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March 17, 1995 - Image 41

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1995-03-17

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is pleased to present

Yacht Club
Elects Officers

At the annual meeting of Great
Lakes Yacht Club, the follow-
ing slate was elected to serve as
flag officers for the coming
1994-1995 season: commodore,
Phil Oppenheim; vice com-
modore, Rod Faudem; rear corn-
modore, Rudi Straus; secretary,
Patti Kommel; and treasurer,
Martin Smith. There will be a
Commodore's Ball on Saturday,
April 22, in honor of Com-
modore Oppenheim.
Great Lakes Yacht Club in a
family-oriented boat club located
in St. Clair Shores. For informa-
tion, contact Pat Kommel, (810)

U-M Hillel
Events Calendar

American Movement for Israel
will have its meeting on Tuesday,
March 21, at 7 p.m. at the Michi-
gan Theatre. There is a charge
Come to the Shulchan Ivrit
(Hebrew table) on Thursday,
March 23, at 5 p.m. at Cava Java.
The Grads and Young Profes-
sionals Veggie Shabbat Potluck
and Children of Survivors Pro-
gram will be Friday, March 24,
at 8 p.m. in the Hillel Lounge.
Ahava: the Jewish, Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Questioning
Collective will show Europe, Eu-
ropa on Sunday, March 26, at 3
p.m. at Hillel.
Israeli Dancing is offered on
Sunday, March 26, from 8 - 10
p.m. at

Metro Hillel
Calendar Set

HMD's Purim Casino Night will
be Saturday, March 25, from 9:30
p.m. to midnight at Young Israel
of Oak-Woods. For cost informa-
tion, call the HM1). hotline, (313)
HMD basketball will be
played Wednesday, March 22,
from 9 - 11 p.m. at the Lawrence
Technological University Field
The Michigan/Israel Connec-
tion will have an information
table at Wayne State University
on Monday, March 20, from 11:30
- 1:30 in the Student Center
Building on the 1st floor.
Oakland University Jewish
Students' Organization/Hillel stu-
dent/faculty lunch will be Tues-
day, March 21, at noon. For
information, contact the JSO/Hil-
lel, (810) 370-4257.
The deadline for Tri-Trippin'
in Israel is Friday, March 31.
Contact Miriam Starkman for in-


Senior Events
At The JPM

The Jimmy Prentis Morris Jew-
ish Community Center will show
a Yiddish video with English sub-
titles on Monday, March 20, at
12:45 p.m. The Big Winner stars
Zypora Spaisman and David Ro-
gow. It is a Shalom Aleichem sto-
ry and a musical comedy. There
is no charge.
As part of the Festival of
Learning, Irving Berg will show
slides and discuss biblical art on
Tuesday, March 21, at 1 p.m.
There is no charge.
On Wednesday, March 22, at
12:30 p.m. the Low Vision Group
will sponsor a game day. Large
print board games will be used,
including bingo, Scrabble. Call
Leanie Gunsberg, 661-7687, for
details. There is no charge.
The Charles & Frances Drik-
er Fund Concert will take place
on Thursday, March 23, at 1 p.m.
presented by Adel Kozadayev
and Galina Feldman.There is no
Sonny Lipenholtz will lead a
folk dance class on Wednesday
mornings from10-11 a.m. Israeli
and international folk dances on
all levels are taught. No past ex-
perience is necessary. There is a
fee for this event.
Evening Drop-in bridge takes
place every first, third and fifth
Thursday of the month at 7 p.m.
Individuals at all skill levels are
invited to participate. Supplies
are provided and light refresh-
ments are served. There is a fee.
Writer's Corner meets on the
third Friday of every month. This
group is facilitated by Wayne
State University Professor Nor-
ma Goldman and is geared to-
ward those individuals who are
interested in creative writing.
There is no charge.



author of

Strong Mothers, Strong Sons:
Raising the Next Generation of Men


Don't Stop Loving Me:
a Reassuring Guide for Mothers of Adolescent Daughters

7:30 P.M.

Temple Beth El
7400 Telegraph Road
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301

Meet the author at a Dessert Reception following the Program
Books available for purchase

S10 Advance Reservation


The effort by the Labor Government of Israel to bring an end to the
100 years war between Israel, the Arabs generally, and the Palestinians,
specifically, is long overdue. Yet important segments of the American Jewish
community are bitterly opposed, and continue to oppose, intransigently,
compromise that would deny their dreams of a "Greater Israel."

Which side are you on? The Labor Government needs, among other things,
the support of American Jews to maintain the peace initiative.

You can join us on our side of the line to end belligerency by joining the
only American organization affiliated with Labor Israel. Join the Labor
Zionist Alliance. To facilitate this, we will reduce our 1995 dues to $36.00
for new members. The Labor Government will know and appreciate your
stand at their side. Plus, you will get news of Labor Zionist Alliance
activities and programs nationally and . locally.

Send your check or request for more information to:

Event Set

Maple-Drake will offer a service
which connects older adults wish-
ing to fulfill a "grandparent" role
with children from toddlers to
teens who lack a local grandpar-
ent. Call Eileen Polk, (810) 661-
7648, to learn about this

Tikvah Holds
Cooking Demo

Tikvah Hadassah will present
Passover cooking demonstration
on Tuesday, April 4, at 11 a.m. at
the home of Judy Schram in West
Bloomfield. Amaryllis Catering
of Birmingham will demonstrate
how to prepare a delicious
Passover dessert.
For information, call Linda
Sherr, 851-7757.

$12 at the door

Call (810) 851-1100 for further information; Payable by Cash, Check or Visa/Mastercard

Labor Zionist Alliance
25900 Greenfield, Suite #205-A
Oak Park, MI 48237



[ ] Dues enclosed ($36.00)

[ ] Contribution to support Labor Zionist Alliance activities
[ ] $25 [ ] $50 [ ] $100 [ ] other:
[ ] Please send more information.




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The Jewish News
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