PARENTING future became connected as we sense that a great-grandson will hear the stories, pass them on, and continue to be adjoined to a fading past, enfolded in the sphere of jewish life. Oral histories, be they about immigration, the Holocaust, life in Amer- ica, or a host of other subjects, offer such con- nections by creating life histories. Collections of stories serve to com- pose lives for the listen- ers; a task of the utmost importance. For some sixty thousand years hu- man beings have been 11. telling life stories to their children and grandchildren. Hu- man cultures exist and sustain continu- ity through oral his- tories which provide links to the past. And where those bonds grow thin or disappear, the cultures soon follow. Jewish culture depends on such linkage more vi- tally than most others. Written or spoken narra- tives have carried para- mount importance for Jews. Stories about heroic men and women—founders, mothers, tricksters, martyrs, cre- , ation and dislocation that seem Techniques of interviewing to haunt modern Americans. vary, of course, but would rec- Frequently inaccurate, derived ommend a few ground rules. from selective memory and indi- 1) Know something about the vidual perspective, oral histories subject. For example, if an in- are not necessarily equivalent to .-.rviewee comes for Munkacz or factual sources. Often they do not Frankfurt, Toledo or New York, correspond to written, textbook Shanghai or Buenos Aires, the accounts of life in the past or to interviewer should be able to ask information found in official intelligent questions about that documents. But the purpose of place. Whether they arrive at El- oral testimonies goes beyond lis Island or lived in Oak Park, a historical recreation of facts. little knowledge about either lo- They convey experiences, feel- cation will help. ings, personal emotions, and the 2) Ask open or general ques- warmth or fear, sadness or joy tions like: "What was your life that comes only from personal like as a child in Detroit?" or recollections. "What did you do before the Holocaust testimonies, for ex- war?" The interviewee should ample, cannot serve as substi- be allowed discursive freedom— tutes for written documents or to be expansive and even ram- more complete histories of the bling. If discussing such broad catastrophe. However, where subject blocks an interviewee else but in an interview can one should be prepared with specif- hear the deep anguish and sad- ic questions: "What did you do ness of the personal loss? And in school?" or "What did your fa- where else gain a sense of the full- ther do?" or "What was a Friday ness of life before the destruction? night like in your house?" or Stories about life in small "What kind of fish did your Shtetls or large cities in Europe, mother serve?" Even specific about life on Hastings, Avalon or questions like "How many broth- Delancey Streets, about Ellis Is- ers and sisters did you have? land or the Warsaw Ghetto, con- can open to broad discourse, but nect us to our past, reflect Jewish might also be followed with more values as they played themselves specific questions like "what out in Jewish life. History of this things did your sister do to make sort grounds us; offers clues to you call her disagreeable?" what Jewish life meant and 3) Try not to focus exclusively means. To achieve such profound on negative issues; these are in- terviews about Jewish life, part of which probably included anti- Semitism. But Jewish identity did not and does not revolve around anti-Semitism, and the subject should not dominate the interview. 4) Don't feel obligated to use videotape; audiotape often makes for a more relaxing situation and perhaps can be followed by video- tape another time. 5) If the interviewee makes an obvious mistake, don't correct it. An interviewer exists to ask ques- tions and listen. 1 From Generation To Generation Oral Histories Provide Vital Jewish Links. SIDNEY BOLKOSKY SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS came to America in 1914." So begins Avalon, Barry Levinson's story of a Jew- ish immigrant family in America. The final line of the film, "He (the grandfa- ther) came to america in 1914," converts a socio-eco- nomic picture into a hu- man, poignant and purposeful story. In that moment, past and ators have conveyed Jewish val- ues and attitudes; exhorted Jews to piety, morality, humor, love and compassion. They have vir- tually defined what comprised Jewish life and helped retain a remarkably distinct identity be- cause of the consequential conti- nuity. With such an ensemble of function, oral histories may pro- vide a means to reduce the alien- results, the burden lies heavily on the listener: he or she must listen carefully, intently trying to hear the nuances and significance of a voice replete with legend, legacy and identity. Recommended Techniques For Interviewing Reading about Jewish history may yield some sense of Jewish identity through understanding the past. Hearing Jewish histo- ry from a relative, from a living, loved person may reap a rich har- vest of personal Jewish identity full of meaningful associations that will fill us up, and give us more substance. From such tes- timonies will come legends, myths and history with which we may form an intimate relation- ship as Jews have done for mil- lennia. From generation to generation, ancestral stories have served as a source of survival, continuance and connectedness. In the end will be the stories—and from them will come renewal and more life. ❑ P33