ANd ThEN THERE WAS SpRiNg, SilvER, PEARLS ANd . . • ThE Men Of Valor A French filmmaker takes on yet another challenging subject. 'nor JUSTUS WEINER SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS ShOWINg THE JEWELIty OF M&J SAvi -rr, NYC SPRING TRuNk Show MARch 24, 25, 26 203 E. Maple Birmingham, MI 48009 (810) 647-4007 STUDIO 330 • Fine china, fine crystal and interesting gifts • 20% off most of your favorite brands • Computerized bridal registry • Free gift wrapping Mon.-Sat. 10-6 ; Thurs. 'tit 8 Bloomfield Plaza • 6566 Telegraph Road at Maple • Bloomfield Hills 851-5533 THE MCDONNELL HOVSE Ef3EBEB WEBEBREBEB ANTIQVES • 13 / vir • Sell CSt 12 WC ROAb (just cAst of EvcrctccA ($10) 559-9120 196, 60 o one could accuse French filmmaker Claude Lanz- mann of too briefly cover- ing his subjects. His 1983 Shoah was an eight- hour epic about the Holocaust. Among its unforgettable scenes: a conductor leading a train to the gates of Auschwitz, and a Polish Jew, who had since immigrated, returning home to see his old neighbors and friends still talk- ing about the "fat Jewish women" and "rich Jews," all murdered by the Nazis. Of course, they stressed, they weren't anti-Semitic. Now Mr. Lanzmann continues his trilogy on the Jewish people, which began in 1973 with Porquoi Israel? ("Why Israel?") and was followed by Shoah. His latest effort is a five-hour-long documentary called Tsahal. In Tsahal, an acronym for the Defense Forces of Israel, Mr. Lanzmann has created a drama about Israeli soldiers during times of peace and war, chroni- cling a defense force that in the space of 45 years has fought five wars for Israel's existence. Currently being shown in Is- rael and France, the film's screen- ing at the Festival of Jewish Cinema in Sydney prompted the leading Australian monthly, the Independent, to nominate Tsahal for best film of the year (1994). In Tsahal, Mr. Lanzmann re- lies on extended close-ups on N ARTFUL OBJECTS World Zionist Press Service faces, accompanied by the spoken Lanzmann interviews — this de- testimony of soldiers and war vet- spite the fact they have no per- erans, to tell the story of the Is- sonal memory of the Nazi destruction of European Jewry. raeli army. Tsahal is neither a pro- nor His questions are casual, often resulting in reawakening long- anti-Israel film, yet it succeeds in buried memories in the veterans. conveying the motivation behind They speak of the fear of battle, Zionism in a way that is exceed- of being wounded, of losing ingly believable and difficult to friends, and of the guilty burden dismiss as propaganda. It fea- tures a wide variety of having survived of soldiers, and for- when so many com- mer soldiers, who rades died. It is a film contribute to the mo- intended to leave the saic of the documen- viewer wondering, tary's frequently "How would I have be- repeated refrain: the haved in the same sit- State of Israel would uation?" not have survived As with Shoah, Tsa- without the Israel hal is a documentary, Defense Forces that but not in the familiar today form the nar- sense. There is no stock row line of defense or newsreel footage. protecting Israel and The closest Mr. Lanz- its people from an- mann comes to that Ab ove: other holocaust. tact, routinely used by Claude Lanzmann: In Tsahal, Mr. so many filmmakers, is Close-ups and haunting Lanzmann also al- an audio tape of the me mories. lows the critics of Is- maelstrom in an Israeli Be low: raeli politics to have bunker on the Suez Soldiers i n the Israeli their say. While their Canal during the 1973 paratroop c orps during a harsh characteriza- Yom Kippur War. But grueling, fi ve-day march even this tape is used that signals the end of the tion of Israeli policies, as a cue to activate the first stage of their basic vis-a-vis the Pales- tinians during the in- memory of the soldier tra ining. tifada, has been who originally made rendered largely moot by the ad- the recording. A recurrent theme throughout vent of Palestinian autonomy, the film is the link between the many of the issues they raise con- Holocaust and the willingness of tinue to reverberate throughout Israelis to serve in the armed Israel. Widely divergent views are ex- forces. This even proves true for many of the youngest soldiers Mr. pressed in Tsahal, and Mr. Lanz- ,