L. 4.4 0111111121§1111014 v Passover Preparations, 5755 Many of us are getting ready to celebrate the most observed of Jewish holidays. The photos and illustrations of the family gath- ered around the neatly ordered seder table are famous. Father or grandfather leads the service. The youngest child asks the Four Questions. What we don't see in their "happy" faces are the weeks since Purim of cleaning. The stress of making sure that each forsaken crumb is vac- uumed, dusted and removed from drawers, clos- ets, pantries and even automobiles. By now, many of us have endured the stress that hits our pocketbooks this time of year that comes with the purchase of hundreds of dollars of kosher for Passover products. Like the clean- ing, the shopping brings its own special stress. Yes, having a house that is as free of chametz as possible is important. Of course, certain prod- ucts must be purchased. But there is so much more that also must be given priority. For us to be worthy, for us to enjoy and to ap- preciate the freedom of our heritage, there's oth- er "chametz" that must be cleaned out. Some of us have "cleaned" so much, we've missed the point of the holiday. There are still crumbs, crumbs of cruelty, whether through mean-spir- ited gossip or actual physical abuse of our chil- dren, our spouses or our parents. Let's work on cleaning this out of our lives. There's the expense we pay for not observ- ing the practices of Judaism beyond the High Holidays and the seder. Studies have shown that the seder is our most celebrated Jewish family event, even more so than Rosh Hashanah. Many of us can remember "Ma nishtanah," but we don't know how to light Sabbath candles. It's more im- portant for our youngest to see their parents bring the light, the warmth of those candles into their lives, their homes than to receive an afikomen prize. Let's open the door for Elijah next week. And let's keep that door figuratively open.all of the year. Clean out your closets. But dust off your souls and your ways of living as Jews as well. It's the best answer to any question your chil- dren might ask. Why is this night different from any other night? Try asking another question each morning: "How can I make this day better for myself, my family and my world?" We won't need a Hag- gadah to find that question, or the answers. We'll find them hopefully where God left them. Inside of ourselves. No Wall High Enough If there's one thing Jews know about, it's the idea of walls. For centuries, walls quarantined Jews from their gentile neighbors, and some of these walls made it that much easier to maim and kill the Jews they contained. Our experience with such structures gave new meaning to the Italian word, "ghetto." — literally foundry, named for the building near the first Jewish ghetto in Venice in 1516. Since then, memories of walls have been seared into our collective Jewish con- sciousness. So it is disturbing to us that Israel has re- sponded to its fully justifiable concern about ris- ing terrorism with plans for a great wall to separate Israelis from Palestinians. On a practical level, it would be prohibitive- ly expensive to build and maintain a wall ex- tending more than 200 miles and to deploy the troops and police forces and high-tech equipment necessary to make the barrier even halfway ef- fective. On the West Bank, the fence-builders would have the seemingly impossible task of creating a jigsaw puzzle of a barricade, keeping the Jew- ish settlements in and the Palestinians out. Traditionally, the only way to guarantee im- penetrable borders is to apply massive deadly force, a specialty of nations like the former East Germany. Israel, the Middle East's only democ- racy, lacks the utter disregard for human life that it takes to make walls relatively impene- trable. A wall excluding Palestinians would be a crip- pling blow to the battered economy of the new Palestinian self-rule areas and a wonderful new opportunity for the Islamic fanatics who have successfully exploited the economic misery of the Palestinian people. A wall, too, would create a de facto Palestin- ian state, something most Israelis continue to oppose, and it would make it that much hard- er for Israeli officials to have a hand in shap- ing a democratic Palestinian entity that acts aggressively to combat terrorism. And then there is the awful imagery of walls erected to separate people. Even if such a con- struction offered a modest improvement in se- curity, which is debatable, the negative symbolism of a Jewish state creating a self-im- posed ghetto would be devastating to Israel's ef- forts to undo decades of diplomatic isolation. We agree that providing enhanced security for Israel's citizens should be a top priority for the government in Jerusalem. We understand the agony of a country that has seen too many of its own citizens blown to pieces in bombings perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists who have found it relatively easy to spread their special brand of chaos. But in the end, the only real security will come with a comprehensive set of treaties between Is- rael and all her neighbors and a carefully erect- ed network of economic and personal relationships that will turn the fancy diplomat- ic words into reality. Letters Only The Best For The Children Our Detroit Jewish community has been following with great in- terest the deliberations of the board of directors of Hillel Day School following the announce- ment of Mr. Jay M. Kogan's in- tent to invest in Jewish education via Hillel Day School with a $5 million_gift. Acceptance of the gift, which is the largest individual gift ever offered in the history of the De- troit Jewish community, would mean that the school would move from its present campus to land owned by the United Jewish Foundation — the Jewish Fed- eration of Metropolitan Detroit. The new school campus would be on a site that is presently shared with the Hechtman Apartments, the Holocaust Memorial Center, the Fleischman Residence and the Jewish Community Center. Because of the move as con- templated by the potential gift and the widespread implications of a decision either way, the ex- ecutive committee of the board convened a task force to study these implications and report back to the board their delibera- tions and fact findings pertain- ing to the potential relocation. The findings were brought to the board in written and oral re- ports at our March 7, 1995 meet- ing. The board has been meeting weekly and now is in the process of reviewing, questioning and seeking further clarification where necessary, all toward the end of reaching a consensus. The Board is in agreement that we want only the best for our children both now and in the fu- ture. We want the best teachers, with the proper environment for them to teach. We agree that re- gardless of location, teachers and textbooks make the success of a school. We also agree that the Hillel mission statement must not change, nor shall our affiliation with the Solomon-Schecter Day School movement change. It will be difficult to decide what is best for the majority of all concerned. The final decision will carry with it thorough study, including a sensitivity toward the emotions of the move, that edu- cationally we will gain, and that we can afford it. No one will per- mit the fiscal integrity of the school to be jeopardized. It has become a community issue. We, as part of the community and a board, have an obligation to par- ticipate in the future of day- school education. Whether we accept the gift and move or not, Mr. Kogan's generosity has put the impor- tance and need for Jewish edu- cation for now and the future in the minds and on the lips of our Jewish community and has raised the consciousness of the community to local needs. Robert I. Schostak President Hillel Day School Reader Remembers The Children's Home I did not share the same experi- ence that was expressed in your article about the Jewish Chil- dren's Home. I grew up in the home beginning at age 5 because my parents died. Living at the home gave me security, struc- ture, a safe environment to eat, sleep and play. Mother (Fannie) Lasser, Dr. and Mrs. Hersh, Al- ice (our main cook), Mr. New- mark, Mr. Perkel and Rabbi Luke took care of us and treated us like their own children. I felt like I had more brothers and sisters than I could ever want, and had opportunities that other kids may not have had liv- ing in such poor times. We went to the movies once a week, saw cartoons every Friday night, went to Belle Isle and the circus. For me the loneliness came when I had to leave the home at age 17. I lived in several foster homes before I enlisted in the Army. The families were always nice, but I felt like an outsider, like I didn't belong or fit in. It was a very empty feeling. I am not ashamed or embar- rassed about growing up in the home. If you were in the home from the years 1926 to 1938, please call (810)539-3126. We have re- unions and would love for you to attend. Sol Smith West Bloomfield