WOMAN MORMON SIS. TO OV Tzedakah Experience Up a Image JILL DAVIDSON SKLAR STAFF WRITER p ADASSAH TODAY, THAN ,W. WE'VE ALWAYS BEEN AT THE FOREFRO TEACHING AND YOUTH RESCUE IN ISME HADASSAH-HEBREW UNIVERSITY MEDICA ALWAYS BE THERE TO HELP. PLEASE W BROCHURE, "LEGACY FOR TOMORROW . HADASSAH. WHEN THERE'S A LING, RESEARCH, H YOUR BEQUEST, R IN JERUSALEM WILL AY FOR OUR FREE L 1-800-880-WILL. ERE'S A WAY. HADASSAH WILLS & BEQUESTS DEPARTMENT, 50 WEST 58TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10019 DON'T WAIT FOR YOUR FURNACE TO FAIL ON A COLD NIGHT OR WEEKEND... ACT NOW! Save up to ogs, the latest craze for said Sue Stettner, director of preadolescents, have found JEFF. Decorated with Stars of David their way into a Jewish ed- and Israeli symbols, the pogs are ucational event. The circular game discs that one of the activities. Sets of the elementary-aged children collect game pieces, complete with a and trade with each other will metal part called a slammer, will be given out at the be one of the featured changes Ben Teitel Israel --- at the revamped Tzedakah booth. Experience to be held at Temple "When you Beth El on March 5. think about Sponsored by the Women's Jewish edu- Division of the Jewish Federa- cation, you tion of Metropolitan have to see Detroit, Temple .,,, what turns Beth El, the these kids on," Ms. Agency for Jew- Stettner said. "And right now ish Education, that is pogs." the Jewish Ed- To accompany the hands- ucators Council, on activities, Shawn Jewish Experi- Locke, director of ences For Families school services at the and The Jewish News, Agency for Jewish the annual fair will fea- Education, designed ture many additions in- .........______) r a three-part curricu- cluding a three-part ' lum to be taught to all curriculum implement- ed through area afternoon _ „:,:,,,,'' of the fifth-graders in all of the participating temple schools, board games and a and synagogue schools. larger Penny Harvest. The curriculum prepares the "We tried to make it more contemporary and much more students for the event by teach- hands-on," said Ruth Beitner, ing about the meaning of co-chair of the Penny Harvest tzedakah and illustrating the im- for charity and associate chair- portance of being a part of the person of the Tzedakah Experi- Jewish community. "It frames through Jewish ence. "Let's face it. Kids keep chang- eyes the responsibility of ing. You have to keep up with tzedakah, that it is a mitzvah them and offer them something and not a chance opportunity," Ms. Locke said. they want," she said. The committee also looked to In that vein, a committee of representatives from sponsoring be more inclusive with its pro- agencies reevaluated last year's grams, reaching out to all fifth- fair and changed elements to grade students in the area. This make it more appealing to the year, day-school students will fifth-grade participants and their also be given canvas bags to col- lect change for the Penny Har- parents. Jewish Experiences For Fam- vest. The money will be split ilies pitched in its knowledge to among the participating class- help the 14 participating agen- es who will then decide to which cies have more interactive dis- agency they will donate it. "We wanted to show them that plays for the children. "By integrating more activi- everyone is responsible for the ties, we are able to make it community, not just a few," Ms. more of a learning experience," Beitner said. ❑ 40% on your heat bills with a High Energy Furnace Financing Available *Upon Credit Approval 6 Months Same As Cash 41110 NALER LEADERSHIP SERIES- 335-4555 FREE ESTIMATE ,t- critsootrow616°41 o polp oirrta,0 4,8106 18 : w/coupon. Expires 3/17/95 1 1 1 1 Publicity Deadlines The normal deadline for local news and publicity items is noon "MVP =I Were The Inside Guys. Thursday, eight days prior to issue date. The deadline for birth announcements is 10 a.m. Monday, four days prior to issue date; out-of-town obituaries, 10 a.m. Tuesday, three days prior to issue date. All material must be typewritten, double-spaced, on 8 1 /2x 11 paper and include the name and daytime telephone number of sender.