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July 29, 1994 - Image 115

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1994-07-29

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Happy Trails

These young adults can not
get enough politics and their friends
don't understand why.


achel Rubenfaer's life re-
volves around politics.
She tells people she can't
get enough of it.
"My friends often have
no idea what Pm talking
about," says the 23-year-
old scheduler for Howard
Wolpe, a candidate for
governor. "It's addicting.
Your adrenaline keeps pumping.
Every time you get in a cycle of
being tired of it, that cycle ends
and you need it again."
While scores of young adults
can be found in any given cam-
paign office, some of their friends
have little interest in the politi-
cal system. Those who are
hooked want to spend their lives
shaping public policy.
"I think most people look at

politics as an evil machine," says
Ms. Rubenfaer, who is originally
from West Bloomfield. "They see
it as something they have no con-
trol over. I see it as a way to help
Ms. Rubenfaer is responsible
for planning every minute of Mr.
Wolpe's day, including deciding
what events the candidate will
"I schedule everything, in-
cluding when Howard gets his
hair cut," she says.
Adrienne Rakotz, a 24-year-
old Farmington Hills resident,
implements fund-raisers for U.S.
Rep. Sander Levin's campaign.
Her job entails planning events
and seeking contributions for Mr.
Levin's re-election.
With two exceptions, everyone

in her office is between 19 and 28 There are so many people fight-
and, unlike Ms. Rubenfaer, Ms. ing for the same thing in so many
Rakotz says most of her friends ways."
are involved in politics in some
Last spring, when Scott
Matasar, 24, completed his sec-
"I think more people are start- ond year of law school at Boston
ing to get involved and realizing University, he came home to
how things have affected them work as the director of field op-
and what needs to be done in the erations on Bill Brodhead's cam-
future," Ms. Rakotz says. "Every- paign for U.S. Senate.
thing will eventually be left to
Mr. Matasar, of Bloomfield
Hills, interviewed for a
When Ms. Rubenfaer (Left)
summer job at a law
was in her teens, she Rachel R ubenfaer
firm but decided
had her first exposure plans Ho ward
against working in his
to the political system Wolpe's schedule.
field for now.
at work.
"I know I have the
There was a push to (Below)
rest of my life to be an
build homes in the Charles L awrence,
attorney," he said. "I
woods behind her Cara Gal breath and have no regrets about
house. At 16, Ms. Rachel R ubenfaer
my decision. I've real-
Rubenfaer was attend-
ly enjoyed what I'm
ing West Bloomfield Township doing and I've learned a lot about
board meetings and handing out politics."
literature to voters. Now the area
He says he wants to get in-
is a nature preserve.
volved in public policy at some
"This showed me that if you point. Ms. Rubenfaer and Ms.
work hard for something you can Rakotz say they are interested in
make it happen," she says.
running for office some day.
Ms. Rakotz, who recently re-
Ms. Rakotz predicts she will
ceived a master's degree in policy run as a county commissioner
analysis from Penn State, is in- within the next few years. Her
terested in the political system ultimate goal is to be appointed
because she feels in order for to a cabinet position in Wash-
change to occur, people must get ington.
Ms. Rubenfaer would love to
"I see politics as a way of get- one day be governor.
ting things done," Ms. Rakotz
"I don't know what Pm going
says. "It's also an excitement. TRAILS page 118


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