Community Views Editor's Notebook 'Orchestrating' The Jewish Community The Power Of Two RABBI AVI WEISS SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM ASSOCIATE EDITOR hen Martin Luther King Jr. demonstrat- ed peacefully for civil rights in the South, local black leaders were asked to stop him. First, they mar- ginalized him. Later, they learned the valuable lesson of community orchestration. When asked to dissociate themselves from Dr. King, lo- cal black leaders responded, "His style is not our style. How- ever, he's a peaceful man. He has a following and.his cause is correct. We can't stop him. You can stop him. All you-have to do is give our people more rights." In sharp contrast to this les- son are the circumstances sur- rounding recent protests outside the NAACP's recent black summit in Baltimore. There, I joined with Michael Lerner, the editor of Tikkun, and Michael Meyers, a former NAACP assistant national di- rector, to protest the NAACP's embrace of Louis Farrakhan. Our quarrel was not with the African-American community, but with a particular bigot and those seeking to legitimize him. Unfortunately, in the days be- fore the summit, the Baltimore Jewish Council announced its op- position to any protests. As its di- rector said, "This may inflame and provoke — rather than at- tempt to heal — the discord be- tween the African-American and Jewish communities." This reaction was reminiscent of a similar event five years ago. In 1989, after I and other Jews demonstrated outside the Auschwitz convent, Cardinal Josef Glemp publicly proclaimed that we had come to kill the nuns. We sued him — and finally reached the point when the car- dinal was about to sign a care- fully worded apology for anti-Semitic remarks. The state- ment would have represented a momentous breakthrough in Jewish-Christian relations. The day before the cardinal was to sign this statement, two members of an American Jewish establishment organization ar- rived in Poland. They told him that I had "contributed to anti- Semitism in Poland" and had act- ed "destructively and in an irresponsible manner." Cardinal Glemp then refused to sign the apology on the grounds that his accusation had been validated by these two Jew- ish leaders. These leaders should have fol- lowed the example set in the civ- il rights movement by saying, "Rabbi Weiss' way is not our way. Rabbi Avi Weiss is national president of the Coalition for Jewish Concerns. W However, he is a peaceful man. He has a following and his cause is just. We can't stop him. You can. You can stop him by remov- ing the convent." We view the Jewish commu- nity as a symphony orchestra that has flutists, violinists and so on. We are drummers, peaceful drummers: Our goal is not to drown out the flutists and vio- linists, but to beat steadily, re- lentlessly and, yes, to sometimes sound the alarm, loud and clear. When any of these instru- ments are missing, there is no symphony. Each one has an im- portant place in the orchestra. A few days before arriving in the United States for his first visit, Natan Sharansky said it best: "Quiet diplomacy can help only if it is supported by strong pub- lic pressure." Case- in point: When Pat Buchanan was running for pres- ident in 1992, several Orthodox, Conservative and Reform rabbis joined in raising a voice against his anti-Semitic and racist state- ments. At his final "America First" rally on the eve of the Geor- gia primary, I called out, "Your racism and anti-Semitism make America last." Looking down at us, he replied, "This is a rally of Americans, for Americans and for the good old U.S.A., my friends." Translation: "Jews, if you don't like it, get out of here." The next day, the American Jewish Congress and the Amer- ican Jewish Committee released statements asserting that it was now clear that Mr. Buchanan was anti-Semitic. In this in- stance, the discord of his offen- sive statements was stilled by the harmony of the Jewish commu- nity, by activists and the estab- lishment working together. For years, I have said that our brand of activism is not "anti-es- tablishment," but rather, "non- establishment." I understand the position of such organizations as the Baltimore Jewish Council re- garding the NAACP-Farrakhan protest. However, its role is no more or less legitimate than ours, which is to serve as peaceful, di- rect-action activists. The Balti- more Jewish Council has a right to its opinion as a component of the Jewish community. But it steps beyond the line when it de- clares that its way is the only way. Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi, the great medieval poet and philoso- pher, compared the Jewish peo- ple in certain ways to a symphony orchestra. He wrote that congregational prayer, which is the prayer of the group, is more powerful than private prayer. In group prayer, my de- ficiency is compensated by an- other's strength. In private prayer, the deficiency is glaring. Likewise, we must all comple- ment those groups in our com- munity whose methods of speaking out differ from our own. There must be mutual recogni- tion that as much as amcha, the grass roots, needs the establish- ment, the establishment also needs amcha. ❑ A day doesn't pass here at the paper that I don't get some unusual, to put it mildly, phone call. In recent weeks I've heard from someone who wanted to know if I could name "anyone in Hollywood who is Jewish"; a gentile who told me we Jews need to get out the message to the world that we don't really control the banks and the media; and a man who said he's a "channel- er" for the Rambam (that is, a medium through which the great rabbi can speak to us to- day. Some of the more well- known "channelers" — like those who speak to actress Shirley MacLaine — dispense such timeless wisdom as, "Reach in to reach out," and "God is within you.") The calls that trouble me most are those from angry readers. Even when it's something as silly as, "Why didn't you men- tion that my Aunt - Millie brought her fa- mous chocolate cake with the bright-red sprinkles to the fam- ily reunion? What's the mat- ter with you?" I lose sleep. That's why, about two years ago, I had many restless nights after a communi- ty leader called me, furious about something that had appeared in the paper. It wasn't even a piece I wrote, for crying out loud, but because he knew me, I guess, he felt com- fortable enough to call and let me have it. "Your paper is .... (fill in the blank). The whole media is .... (fill in the blank). You reporters are...." I tried to reason with him. I tried to explain (even though, as I mentioned, I had nothing to do with the piece that ran). Finally, though, I ended the conversation because there was nothing left to say. For weeks afterward, I tried to think of a way to work this out. Should I call him and say, "Let's have lunch," or, "Maybe we could talk about this?" I asked friends for advice; they said to forget about it. But these battles really both- er me — as I suspect they both- er everyone else. Fight with your spouse in the morning, and if it's not worked out im- mediately the day is ruined. Fight with a family member and, no matter how stupid the argument, you may not speak to each other for years. That's likely what would have happened in this case, too. But then something unusual occurred. About a week before Yom Kippur, the community leader — I'll call him FI (formerly irate) — phoned me. "As you know, Halachah ob- ligates us to seek forgiveness from those we have offended during the past year," he said. "I know that I spoke harshly and unfairly to you, and that I insulted you, your paper and your profession. I apologize, and Pm asking your forgiveness." What great two words: I apologize. FI couldn't have made a greater impression on me had he been the head of the Ed McMahon sweep- stakes (everyone I know is a finalist for $5 million) coming to tell me I had won the Big One. What courage and strength it must have taken to place such a call. I say that because it is rare that I utter or hear the words "I apologize" said with any real sincerity. ("Adina!" I have been known to say to my 2 1/2-year-old daughter. "Why did you grab that toy? You know your little brother was playing with it and now he's sure to cry. Please tell him you're sorry right now!" "Sorry," she says casually, not taking her eyes offBarney.) Of course I forgave FI. But it was more than that. I had a new respect for him and a new admiration. I realized that I like him a lot, too. I like anybody who has the guts to call me like that. Gosh, if the guy phones me now and wants me to write about his Aunt Betty's famous strawberry cake that is sure to be the hit of his family reunion, I would probably do it. Yom Kippur is still weeks away, but it's already time to start thinking about it. A good place to start is by working up your courage to call those you have offended. It's Halachah, and it's good for the soul. ❑