Community Views Opinion The Future Of Democracy Requires Our Attention Where's Palestinian Democracy? RICHARD LOBENTHAL SPEC AL TO THE JEW SH NEWS MITCHELL G. BARD SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS Maybe rm wrong. mosexuality, aid to parochial ed- In truth, however, ucation (no longer limited to I don't think so. parochial schools, given home- Those who know schooling, charter schools and me well got to jok- other developments), "moral val- ing, until last year, ues" and the like; increasing that I always start- numbers of incidents against ed my speeches Jews and other minorities; rapid quoting what proliferation of radical groups in we've all heard so the United States, and increas- often: "It's the best of times; it's ing terrorism here and abroad; the worst of times." Last year, I drugs, crime, loss of civility, vio- dropped the `test of times" part. lence and a host of other illus- It will stay out this year as well. trations which comprise the My job has three often very overlapping portions of the un- separate components: Obvious- conscious lists we all carry in the ly, the Anti-Defamation League back of our heads. director deals with incidents and And to be sure, intruding on individuals and institutions; in that list is a separate and dis- addition, rm expected to have an connected list of the "good things" overview of what exactly is hap- like the peace accords for Israel, pening, and the third aspect is to Vatican recognition, local and na- try to figure out what it all tional black leaders denouncing means; it's the "data collection" anti-Semitism, and whatever else and "evaluation" part of my job. each of us wants to add to the list. Ifs the "what's it all mean?" part It's the "what's it mean?" that that's getting scarier. is troubling. After all, incidents, We all know a pretty good prejudice, discrimination, even piece of the "what's happening?" — black-Jewish tension fueled by demagogues within the African American community, who often become semi-staples of headlines, whether or not that's an accurate picture of the black community in America; church-state sepa- ration issues, fueled by an in- complete picture of the whole agenda of the religious right, aid- extremist and hate groups aren't ed by what I would call short- new to us, whatever variations sighted cooperation (complicity?) occur from year to year. One can from some groups within the even argue that in some respects, Jewish community who are more certain forms of anti-Semitism comfortable with the religious are diminishing — albeit only right's position on abortion, ho- certain forms (social and housing discrimination, maybe employ- Richard Lobenthal is director of ment). the Anti-Defamation League in As America confronts diver- Michigan. America's fragmentation threatens its democracy. sity, its backlash is chauvinism. As America confronts inequity, its backlash is social castes. As America confronts poverty, its backlash is withdrawing support systems from the poor. As Amer- ica confronts style difference, its backlash is incivility. As Ameri- ca confronts a shrinking labor market, its backlash is venomous hostility between groups. As America confronts differing val- ue systems, its backlash is to reg- ulate private behavior. In short, America's fragmentation threat- ens the essence of democracy, which is, after all, predicated upon shared assumptions of its citizens. This is no esoteric philoso- phizing. William Ebenstein, in his book Today's ISMS (over 30 years ago!) pointed out that fascist governments are virtually always post-democratic, in- stalled by a citizen- ry that suspended constitutional guar- antees "temporari- ly" to meet a perceived threat, and never restored those guarantees. It is, said Mr. Eben- stein, democracy out of which fas- cism grows. Mr. Ebenstein is hard- ly the first. From DeToqueville to Madison to Jeffer- son to modern day philosophers and political scientists, anxiety around the fascist potential of American democ- racy is a recurring theme. And, of course, we Jews have the most to lose when democra- cy is under attack. But, I would argue, we Jews are most partic- ularistic at this moment. The fi- nancial concerns about our institutions, anxieties about the Middle East, the rise in anti- Semitism, raising our children, intermarriage and a host of oth- er very legitimate and very parochial concerns sap our ener- gies, even as the competition in the charitable world saps our dol- lars. This occurs even while it is the most important time for us to bring our unique values, tradi- tions and history to bear on the fights to preserve democracy. My favorite "line" of all time might just be the one from The Man Of LaMancha:"The great- est folly is to