Community Views Editor's Notebook Rewrite The Past? Rewrite The Present! And Now Some Words From Our Sponsor RABBI ROBERT L WOLKOFF SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM ASSOCIATE EDITOR T rm not a big fan of television, unless it's something real- ly intellectual like "Unsolved Mysteries." But there are some TV com- mercials — all sponsored by the Church of the Latter Day Saints — I re- ally like. One shows a little girl who runs home from school, eager to tell her parents about some- thing wonderful that hap- pened to her. Her mother is too busy to listen. Her father doesn't have time. Finally, the girl asks her dog, "Do you want to hear about school today?" In another commercial, a girl (clearly too young to dri- ve) is playing in the family car. She shifts the car out of "park" and smashes into some prop- erty. Her father asks, "Did you do this?" "Yes," she admits. But instead of yelling at her, the father says, "I'm glad you told me the truth." At the risk of sounding hokey, because there's noth- ing I loathe more than senti- mental drivel, I always watch those commercials with quiet pleasure. I feel good about the world and the future and mankind when I see them, and let me tell you, if I were someone with no religion, I would seriously consider giv- ing the Mormon Church a call All the values portrayed in the Mormon Church's com- mercials are intrinsic to Ju- daism: family, compassion, love, kindness, patience. "To help a fellow man may be to tip the scales of God's reckoning for the entire world," the Talmud teaches. But I can't say rve ever seen anything quite like these commercials from the orga- nized Jewish community. Oh, there are the self-serv- ing "Let's pat ourselves on the back" kinds of things — pic- tures of Jewish youth working with seniors or new immi- grants, invariably accompa- nied by a request for money. Of course, this is promoting an organization, not Judaism. There also is a plethora of "You better not" notices. "Be sure the food you eat has a re- liable heksher" and "Go to the mikvah" — as though Judaism were merely a laundry list of what you better do or not do. But I'm having difficulty thinking of a message from the Jewish community that real- ly captures the essence of Ju- here is probably no princi- ple more widely held by the Jewish community than the principle that any at- tempt to rewrite history is im- moral. And dangerous. Thus the justifiable indignation when Louis Farrakhan distorts the his- tory of the Jews and blacks, when Holocaust deniers utter their ob- scenities, when haters of Israel twist the historical record. But Jews, too, sometimes be- tray this principle. We seem to forget that any attempt to rewrite history is immoral. And danger- ous. Certainly it is inappropriate to distort the past for the sake of the present. But it is also inap- propriate — immoral and dan- gerous — to distort the present for the sake of the past. And this nearly always happens when the topic of modern Germany arises. We seem to have trouble dis- tinguishing between 'Them" then and "them" now. They are not the same. Not even remotely close. And thus, when skinheads at- tack immi- grants, it is a distortion of his- tory to say, "Germans have learned noth- ing." Hundreds of thousands of Germans, politi- cians, acade- mics, clergy (the same profes- sional groups most dedicated to Hitler) protest against racism and de- mand justice. They have, in- deed, learned. To ignore that, to howev- er vaguely hint that deep down, today's Germans are Nazis, is immoral and dan- gerous. Not only does it demean and dehumanize living human beings. It obfuscates the horrify- ing reality of what the Nazis tru- ly were — a reality which for the world's sake must be understood with crystal clarity. Several years ago, in the midst of the racist riots, a political car- toon showed two men looking upon Germany. One praised the advanced German society, and said, "What more could you ask?" The other responded, "That they read The Diary of Anne Frank." As if "they" don't, more than any people in the world. As if "they" need it more than anyone else. As if "they" somehow belong to a moral universe distinct from "they" still belong to it. There was a Library of Con- gress exhibition, assembled by the German government, titled "Against Hitler: German Resis- tance to National Socialism, 1933-1945." According to Marc Fisher, writing in the Washing- ton Post, there were accusations that the German government was "intent on rewriting the past." When, in point of fact, the rewrite seems to be in the other direction: There is an attempt to erase the significance of German resistance, as if a few points of light could somehow eradicate the infinite darkness. Is it fair, is it moral, to insist that the White Rose student pro- testers, von Stauffenberg and his co-conspirators, and thousands of nameless politicians, workers, and "little people" who stood up, in