ALL i Krim is •nti i Gar A au Nom ( - i. elEggE HELMS '1 4- 1 M gro hair RiM RsarioZ iN THE tIREIGN ammierreLoFFiCE Family-Friendly Policies Washington is buzzing with talk about "family values" as conservative Republicans assume the reins of power in Congress. In one sense, this strikes a responsive chord within the Jewish community, which is second to none in sup- porting values and policies that lead to strong, secure families. With that in mind, we will be watching close- ly to see if the talk about protecting families is serious — or just a cynical form of political rhetoric that could hurt the very people it claims to revere. Our nation's beleaguered families can cer- tainly be helped by bolstering certain core val- ues that have traditionally strengthened the family. Among these are monogamy, love of chil- dren and a selflessness that has gone out of fash- ion in our self-obsessed age. Such values are consistent with a Jewish tra- dition that promotes family life, and they offer a point of commonality between our still-liberal. community and the conservative activists who want to remake America in their image. But sta- ble family life also is related to economic reali- ties, which the new GOP leadership wants to alter. How it does so will enormously affect our nation's endangered families. Welfare reform will provide an early glimpse of Republican intentions. Most people agree that the present welfare system fosters dependence on government handouts that reinforce the cul- ture of poverty. But wholesale, indiscriminate cuts in government programs will wreak hav- oc for many families. By slashing Aid for Fam- ilies with Dependent Children or eliminating food stamps, families already at the margins of American life — and children whose only crime is being born into the wrong family — will be further damaged. Reforming welfare so it provides incentives for individuals to learn new skills and return to the work force is a family-friendly policy. Hack- ing away at welfare budgets or dumping welfare programs onto states that are ill-prepared to ac- cept them comprises shameful aggression against families. In November, California passed Proposition 187, which aims to deal with illegal aliens flood- ing that state by denying them and their fami- lies basic government services. If Proposition 187 survives court challenges, it will require school officials to report to authorities the chil- dren of suspected illegal aliens and bar families from access to vital health services. Some Republicans are talking about nation- al legislation modeled on the California propo- sition. While illegal immigration is undeniably a problem in this era of diminished economic op- portunity, lashing out against illegal immigrants and their children belies today's pious rhetoric about family values. The new Republican leaders are right in ad- dressing these and other long-neglected prob- lems. But the onus is on them to demonstrate their concern for families by ensuring that the painful changes that await us are carried out with sensitivity and with genuine concern for the young, the disadvantaged and the helpless among us. Good Environment It's amazing what a new setting in a new coun- try can do for a minor Jewish holiday. Ws called Tu B'Shevat, known as the New Year of the Trees. Many have heard of Tu B'Shevat, which be- gins Sunday at sundown. Fewer remember what it's about. Some adults remember this Jewish arbor day as something from those long-forgotten Hebrew school years. They recall singing a few Hebrew • tunes while sticking tiny hands into gooey plas- • = tic bags filled with dates, carob, raisins and al- monds. (/) An abbreviated history that brought them the • healthy snacks goes like this: Tu B'Shevat, the 15th day of the Hebrew month Shevat, started = as an agricultural holiday. In the 16th centu- • ry, Jewish mystics in Safed created a seder, or Li holiday meal and service, for the commemora- '21 don. = Earlier this century, it was a time to focus on buying trees for Palestine and then Israel. Now, as ecological concerns continue to height- en, people add twists such as recycling garbage. LU 4 In doing so, they are also confirming some im- portant messages about being an American Jew toward the end of the 20th century. First, Jewish holidays can have powerful mod- em meanings. This is exhibited in Tu B'She- vat seders, which cull the Midrash to find Jewish justification for ecological sensitivities. Tu B'Shevat packs a powerful modern message. Second, the scope of the Jewish calendar calls for celebrating much more than the big four: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Chanukah and Pesach. There are many significant and beauti- ful observances, such as Tu B'Shevat, between these opportunities of Jewish celebration. Third, what is learned in Jewish day schools or afternoon schools has a purpose. It prepares one for a life of Jewish activity. That's not a bad package of lessons from a mi- nor holiday. Happy Tu B'Shevat. Letters Wise Decision? Shame on you Temple Emanu- El. With all the current research and the worries over Jewish con- tinuity, you eliminate one thing you had going for you, a profes- sionally trained Jewish educator, Ira Wise. Consider that research has shown the future of our children is in the finest Jewish education that can be offered, both formal and informal. You had an edu- cator who offered a combination of both and knew how to inte- grate them. Shirley Barish Houston, Texas Great Hope For Peace Like the rest of the Jewish corn- munity, I watch with great hope as developments unfold in the Mideast peace process. I have waited most of my adult life to see Israel living in peace with its neighbors. Now that dream is closer than ever. However, with each historic step in the current peace process, debate rages in our community — is this the right thing for Is- rael to do? Is it too dangerous? Are the Israelis unwise to con- cede this point or accept that pro- vision? With so many reasons to dis- agree with the process, why should we support it? Because we owe it to ourselves as Jews, to our friends and brothers in Israel and to our children to recognize the importance of this opportunity. We need to face our own fears and recognize that this long and difficult process is a watershed for the region and for our people. We have hoped for and dreamed of peace in Israel for decades. Those looking for the current diplomacy to result in a quick, nearly contained peace package are unrealistic. We are early on in a process that involves not just the statesmen, but the citizens of several religious eth- nic groups. It involves not only Jews in Israel, but those in the Diaspora as well, not only Pales- tinians in the territories, but Is- raeli Arabs, and Druze, too. It will without doubt change the lives of the millions of people in the region; it has the potential to improve the lives of many more. And peace would bring a rad- ical improvement. I have had the privilege of watching Israel grow for 46 years. Its desire for peace has been matched only by its de- termination to be strong and se- cure. The greatest regret of the Israeli people since 1948 has been that their neighbors forced them to sacrifice sons and daugh- ters in so many wars, instead of allowing them to live in peace. After so many years of struggle and pain, I can understand the waves of optimism, fear, anger and hope that have swept over the Israeli people in the last year. But we must acknowledge that in the face of enormous risks, Israel is showing remark- able courage. We cannot clear the path for Israel, nor give explicit directions to its leaders, despite our intimate connection to Israel and our concern for its future. The decisions and their conse- quences are the responsibility of Israel's leaders and voters. What we can do is remain unified in our support of Israel's efforts as a whole. Establishing the initial dialogue and implementing sub- sequent agreements with its neighbors requires all the tremendous emotional and diplo- matic resources of Israel. We are part of those resources. By stand- ing with Israel every step of the way, we strengthen it. We must give the process a chance, let the journey proceed, and continue our prayers that Israel will achieve a safe and secure peace. Max M. Fisher Franklin Cheder Story Questioned The report captioned "Lubavitch Face Assault and Battery Charges" (Dec. 30) is shocking. The facts are, quite simply, that a strapping young man (who happened to be black) threw a rock through the closed window of a cheder classroom, smashing the window. The children saw him running away and identified him, but the teacher was unable to do anything more. The next day this young man returned, again threw a rock at the win- CHEDER STORY page 26