live in the world as it is, and not as it should be." It is time that the full weight of our community devote itself to the fu- ture of democracy. ❑ I once asked Israel's leading authority on Palestinian na- tionalism whether, given the chance, he thought the Pales- tinians would ever create the "secular, democratic state" they desired. He thought I was nuts. According to him, the Palestini- ans never said this was their ob- jective. The notion of a secular state in the Islamic world was absurd. In fact, the slogan I asked about never appeared in Arabic, but was a staple of Pales- tinian-American propaganda in the United States because the Arab lobby assumed — correct- ly — this was a goal Americans could understand and support. It was unlikely the public would rally behind creating yet anoth- er autocratic Arab theocracy. Israel has tried to introduce Palestinians to democracy. Those who are citizens of Israel are the only Arabs in the Mid- dle East to enjoy living in free- dom. Even Palestinians in the territories were given opportu- nities to participate in free elec- tions. Moreover, successive Israeli governments have be- lieved that Palestinians should assume authority in the territo- ries through plebiscites. The De- claration of Principles signed last year specifically laid out a timetable for such elections. Alas, the voting expected to take place by midsummer was in- definitely postponed. Mean- while, Yassir Arafat continues to show his distaste for democ- racy by installing cronies in po- sitions of power, intimidating critics and banning newspapers. Mr. Arafat's behavior should not come as a surprise. Despite the preposterous claims of pro- PLO groups in the United States, the organization was al- ways governed by those with the most bullets rather than the most ballots. Though Mr. Arafat is personally popular in the ter- ritories, primarily as the sym- bol of Palestinian nationalism, resentment toward his Tunis clique is strong. The prospect of free elections has always scared him. It is therefore understand- able why he has been in no hur- ry for a vote. Israel has not tried to impose a separation of church and state on Palestinians. After all, the line in Israel is not as distinct as in the United States. Americans tend to see Palestinians as sec- ular because prominent Arab- American spokesmen do not talk about Islam. Though not all Palestinians are as radical as the extremists in Hamas and Is- lamic Jihad, most are devout Muslims who see their religion Mitchell G. executive director of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. providing a guide to behavior that cannot be separated from politics. Since all other Arab states have Islam as their official religion, it should not matter if the Palestin- ian state does the same. Howev- er, it is not in Israel's interest to allow an Iranian-style Islamic re- public to emerge on its doorstep. Although no Palestinian state will seriously threaten Israel's exis- tence militarily, a Hamas-run gov- ernment would ensure perpetual instability and the likelihood of unremitting terrorism. The issue of Palestinian democracy is not as clear-cut. In theory and on principle, democ- racy is the preferred form of gov- ernment. Nevertheless, if it was clear that radical fundamental- ists would come to power, it might not be in Israel's best in- terest to have free elections. Also, Arab dictators are able to control their people. A total- itarian Palestinian regime might be needed to maintain do- mestic tranquility and prevent zealots from provoking Israel. On balance, Israel has made the right decision to foster It is not in Israel's interest to allow an Iranian-style republic. democracy in the territories and to encourage Palestinians to hold elections. It has long been an anomaly of U.S. foreign pol- icy that it pursues democratic principles in every part of the world except the Arab nations. The Clinton administration now has an opportunity to influence an emerging nation. It should not let it become yet another Arab dictatorship. Meanwhile, Congress should tie aid to establishing democra- tic processes: Palestinians should be given enough money for police and basic services, but the bulk of funding should be withheld until the Palestinian Council is elected. Finally, Arab-Americans who used the "secular, democratic state" slogan should encourage leaders in the territories to move in this direction. To her credit, Palestinian leader Hanan Ashrawi seems to be trying to hold the Palestinians to inter- national standards of human rights. No substitute can be made for such a commitment by those on the ground, but the Arab lobby can, at last, play a constructive role by showing no tolerance for Palestinian abus- es of power. ❑