Israel Israel's Rabin: Benevolent Dictator You Could Spend A Lot Of Time Looking For New Homes. LARRY DERFNER SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS or the leader of a democra- cy, Yitzhak Rabin could be fairly described as a benev- olent dictator - totally ded- icated to his people, but autocratic by instinct and ruthless with anyone who gets in his way. "The Israeli public," wrote Ha'aretz columnist Uzi Benzi- man, "was treated on July 18 to the essential Rabin: on the one hand, a leader of historic stature, on the other, a petty man who doesn't know how to control his impulses. The Rabin at the fes- tive occasions in Washington, who, even while corseted in a tuxedo, maintained a certain sabra charm, is Dr. Jekyll; the Rabin who settles his wounding personal accounts with Shimon Peres, is Mr. Hyde." Ell MI NI= ■■ II Clothing Sales. Furniture Bargains. 7- 1177 Great R0aurants. with Jordan in an instant. This led to a deadlock in our relations going into this year," Mr. Rabin said, in a clear reference to Mr. Peres' past, oft-stated remark that "all Israel and Jordan needed to sign a peace accord was a pen." The prime minister only invit- ed Mr. Peres to Washington at the last minute, and left Mr. Peres in the shadows once he got there. At the luncheon following Rabin's powerhouse speech to Congress, Mr. Peres was shown sitting at the table looking crest- fallen, utterly depressed. Before returning to Israel, the foreign minister was quoted in Yediot Aharonot as saying, "I won't al- low him [Rabin] to damage my honor or my credibility again." But it wasn't only Mr. Peres RNS/REUTERS —\ - Exquisite Jewelry. And More. Find ThemAll In One Place For Only 710 AWeek THE JEWISH NEWS TH E DE T RO I T J E WIS H N EWS Save 40% off the newsstand price. Receive 52 issues plus* issues of Style magazine for only $37.00 ($49 out-of-state). ADDITIONAL SAVINGS: TWO YEAR SUBSCRIPTION FOR $66.00 ($78 out-of-state). B Yes, I'd like my own ,!* ❑ Please bill me. year subscription to The Jewish News. ❑ I'd like to send a year subscription as a gift to: Name • • My Name Address My Address City City State State Zip Phone I Phone Yitzhak Rabin looks back at Shimon Peres during the famous handshake. ❑ Payment enclosed. New subsabers only Gift Card Message Please send all payments along with this coupon to: The Jewish News, P.O. Box 2267, Southfield, MI 48037-2267. Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. lie Tr For faster service cal 810-354-6620 and charge it to your Visa or MasterCard between the hours of 8:30 an and 5:00 pm AD294 It may have escaped the Amer- whom Mr. Rabin insulted in ican public, but Mr. Rabin hu- Washington. In interviews with the Israeli miliated Peres at the summit with King Hussein in Washing- press corps, the prime minister said he "couldn't care less" about F\ ton. Not only did he not give Mr. his right-wing opposition. For Peres any credit at all for the that remark, Likud leader peace with Jordan, he blamed the Binyamin Netanyahu refused an foreign minister, in an interview invitation to the welcoming-home televised here, for nearly wreck- ceremony for Mr. Rabin at Ben- C Gurion Airport. ing the deal. "There were those among us who said peace could be achieved POLffICAL page 10