OK, Folks, It's Over, Time To Get Back To Work It seems like, since Chanukah, everyone in our metro area put his phone on hold, left the voice mail on guard and headed for this void in life known as "the holidays." Dec. 25 and Jan. 1 are big days on the national and local calendar. But Jan. 3, that's when we were to begin anew. That is, once we shoveled our way through heaping piles of "while you were out" pink slips, clogged voice-mail tapes and, of course, that coffee-stained "to do" list dated Dec. 22 that still hasn't been attended to. It would be difficult enough if life stopped only for the secular society. Even in the Jewish world, though, everything seemed to be placed on hold or forgotten at a rest stop on South 1-75. Time to remember that the issues we left on that "to do" list are still there to tackle. Renewed concerns over church-state issues, intergroup relations, especially between blacks and Jews, money to educate our children and now a heightened sense of tension in Israel's northern security zone. None of these issues, each one critical, has gone away because of a week of national holidays. So, while who won the Orange Bowl and who was invited to the New Year's party was "im- portant," the journey of our people continues into this new year. It's time to get on with the passions of Jewish life right away. Whether that hot button is feed- ing the Jewish hungry, resettling emigres, set- ting up business in Tel Aviv or just plain working on your child's aleph-bet or your own spiritual growth. Dayenu (enough) with the holidays. The urgency never went away. It's time to move for- ward. Letters Importance Of Organ Donation encourage the "Gift of Life." David M. Techner The Ira Kaufman Chapel I want to commend Jennifer Finer and the Jewish News for the article written about Dani Brenner and Erik Morganroth titled "Stories of the Heart: Two Families — Two Sides of Organ Do- nation." The importance of this ar- ticle cannot be overstated for it not only served to inform your readers of two families in crisis, but it also served as a vital tool to educate the Jewish community about the appropriateness of organ donation. As a funeral director, I so often hear misconceptions and inaccuracies as to Ju- daism's position on this sub- Erik Morganroth Rethinking A Moment C/) w C/3 Lu F- CD CC F- w LLJ F- Dani Brenner ject. If there could have been any greater tragedy than that faced by Rick and Judy Bren- ner, it may have been in miss- ing an opportunity to make something positive out of such a senseless tragedy. The support and encourage- ment that both the Brenners and Morganroths have un- doubtedly received as a result of your article must be over- whelming. However, the edu- cation you have provided the Jewish community will serve as a valuable tool to ensure that whenever tragedies such as this occur, the compassion and wisdom of our faith will always In your editorial (Dec. 16) re- garding a moment of silence, you ask rhetorically if a moment of si- lence would deter a drug push- er or addict, or a young girl, from getting pregnant. Your conclu- sion is that a moment of silence serves no purpose. You seem to feel that religion should be "prac- ticed" at home or in a house of worship, etc. First and foremost, I ask, from where should a young person de- velop a commitment toward val- ues taught if not from an awareness of a Supreme Being? Furthermore, if school is not a place for organized meditation, would it not be seen as a place one can escape from the bonds of a religious morality? Indeed that is precisely what modern social scientists wish to produce. They wish Western society to be purged from any vestige of reli- gion, to be replaced by atheistic humanism. Indeed, they have no qualms about teen-age pregnan- cy as long as abortion is available. The concept of abstinence as a re- ligious value is not to be deemed worthy of a second thought. The truth is that if God exists in the home, God is present in school. Only through the aware- ness of a Supreme Being who makes demands upon man for truth, justice and responsibility can we hope to have young peo- ple who make decisions against passion and peer pressure. Also, it is sufficient if only one child were to be influenced by a mo- ment of silence. Furthermore, even a human:- ist can use the moment to reflect upon his or her value system to reinforce it at the onset of school. The reason this is most effective in school is because school is seen as the environment of the child, as opposed to home which is the domain of the parents. If the child begins with thoughts of his val- ue system and how he should conduct his day by it, then many decisions in the day would be in- fluenced by this thought. Thoughts are powerful. Ideas, not machines, drive civilizations through the people inspired by them. The absence of a moment of silence creates a vacuum in the values of the child in the child's own arena of growth. A child ex- isting in an amoral secular envi- ronment is more apt to make a wrong decision than one who has thought about his value system and its ramifications in his life. Thoughts inspired Napoleon to conquest. A fit of hatred drove Hitler to genocide. Could not a thought of virtue drive many young people to wondrous heights? The best time for these ideas are at the beginning of the day when the mind is fresh and un- encumbered. It is also better to do so with others so as not to think that having values makes one "weird." Furthermore, by do- ing this silently, no alienation of minorities would occur, since everyone can do the same thing at the same time in his own, pri- vate way. Absent this moment of silence, school is a environs driven only by materialistic goals and func- tion alone. With no ideals to in- spire other than the spirit to make it big or succeed, the child is no more than a sophisticated animal learning to master sur- roundings. If that is the case, then there exist other alterna- tives that seem to allow better mastery of one's future. Drug dealing is more richly rewarding than a high school diploma in the short run. Promiscuity is sensu- ally more rewarding than rela- tive prudishness. The environs of the child become governed by other laws and mores rather than the ones we seem to agree are universal. A moment of si- lence speaks to each child loud and clear. This is not a jungle. There are values to be adhered to. There is a Supreme Morality and Being to answer to. There are greater goals to reach than having some clothes and some crack cocaine. Rabbi Chaim Moshe Bergstein Farmington Hills Understanding Church-State Why is such a simple concept as the separation of church and state so difficult for people to un- derstand? Why are there such ef- forts to interpret a philosophy that could not be more direct in its meaning and so simple in its implementation? Now that the holiday season is past we have another year to reflect on the role we have both as Jews and as American citizens in a free country. The renewed interest from some corners in bringing prayer back into the public schools, and the annual struggle many pub- lic-school parents endure in shielding our children from at- tempts to bring "the holidays" into the classroom, warrant con- tinued efforts to ensure that all public schools teach religious freedom as guaranteed by the Constitution, and not religion. When does an attempt to ex- pose public-school children to re- ligion cross the line and violate the separation directive? At the point one makes the decision to make the attempt. Some argue that as long as each religion is given "equal time," no harm is done. However, there can never be equal time because each teacher will unintentionally bring his own biases and his own inner beliefs to the topic. The subtle emphasis of one religion over an- other will send signals to im- pressionable minds that one religionmay in fact be superior to another. The celebration of Jewish hol- idays in a public school that is 100 percent Jewish would be as wrong as the celebration of Chris- tian holidays in a public school that is 100 percent Christian. That is why it is important that we not be dragged into the equal- . CHURCH-STATE page 8