Warehouse Sale JANUARY & FEBRUARY ONLY Bruce® hardwood floors 12484 1 ,444 1CID (F QUA I IIY ,NI) VAllff Bruce PRE-FINISHED 25/4 x SOLID OAK 4 Colors Urethane Finish Nail Down Installation. $5 9 9 Sq. Ft. INSTALLED Why Ado And Spot Will Bark Thanks To Max Stern ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM ASSOCIATE EDITOR Q: Is Shylock, the Jewish charac- just a leader in ter in Shakespeare's The Merchant the dog-eat-dog of Venice, based on a real person? world of busi- A: No. There are numerous lit- ness. He also erary sources for Shylock, in- was active in cluding Christopher Marlowe's world Jewry. In The Famous Tragedy of the Rich 1954, Mr. Stern Jew of Malta (1589). endowed the Shakespeare probably was Stern College for most directly influenced by Women of Robert Wilson's Three Ladies of Yeshiva Univer- London, a 1584 morality play de- sity. He was a picting a Jew's attempt to recov- vice chairman of er his debt. Yeshiva Univer- Q: Is it true there was a famous sity, a founder and member of Jewish Australian outlaw? the board of gov- A: You bet, mate! Born in England in 1816, Ed- ernors of Yeshi- ward Davis was known as "Ted- va University, a dy the Jewboy." At 16, he was member of the convicted of stealing — less than board of direc- $2 cash — from a London shop- tors for the keeper. He was sentenced to sev- American Fund en years of deportation in for Israel Insti- Australia which was, at the time, tutions, and basically a penal colony. When chairman of the Workers in Nazi Germany organize for mass murder by Teddy tried to escape, another board of direc- processing census information like gender, residence and four years was added to his sen- tors for the religion. Only one group was targeted for certain death: the Union of Ortho- Jews. tence. . Seven years later Teddy man- dox Jewish Con- non-Aryans. Yet in the concen- aged to escape and organized a gregations of Am erica. tration camps, Gypsies general- band of ex-convicts on horseback. Q: Is it fair to compare the Nail per- He and his gang terrorized New secution of the Gypsies with the Nazi ly wore the black identification patches indicative of asocial, not South Wales (southeast Aus- genocide of the Jews? racial, criminals. tralia), raiding and robbing A: Under the Nazi reign of ter- In most cases, Gypsies who towns, settlements and travel- ror, about one-third of each peo- ers. In 1840, one of Teddy's gang ple, Gypsy and Jewish, was could prove they owned houses, were not nomadic and were gain- members killed a young shop- killed. fully employed were exempted keeper. The perpetrator and five Yet the motive and the method others, including Teddy, were of the Nazi persecution of the from deportation to concentra- caught, convicted of murder and Gypsies differed greatly from the tion camps. Some Gypsy tribes were declared by the Nazis to be sentenced to death. Teddy was Holocaust of the Jews. Aryan or German and were hung in Sydney in 1841. While the Nazis were ab- saved from extermina- Q: My Fido is the best tion. Gypsies married dog a guy could have. I al- to Germans, or with a ready have gifted him with father or son in the a Christian Dior sweater Nazi army, were for those cold winter days, spared from deporta- and a dog house complete tion. No such exemp- with carpeting and a TV tions existed for Jews. (he loves Phil Donahue). Thousands of Gyp- Recently, I decided to sies were killed by look more thoroughly into Nazis in "medical" ex- the whole dog snack thing periments, beatings, — which I'm sure you will shootings, gassings agree is one of the most and by starvation and critical issues facing our disease. Yet the ab- community today. Are they sence of a consistent really healthy? Is there a Nazi policy meant the great enough variety? How Nazis had no clear in- much is too much? I'd like tention of anti-Gypsy my important research to Doggone it ! A story straight from the Hartz. genocide. From the be- start with a Jewish con- ginning, the Nazis nection. Can Tell Me Why help out? solutely clear in their attitude to- were clear and consistent in their A: Take a bite out of this an- ward the Jews (whom they policy toward the Jews: total ex- swer, my canine-loving friend: regarded as a non-human, ma- termination. Born in 1898 in Fulda, Germany, lignant and malicious parasite Max Stern was the man who race that had to be exterminat- built up one of the largest pet food ed), they were ambiguous in their Send questions to "Tell Me Why" companies in the world — Hartz outlook on the Gypsies. . c/o The Jewish News, 27676 Mountain Products Corp. On the one hand, Nazis saw Franklin Rd., Southfield, MI But Mr. Stern was more than the Gypsies as racially inferior 48034 or send fax to 354-6069. 1 V•Inak Bruce® hardwood Mots • Ai00,0 •••5■4> ,A•t••■• FREE 3rd COAT OF FINISH With this ad UNFINISHED 234 x SOLID SELECT OAK Nail Down Installation SANDED, STAINED, FINISHED 2 Coats Pacific Strong Comm. Finish. $ 650 Sq. Ft. INSTALLED FINISHED RE-FINISH YOUR OLD WOOD FLOORS LIKE NEW! $ 1 89 SPECIAL PRICE SQ. Fr. Sand, Stain, Finish With 2 Coats Pacific Strong. Work Must Be Done By March 18, 1995. Free 3rd coat not included. Our craftsmen take great pride in the quality of their work- manship. A pride that assures the hardwood flooring you choose is the very best you can buy, and your home main- tains a very beautiful and natural look for many years to come. Floor Covering Pius, Inc. 2258 Franklin Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 I block East of Telegraph, North of Square Lake Road (810) 332-9430 Mon. & Wed. 9-7, Tue., Thur., Fri & Sat. 9-5 * previous orders excluded