ham. t . Mt% COMPILED BY STEVE STEIN SE.E. .90U LAMER, ALLI6ATOR the winter. A visitor wasn't convinced, however. To settle a bet that the reptiles weren't for real, he climbed over a fence and into the compound. Soon, he started beating the tail of a 12-foot-long alligator with a branch. The alligator suddenly turned its head and snapped at the intruder, who jumped back and hurriedly climbed out of the compound before the alligator could make another move. "Had this happened in the summer, when the alliga- , - Mors and crocodiles in the park are alert and react with lightning speed, that man wouldn't have stood a chance," site manager Ron- ni Lothan told the Jerusalem Post. 1- here's one very lucky — and quite stupid — man still alive today because of the laws of nature. According to a Jewish Tele- graphic Agency report, more than 200 alligators and croco- diles were lying motionless re- cently inside a compound at the Hamat Gader Hot Springs in Is- rael. That wasn't unusual, because the reptiles' metabolism normally slows down during .0111Mil They Horsed Around On An El Al Right With the addition of the three omet, Little John and Sasha were among El Al Israel Air- horses, the Therapeutic Riding lines' more demanding pas- Club now has 13 on its grounds. The horses are used to provide sengers. They needed extra leg therapy for persons with physi- room and specially prepared meals. And they couldn't wait in cal and mental disabilities. These range from blind young children line for rest room facilities. Comet, Little John and Sasha to soldiers disabled by terrorist are horses. And their recent ride attacks, stroke victims and per- in the cargo hold of an El Al sons severely injured in automo- freighter brought them from the bile accidents. The club, the first in Israel, pastures of northern New Jersey to the Therapeutic Riding Club was founded in 1986 by Giora and Anita Shkedi. of Israel in Beit Yehoshua. For more information about The "mitzvah" horses were purchased, and their travel the Therapeutic Riding Club or arranged, by the Ziv Tzedakah the Ziv Tzedakah Fund, contact Fund, a charitable foundation Naomi Eisenberger at 384 headed by poet, author and mitz- Wyoming Ave., Millburn, NJ 07041, phone (201) 763-9396. vah maven Danny Siegel. PHOTO BY PAUL MARG OLIS C Therapeutic Riding Club co-founder Giora Shkedi holds two of the three "mitzvah" horses outside the El Al cargo terminal at JFK International Airport in New York. Aid. Coming For Cuban Jews Why Does A Kosher Chicken Cross The Road? A I rmed with suitcases filled with 22 pounds of soap, toothpaste, medicine, oth- er supplies and Judaic materi- als, a delegation of 20 B'nai B'rith members from the Unit- ed States and Latin America will make a historic visit to the Jewish community in Cuba from Dec. 19-26. "The beleaguered 1,300- member community has been spiritually, culturally and eco- nomically isolated for more than 30 years," said Joseph Harari of Panama, chairman of the Latin American Section of B'nai B'rith's International Council. "Things that we take for granted — food, transportation, phone lines, vitamins — are not available or available in a lim- ited manner for most Cuban Jews," Mr. Harari said. During its visit, the delega- tion will meet with the Cuban minister of religious affairs, spend time with elderly shut- ins, visit synagogues in Vedado and Old Havana, tour hospitals and meet with Jews of all ages. t certainly won't make the list of the hottest-selling videos in the nation and it probably will put watchers in a "fowl" mood, but Empire Kosher Poultry isn't concerned. Empire's 17-minute multi-me- dia video presentation of "From Our Table to Yours ... The Jour- ney of a Kosher Chicken" is be- ing shown in schools and synagogues nationwide and sold to the public. The video, suitable for fam- ily viewing, includes a tour of Empire's plant in Mifflintown, Pa., and provides a lesson in the laws of kashrut and kosher poul- try production. Rebuilt in 1987, the Empire plant combines state-of-the-art technology with Jewish dietary laws and practices. Copies of the video are avail- able for $4.95, which covers the cost of shipping and handling. To place an order, write to Video Of- fer, Empire Kosher Poultry, P.O. Box 165, Miffiintown, PA 17059. plumumui EM P I V, Wanted: Submissions For Holocaust Anthology oetry, short stories and art are being sought for pos- sible inclusion in an an- thology by Holocaust survivors and their families. The book is being designed and edited by Cynthia Brody, an artist and family therapist who is a child of Holocaust sur- vivors. "The purpose of the antholo- gy is to reveal the effects the Holocaust had on those who lived through it as well as those p who experienced its effects second-hand," Ms. Brody said. "Emphasis will be placed on the potential of human beings to rise above the darkest experiences through the use of creative force." Materials should be submit- ted to Cynthia Brody, 1001 Bridgeway, Suite 246, Sausali- to, CA 94965. A stamped, self-addressed envelope should be enclosed for the return of original materials. A Timely Invention Helps Handicapped Ms senior engineering student at the Center of Technology for the Hand- icapped at the Jerusalem College of Technology has created a Hebrew- speaking alarm clock that the kids at Keren-Or can program using auditory feedback. Keren-Or is Israel's only residential center dedicated to the care and educa- tion of multi-handicapped blind children. A Karen-Or student seeking ways to be- come more independent launched the idea for the clock. Once programmed, the clock's func- tions include announcing the time, day of the week and the date according to sec- ular and Hebrew calendars. It even can be set to announce the hour automati- cally and greet the user by name. Instead of buttons, the clock has large keys arranged in the form of a mini-pi- ano that are identifiable by tactile mark- ings. The keys are touch-sensitive for those with weak muscle control. For more information about the clock, write to Keren-Or, 350 Seventh Avenue, A Keren-Or student learns how to program his Hebrew-speaking New York, NY 10001. alarm clock. A