6 ■ FALL 1994 ISSUE ■ SINAI HOSPITAL HealthNews Physicians Look at Death and Dying s Writers cramp, which can coexist with carpal tunnel syndrome, is especially common among accountants, nurses, students and others who are required to write quickly and extensively. SPECI AL ADVE RTI SEMENT Writer's Cramp Is Not Just a Pain tudents feel the pain after lengthy lectures. Musicians' ds feel strained after long re- earsals. The muscles in their hands and forearms feel sore and weak. In each instance, these problems may be a task-specific malady sometimes called writer's or musician's cramp, which in medical terms is "carpal dystonia." "Writer's cramp is often misunder- stood as simple muscle strain or stress on the joints," says Peter Le- Witt, M.D., a Neurologist at Sinai's Movement Disorders Clinic and Clinical Neuroscience Center in West Bloomfield. "Carpal dystonia, however, is a dis- order that originates in the brain and is sometimes progressive and extremely disabling." Dr. LeWitt and Richard M. Trosch, M.D., are actively conducting research into the treatment of dystonia. Dystonia is an abnormal activation pattern of various muscles. Sustained abnormal posture, involuntary movements, or in- coordination for specific activities are some of the symptoms of dystonia. Writer's cramp is one of the most corn- mon dystonic disorders and is often mis- taken for carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by nerves that become compressed in the wrist. Writer's cramp, which can coexist with carpal tunnel syndrome, is especially common among / accountants, mu-s- / es, students and oth- ers who are required to write quickly and ex- tensively. Since 1988, Sinai's Clini- cal Neuroscience Center has treated writer's and musician's cramp and a va- riety of other movement disorders char- acterized by dystonia. These include involuntary eye closure (blepharospasm) and tremors or spasms of the neck (tor- ticollis). Both Drs. LeWitt and Trosch are experts in the treatment of writer's cramp and other dystonic disorders. One available therapy is Botox, or botulinum toxin, which, when injected into affect- ed muscles, can reduce pain, involuntary movements, and other disabilities. "Because the causes of writer's cramp and other dystonias are not known, pre- vention is not possible," says Dr. LeWitt. "However, with Botox and other forms of treatment, we can often reduce the disability and its accompanying dis- comfort within a few days of beginning therapy." ince 1990, Michi- gan has been at • the forefront of a heated debate over physician-assisted suicide. During 1993, the Michigan legislature en- acted Public Health Act 270, which made physi- cian-assisted suicide ille- gal. However, the ban has since been found uncon- stitutional, and the con- troversy continues over a patient's right to die and the physician's role — if any — in carrying out a patient's wishes. Sinai Hospital Psychi- atrist Linda Logsdon, M.D. served on the Michigan Commission on Death and Dying, a 44- member multidisciplinary panel that met from Au- gust 1993 to June 1994. The commission exam- ined the aid-in-dying is- sue and presented its findings to the Michigan legislature in June. "On the commission, we looked at the broad is- sue of physician-assisted suicide," says Dr. Logs- don, who specializes in the psychiatric treatment of people with chronic physical illness and in- jury. "Then we focused on the types of patients who would be included in the aid-in-dying option and developed guidelines based on those types of patients." These patients included those with "chronic, debilitating, pro- gressive and terminal ill- ness" and those whose pain and suffering were not treatable with med- ication or additional corn- fort care. One section of the com- mission's document pro- poses guidelines in the event that physician- assisted suicide or aid- in-dying is legalized in Michigan. The first guide- line requires that the pa- tient request aid-in-dying. "It's important to note that it must be the pa- tient's request, not a fam- ily member's wish," adds Dr. Logsdon. Secondly, the patient must be seen by health professionals from four areas of expertise. The pa- tient's primary care physi- cian must first establish the presence of a physical illness that is resulting in unbearable pain and suf- fering. Next, a psychia- trist or doctorate-level psychologist must deter- mine that the patient is mentally competent in de- cision-making and has no treatable mental illness. A specialist in pain man- agement then evaluates the patient to determine if the pain is treatable with therapy or medica- tion. Finally, a represen- tative from a social service agency meets with the pa- tient to determine if out- side assistance would alleviate the patient's difficulty. After all four evaluations have taken place, the information is given to the probate court for verification that prop- er procedure has been followed and that the pa- tient meets the criteria. Once everything is veri- fied and in order, the pa- tient may then proceed with his/her aid-in-dying wishes. "With aid-in-dying, the physician must be present but does not have to ad- minister the drug to bring on the patient's death," says Dr. Logsdon. The commission's doc- ument is only a proposal, not legislation. As Dr. Logsdon notes, the mem- bers of the commission were not in complete agreement on the propos- al, an indication of the fierce debate that will con- tinue on this issue in the state of Michigan and across the country. "There are diverse thoughts on the aid-in- dying controversy stem- ming from religious and professional back- grounds," says Dr. Logs- don. "The events of the last four years have forced the medical profession to look at this question. It's important that physicians discuss this complicated issue." Another unique service of Sinai's Department of Psychiatry is the program for Holocaust Survivors beaded by Dr. Charles Silow. Holocaust survivors and experts in post-traumatic stress disorder discuss the effects of the Holocaust on survivors and their families. eNtinal