HIDDEN page 58 c, YAnti-Defamation League ® presents - The Capitol Steps Wednesday, August 31st 7:30 p.m. riorA*ej Tam O'Shanter 3001 -130114 Country Club A friendraiser of the Michigan Board of the Anti-Defamation League For Information: (810) 355-3730 Complete storewide markdowns including new arrivals. mister marvin's 1 . 111 'KE APPLEGATE SQUARE SOUTHFIELD 810-351-0044 US-TOO CHAPTER OF SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP For Patients and Their Families "Keeping Healthy: Overcoming Prostate Cancer" James D. Relle, M.D. Michael D. Lutz, M.D. Coordinators Thursday, July 21, 1994, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Jewish Community Center ■ West Bloomfield Campus 6600 West Maple Road Please Call Lisa At (810) 353-3060 For More Information of the UJF portfolio is in stocks and 40 percent in bonds. The good returns, he says, come from diversification decisions: stocks vs. bonds, value vs. growth, and selections based on capitalization of hundreds of companies. The vast majority of the in- vestments are in domestic firms, but there are also "dis- creet investments" in mutual funds that have some non-U.S. stocks. "You don't put all your eggs in one basket," said Mr. David- off. "A properly diversified port- folio will do better in the long term." And the UJF is doing well at 14.5 percent. So, when the Al- lied Jewish Campaign — the annual fund-raiser that sup- ports more than 50 local, na- tional and overseas Jewish causes — comes up short like it did this year, why can't Feder- ation and UJF just use a bigger chunk of endowment proceeds? "It sounds terrific, $100 mil- lion," said UJF President Michael Maddin. "But in talk- ing about income from those dollars, it's not a lot. This com- munity takes a lot of money to operate." UJF immediate past presi- dent Jack Robinson points out that the unrestricted portion of the funds is used as a rainy-day emergency fund. "We are able to come to the rescue when there is a crisis in the commu- nity." UJF funds were used to bail out the Home for the Aged over the last four years, when millions of dollars beyond the annual Allied Jewish Cam- paign appropriation were , pumped into Borman Hall in an effort to save it from closing. Gilbert Jacobson, associate director of planned giving and foundation relations at CJF in New York, points out that "you can't just go out and spend" an endowment. Nationally, about 17 percent of the funds in Jew- ish communal endowment pro- grams are unrestricted. Most donors have restricted their funds' use to specific pur- poses. In other cases, such as Ms. Groskind's insurance poli- cies, the money will not become available to UJF until long into the future — after her death. While UJF or the beneficiary agencies could break a donor's wishes and spend the invest- ment income from an endow- ment for other purposes, it could be the death knell of a program if that bond of trust is broken. 'We honor the donor's re- quest," said Michael Maddin. "The minute we don't, the whole system is flawed." UJF officers and Federation officials stress the biggest trust is communal involvement in the Allied Jewish Campaign. "The Campaign remains the single most important fund- raising apparatus," said Michael Berke, Federation ex- ecutive director, because it "It sounds terrific, $100 million." But against the needs, "it's not a lot." —Michael Maddin meets the day-to-day needs of the recipient agencies. The of- ficials don't want donors to set up communal endowments in- stead of gifts to the Campaign. They see an endowment as an additional, long-range gift. `The endowment program is for people who are looking to do something for the community and for Israel," said Joseph Im- berman, director of United Jew- ish Foundation's Federated Endowment Fund. "A wonder- fill marriage can occur (through endowments) that will do a lot of good for the Jewish commu- nity. "We tell people how they can participate to accomplish their goals and our goals. We try to be careful about providing the donor with programs. Most donors have something specif- ic in mind." At the Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit, endowments have ranged from funding new baseball diamonds to establishing the wing that houses the Janice Charach Ep- stein Museum Gallery. The