For Sale 111111 1 RALPH MANUEL ASSOCIATES-WEST, INC. • REALTORS takes pleasure in announcing that JUDY STEIN Associate Broker has joined our firm at 32961 MEDDLEBELT AT 14 MILE ROAD FARMINGTON HILLS MI 48334 Office (810) 851-6900 Voice Mail (810) 406-4727 Carl Cohen 294 E. Brown, Birmingham 1 21 Town & Country Office - (810) 642-8100 Home - (810) 649-1250 Pager - (810) 908-2541 Open Sunday 1-4 PM WEST BLOOMFIELD 4164 Colorado - Aspen Ridge HUNTINGTON WOODS 12734 Vernon - Price Reduction Charming Pillared Colonial home 3 bed- rooms and 2.5 baths. This well maintained home is 2,400 sq. feet, dramatic cathedral ceiling in the family room. New appliances in bright kitchen and a library. Finished basement. Beautiful landscaped wooded lot with a 600 ft custom built deck and 2.5- car garage. Motivated Sellers - $249,900 Certified Buyer's Agent Carl Cohen - 901-0248 I TH E DE TRO I T J EWISH NEWS Birmingham Condominium 42 Whether you want the romance of a Victorian, the elegance of a Tudor, the ease of a contemporary or the charm of a Colonial, I can find it for you. Beautifully maintained 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, contemporary flair with extensive mirrors & design lighting fixtures. Finished base- ment.. Best price in complex $144,500. P Certified Buyer's Agent Carl Cohen - 901-0248 West Bloomfield Lakefront Q:\•„ NJ , ....... ,... Birmingham one bedroom condo, hard- wood floors. Covered porch area, swim- ming pool. Good location. $42,500 Call Carl Cohen 901-0248 Build or renovate this home on a all sports lake Union Lake.This beautiful property faces east and west to give some great sun- set views. $189,900 Call Carl Cohen 901-0248 "The Best Real Estate Agent Sells Homes In All Sizes" •''' Qi,.. -. • • • ':::;.,..:, ::..:.