ways great and small, against the Nazis is it fair to insist that these people never be raised above the status of a footnote? courage. You're taking the excep- tion and making it the rule," she claimed. "Where is the context?" "The rule?" Do any German scholars, German government of- ficials, or man-on-the-street Ger- mans (outside of radical fringe groups) seriously maintain the proposition that resistance to Hitler was "the rule'? None that I have ever heard of. And is there any German who is unaware of "the context'? It is obviously a lie to claim that all Germans except Hitler were 11 years old during the war. But it is also a distortion of his- tory to forget that not one person in today's Germany younger than age 60 could have participated in the war. And these millions of people — innocent people, decent people (at least as decent as any- one else) — have the same right as all other people to build an im- age of themselves based on their heroes. To do that, of course, requires knowing who the enemy was the heroes fought against. No one, except Jews, knows better than the Germans them- selves. Several years ago, I spoke at a conference in Germany. There I heard a high-school stu- dent describe his class history project. Each student was to pick a Jewish family and trace its history: what they did, where they lived and what happened Yes, it is true that it was too to them. little, too late — and too few. Yes, As he was speaking, I thought it is true that it was mere thou- about the insipid project that I sands compared to millions. Yes, did in my history class. It was it is true that even the good were something about a local Indian less than pristine. There is much tribe. I wrote about how they had that argues for the footnote. lived, but somehow I never got But there is another side. around to asking why they Many of these people gave their weren't around anymore. lives in the struggle against The word genocide didn't ap- Hitler. Is their memory never to pear in my term paper. be allowed a moment in the sun? There are reasons to admire, Should not the German people of and to pity, that young student today be allowed to build their fu- and the millions of his compatri- ture on the values they so coura- ots who are forced to ask terrible geously embodied? questions. It is beneath our dig- Without doubt, this is a moral nity to denigrate them as if the minefield. But when Sybil Milton, Germans as a whole are a nation senior historian at the Holocaust of murderers. Germany was a na- Museum, received "thunderous tion that was once ruled by mur- applause" for claiming at an ex- derers. Once, but no longer. To hibition seminar that German re- pretend otherwise is to rewrite OUTS. sistance had been "exploited" in history. Or, more accurately, as if order to blur history, a moral And any attempt to rewrite boundary was crossed. "There history is immoral. And danger- Robed Wolkoff is a rabbi in were a few Germans with some ous. Milwaukee, Wis. - — ❑ . daism, simply offering that message for its own sake. If I were to wake up tomor- row and find myself head of the entire Jewish world, the first thing I would do is go out and hire an advertising expert and ask him to take a good, long look at the commercials produced by the Church of the Latter Day Saints. "We're losing Jews every day," I would tell him. "Let's make something along those lines, something that tells what Judaism is really all about." Then I would take him to my home, and ask him to look with me out the window where, every Shabbat, I watch boys help a blind man on his way to synagogue. I would introduce him to a young man whose sukkah I once visited. One is not sup- posed to touch the sukkah dec- orations during the holiday; when, forgetting the rule, I did so at this young man's home, the boy, to save me embar- rassment, reached up and did the same. "Do you want to hear about school today?" Then I would take this ad expert to see neighbors of mine who, despite the fact that we have two small children, reg- ularly invite us to their home for Shabbat lunch. And when one of the children spills some- thing, the neighbors say, "Don't worry! Who cares? Your children's feelings are much more important than the car- pet." And they mean it. Yes, Judaism means mak- ing charitable donations and social action. Yes, Judaism also means going to the mikvah. But most important, it is a way of living. It is how to be kind to your neighbor, Jew and gentile. It is how to behave when a neighbor's family member has died. It is thank- ing God for the good fortune of having enough to eat. It is giv- ing tzedakah, anonymously, to an anonymous recipient. It is following God's command- ment to honor one's parents. It is how you speak with your children. Maybe someday somebody out there will make a televi- sion commercial about one of these things, "brought to you by the Jewish people." Now that would be TV worth watching. ❑