Why Flip A Coin When It Comes To Choosing Nursing Home Care For Your Parents? Program Hosts Dr. Hacker Sisterhood Hosts Book Club Sylvia Hacker The sisterhood of Adat Shalom Synagogue has planned a series of five Book Club discussions, di- rected by professional book dis- cussion leader Adele Robins. The group will meet in members' homes, beginning at 7:15 p.m. for coffee preceding each discussion. The first meeting will be held Oct. 17. The group will explore Call It Sleep by Henry Roth. Fu- ture dates are Nov. 28, Jan. 26, March 23 and May 25. The re- maining four books will be se- lected by the group. There is a charge for the five sessions. For information, call Diane Za- meck, 737-4276. Dr. Sylvia Hacker will discuss "Sex in the Year 2000 — If Not Sooner" at the Oct. 11 Food for Thought breakfast program spon- sored by the Jewish Federation Women's Division. A noted educator, researcher and speaker, Dr. Hacker suggests moving toward a new, more sex- ual norm that acknowledges sex- uality as a characteristic of a person's identity. The breakfast program will be held in the Townsend Hotel, 100 Townsend Street in Birmingham. Breakfast begins at 9:45 a.m. and the program at 10:15 a.m. All women are invited. There is a fee. For reservations, call the Federation's Women's Division, 642-4260. Make the choice that leaves nothing to chance. Bortz Health Care. 24 Hour Nursing Care Call 363-4121 for our limousine to pick you up for a personal tour of the mansion. WILLOW RD Rabbi Gives Book Review :WARE LAKE LONG LAM, RD COMMERCE RD Bortz Health Care Of Green Lake Family owned and operated for over 33 years. Medicare approved. 6470 Alden Drive, Orchard Lake (Less than 20 minutes from Maple & Orchard Lake Roads) W Hechtman Group Hears Speaker The Hechtman Chapter of Na'amat/USA will meet Oct. 3 at noon in the Hechtman dining room. Mrs. Erna Gorman will speak on "Growing Up in the Holocaust and Afterwards." There will be refreshments; no charge. Horodoker Luncheon Set w w F- 0 CC Fall Winterizing Special Call for Details w 100 RICK WALD 489-5862 (licensed and insured) Final plans have been made by David-Horodoker Women's Or- ganization for their 57th Annual Donor Luncheon noon — Nov. 1 at Congregation Beth Achim. Amy Yamron will give the in- vocation. Entertainment will be "Landsleit," a reviews of the ear- ly years of the David-Horodoker and Turover Fareins in Detroit, by Jeffrey Bonin. For tickets and information, call Mrs. Anna Komisar, 661- 5580; or Mrs. Fannie Weinstein, 967-3643. The next meeting will noon Oct. 4, at Lincoln Towers club- room. Irwin Groner Rabbi Irwin Groner will review the novel Sotah by Naomi Ragen on Oct. 10 at 11 a.m. at the open- ing meeting of Congregation Shaarey Zedek's Sisterhood in Southfield. A petite luncheon will be served, and the meeting is free to paid-up members. Guests are invited at a nominal charge. Sotah, set in Israel and the United States, is a contemporary story of woman accused of adul- tery and her struggle to reconcile tradition with freedom, faith with love. For reservations, contact An- drea Craig, 788-3615. Auxiliary Will Meet The Department of Michigan Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans will conduct their meeting Oct. 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the JWV Memorial Home. Pres- ident Faye Flosser will discuss coming events. Shapiro Auxiliary will provide the refreshments for the evening.