HILLEL DAY SCHOOL presents .. DAN RAVIV A national radio field correspondent and best-selling author. His "Every Spy a Prince: The Complete History of Israel's Intelligence Communfty" was on the New York Times list for four months. Dan's fourth and most. recent book "Friends in Deed: Inside the U.S.-Israel Alliance" finally explains why America and the Jewish State have been brought together by history, politics, religion, sentiment, and strategy. Presently Dan's voice can be heard reporting from the outside of the 0. j. Simpson's trial in Los Angeles. Join us for Dessert and Conversation with Dan Raviv CBS News Correspondent and Best Selling Author at the home of Jane and Larry Sherman Franklin Thursday, April 27, 1995 7:30 p.m. Minimum couvert $500 and includes two complimentary tickets to 1-lillel Day School's Annual Dinner being held on May 30, 995.