ff FOOT SOLDIERS They are Jewish and they believe in the mission of the Salvation Army. T _ eonard Krugel holds four Polaroids in his hand. They are pho- tographs of interiors of aban- doned buildings in Detroit. It's an interior shot that causes the most effect. A mattress pushed against the wall, surrounded by layers of trash, old newspapers, empty food con- tainers and soiled clothing. Mr. Krugel has found children in these buildings trying to stay warm. He often points to the many pho- tographs on his Salvation Army office walls and bookshelves. Bright, strong faces of friends and family offer a striking jux- taposition to the squalor in the photos he holds in his hands. He is a big, strong man with a "get it done" tone to his voice. His soft spot, though, is easy to find. It's on the eve of 1995 and Mr. Krugel is in the hallway just outside his Salvation Army office in the Kresge Center near Northland. He and his staff are completing the chores of packing toys and clothing they will hand-deliver the following day to underprivileged chil- dren. A mother and father are picking up a bag full of clothing and toys for their chil- dren. Capt. Cheryl Bailey, a Salvationist minister, is there with Mr. Krugel. She'll help in the toy distribution, also. They are friends, seemingly for a long time. Capt. Bailey was, after all, one of many uni- formed Salvation Army personnel at Mr. Krugel's son's bar mitzvah at Congrega- tion Shaarey Zedek. 'We're working for a common goal, Jew or Christian," she says. Fade out and travel south along the Lodge. Attorney Robert Dickman looks hope- ful that the workmen will be able to stop the leaking from the corner ceiling tiles. He's got clients coming in non-stop all day. There are no wood-trimmed walls of a bar- rister hall; it bears no resemblance to a Jefferson Avenue law office downtown. But still Mr. Dickman gives what is best to his clients. Mr. Dickman, active both on the Tem- ple Israel and Jewish Community Coun- cil boards, is director of the Salvation Army's William Booth Legal Clinic. His clients are the ones that no one else wants. Their drug and alcohol abuse has helped Left: Leonard Krugel turned his career over from CPA to the "front lines" of the Salvation Army. PHOTOS BY GLENN TRIEST PHIL JACOBS EDITOR them slip through the so- cietal safety nets, and they end up in one of De- troit's many forgotten neighborhoods. This one is off of the Cass Corridor. It is part of a Salvation Army residential treat- ment center known as Harbor Light. Sunlight refracts and is enhanced through the glass block wall behind Mr. Dickman's desk. It lights up the graying hair of "Jerry," a client of the Booth Clinic. Jerry is a crack addict. He is from a Jewish home in the sub- urbs. Now this is home. With a population from the horrors of life on the street, he'll take it. Finally, there are the volunteers: men like Dr. Mark Diem and Richard Jacobs, loading up their vehicles at the Salvation Army Kresge Center on Christmas Day and ven- turing into the neighbor- hoods most prefer to avoid. They do it because it is Christmas. They do it be- cause they are Jews who want to show the rest of the community that they care. Nobody can dispute it on a day when practi- cally everyone is taking life off: these volunteers are working the hardest. These are four short stories of Jews who have a direct link with the Salvation Army, an organization not usually associated with Judaism. What is the Salvation Army? It is an evangelical part of the universal Christ- ian church. Yet, none of the Jews inter- viewed for this story were bothered by the Army's Christian evangelical mission. They were more interested in being part of an organization that helps people. Its literature describes the Salvation Army as an organization with a "mission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination." Its roots are in mid-19th century Lon- al facilities, food, clothing, counseling and other forms of aid to those in need, regardless of reli- gion. It collected $32 million in metro Detroit in 1993. That money paid for 300,000 nights of lodging in shelters, 1.6 million meals, 24,000 winter coats for children and hundreds of thousands of other services and items. A CPA Turned Social Activist Leonard Krugel loves it when he's asked why a "nice Jewish boy is work- ing for the Salvation Army." He was a CPA some 10 years ago when a friend asked him to settle a tax dispute between the Sal- vation Army and the IRS. He took care of the prob- lem and hasn't left since. The faces of the people he helps won't let him go anywhere except back to the soup kitchens, shel- ters and places of aban- donment. Mr. Krugel is the social services director, deputy finance director and a member of the Army's na- tional disaster service team. He was sent to South Central Los Ange- les to help rebuild that part .of the city. He was sent to California after the don under the founding of Robert and Ellen earthquake earlier this year to set William Booth, a Christian Dickman: up relief stations. evangelist, who launched a Running a legal "There is no new money," Mr. massive outreach to the poor clinic in the Cass Krugel said. "We have plenty of Corridor. called the "Hallelujah Army." new people who need our help. We The military rank, uniforms need to bridge the gap and bring and duties of the Salvationists were set people together. The interests of the into place because the Rev. Booth saw his Jewish community, the black communi- order more in terms of "soldiers of Christ." ty, the Christian communities, they all To this day, the kettles stationed on overlap. streets and outside of businesses raise "I'm not going to say being Jewish and enough money to feed more than 2 million working here has never come up," he con- people on Thanksgiving and Christmas tinued. "Working here is more of a meet- Day. ing of the minds, of mutual respect. People The Salvation Army offers shelters for the homeless, emergency and transition- FOOT SOLDIERS page 40 CY) CC w C_D LLJ 39