fund the move. Besides, the more they kept, the employable new Americans are so many other Russian Jews, wait- ed for refugee status. In their case, more they would have to carry dur- working." The Goldshteyns' transition was it took five years for the paperwork ing their three-day journey to Oak made easier because of the help of Park. to be completed. Throughout most of the trip, Dr. family members and Resettlement Three months ago, Aleksandr Goldshteyn, his wife Irina Fray- Goldshteyn had to carry his ailing Service, who provide financial as- man, their children and her par- father-in-law, Grigory Frayman. sistance and moral support to new ents said goodbye to the former Access to a wheelchair was not a arrivals. The help and friendship Soviet Union, a place where being possibility. The rest of the family of an American woman made a world of difference for the Gold- Jewish had to be kept a secret and carried the possessions. STARTING OVER page 100 "When people come over, they shteyns. being a neurologist, like Dr. Gold-