: • • lekaR, MICHIGAN'S #1 MITSUBISHI DEALER AVE UP TO '4500 ON SELECT ODELS THE NEW 1995 A NT 334Yr. Lease 111111111111V_ $21 9 * Finth 1995 3000 GT ONLY 2 YEAR 9 ussian Teen-Agars Get To The 'Point' RUTH LITTMANN STAFF WRITER ife as a Russian emigre can be a roller-coaster ride. Just ask Anna Sobolev, 15, who had a blast Aug. 1.4 on the Blue Streak at Cedar Point Amusement Park in San- dusky, Ohio. Anna spent the day twisting and roaring through man-made caves, twirling over mountains of ish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit. "It was really an effort to have a fun activity both for new ar- rivals to the United States and those who've been here for a few years," said Ellie Slovis of JEFF. "We also wanted it to serve as a catalyst for creating a BBYO chapter for New Americans." Left: New arrivals splash at Cedar Point. Below: Yuriy Gavrilenko, Dima Tolkachiyer and Vadim Sulla stop for a breath. * ing context where peers share their background and lan- guage. The group will aim to eventu- ally cosponsor events with oth- er chapters, Ms. Slovis said. JEFF is looking for adult vol- unteer advisers to work along with its staff and youth- groupers. Ms. Slovis says the ad- visers do not have to speak Russian, but they should be com- mitted to fostering teen leader- ship. "I think it's a great opportu- nity for anyone interested in so- cial work," she said. NEW '94 DIAMA 1-- $349 * month •AH prices are pis tax, title and dent Rebate Included. 24, 42, or 48 ma closed end lease to qualified buyers. Sec. dep. of zoo, plus $1250 down on Eclipse and Galart, all other vehicles require MO down 52,9:10 mile imitation on 42 mo. lease. 150 per mi. for mess Wear. Option to purchase at lease end for price determined at lease Inception. To pet total payments, multiply by 24, 42, Of 48. lovtaft, MITSUBISHI 4 SOUTHFIELD On Telegraph Road just North of 12 Mile and the 1-696 Expressway. Southfield 353-0910 L OURS Mon. & Thurs. 7 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Tues Wed Fri 8 a m -7 p.m ; steel girders and plummeting down Demon Drop, a 10-story tower for the fearless. More than 40 of her New American peers were equally in- trepid. Under sunny Sunday skies, they scoured the park for breath-taking, stomach-lurching thrills. Some tried their luck at the carnival games. "I won the pink bear," Anna said. "It was a lot of fun, but when I first saw the Demon Drop, I thought I was going to die. Friends dragged me on it." The Cedar Point excursion marked the first major function of B'nai B'rith Youth Group Or- ganization's chapter for teen- agers from the former Soviet Union. Sponsored by Jewish Ex periences For Families, the trip was largely funded by the Jew- - Anna thinks the youth group Although teen-agers from the former Soviet Union have ex- is a good idea because "when my pressed interest in BBYO and family came to America, I didn't other youth groups, many do know a lot of people." ❑ not yet feel comfortable in the If you are interested in vol.- mainstream, Ms. Slovis said. up ad- By starting a chapter specifical- . ly for the young immigrant oin the population, JEFF and BBYO 6 Slovis hope to introduce Russian tele: (810) teens to Jewish social and reli- gious scenes in a non-threaten- NIBBLES & NUTS The Vital Connection Wish Someone You Love L'Shanah Tova Tikatevu A Beautiful Tray Filled With Special Candy, Dried Fruits and Nuts. 737-8088 33020 NORTHWESTERN • W. BLOOMFIELD Outside Of Michigan 1.800-752-2133 20 r r aster Cardj ORDER EARLY • HOLIDAYS BEGIN SEPTEMBER 5th For Small-Town Educators JENNIFER FINER STAFF WRITER R ichard Alexander teaches a 10th-grade confirmation class at Temple Emanuel in Grand Rapids — a city where he describes a Jewish neighborhood as a place where two Jewish families live on the same block. Teaching in a small Jewish community brings about issues munities who attended the Aug. much different than those faced 14-19 Conference on Alternatives by educators in the Detroit area. in Jewish Education in Bloom- Class sizes can be counted on one ington, Ind., said the conference hand, fewer financial resources gave them the opportunity to are available and finding teach- meet with others in similar situ- ations. ers can be difficult. "It's (CAJE) a link to the out- Mr. Alexander, and other ed- ucators from small Jewish corn- side world," said Emily Bank, ed-