1995 LUMINA & MONTE CARLO Special Pre-Announcement SAVINGS! 1995 MONTE CARLO Z34 1995 LUMINA Cauley .AANFloiewsirinewser T HE D ETRO 7L:71E107171Fr 10 ORCHARD LAKE RD. Between 14 Mile & 15 Mile OPEN SATURDAYS under him are following the orig- inal plan for the destruction of Is- rael. Condemnations and universal pressure will be great by the Unit- ed States and Europe. But that is nothing compared to Israel sur- rendering one-third of its territo- ry won by the blood of the Jews. Now Rabin wants to retreat behind the defunct 1967 "Green Line." Arafat is clever because he caused Yitzhak Rabin, by a handshake, to yield Gaza, Jericho, and soon He- bron. Rabin seems to have forgot- ten that the Kingdom of Jordan is 80 percent of the original Pales- tine, and the "Palestinians" run Jordan also. This is criticism of Rabin-Peres strategy of the first order. Rabin- Peres and the Labor Party types have betrayed the Jewish com- munity in Israel, where the Israeli voters can only vote for parties and no candidates. The Israeli government has em- braced the PLO. To see a support- er like Berl Falbaum outline the truth, and then see him avoid the same truth and embrace the evil of Arafat, is to betray the Jews. Michael Drissman Farmington Hills The Message Of Vandalism 1995 MONTE CARLO LS Jack TRUST page 4 Gee) 855-9700 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. HOURS: Mon. & Thurs. 8:30 a.m. - 9 p.m., Tues. 8:00 a.m. - 6 p.m., Wed. & Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. I was saddened to read in the June 24 edition of the vandalism to the B'nai Israel Center. Unfortunate- ly, this is not an isolated incident in our community of open anti- Semitism. I was greatly troubled by the ini- tial response to the vandalism by the executive director of Congre- gation Shaarey Zedek, Leonard Baruch. One can certainly under- stand the concern to shelter our young children from these violent messages but why the need to "cov- er up everything" so "no parent or child saw what was written." Fortunately, The Jewish News saw fit to publicize this event even with a photograph. There is an ap- propriate age to teach our children the very real but usually hidden message of anti-Semitism. I think Mr. Baruch missed the message of the "writing on the wall" when he somewhat glibly de- duced that since "we're part of America, they must be from an- other country." No, I'm afraid that Letters Policy Letters must be typewritten, double-spaced, and include the name, home address, day- time phone number and sig- nature of the writer. Brief letters (less than a page), arriving by noon Tues- day, will be given preference. these perpetrators regardless of their age or motivation are very much a part of our current (tem- porary?) homeland. We do a great disservice when we cover up with paper or close our eyes to this aspect of the country that we live in. We live today in the United States during one of the greatest eras of freedom and pros- perity for the Jewish people. Nonetheless, we must never forget the lessons of our past. During the sad period of the `Three Weeks" beginning June 26, we are reminded of the past 2,000 years of anti-Semitism and vio- lence against our people. Let the accumulative effect of this unend- ing chain of hatred remind us of who we are and where our true homeland is. It's time for us to realize before it's too late that we should go back to the land where we really come from, Eretz Yisrael. Jay Novetsky Southfield B'nai B'rith Investment Plan Jerusalem (JTA) — B'nai Brith International this week launched an Israel investment program, which the group said symbolizes the changing political climate in the Middle East and the chang- ing relationship between Dias- pora Jewry and Israel. B'nai Brith has helped arrange for a new mutual fund package slated to be available in about two months to U.S. investors. One of the nine funds in the package will be the Israel Op- portunities Fund Inc., an open- end investment company aimed at long-term capital appreciation by investment in securities on the Tel Aviv stock exchange. For many years the thrust of the American Jewish relation- ship to Israel has been philan- thropy, Kent Schiner, international president of B'nai Brith, said as he unveiled the plan at a news conference here. While B'nai Brith still supports philanthropy, the new invest- ment program reflects a new em- phasis on partnership and investment, Mr. Schiner said. The program comes amid calls by some Israeli leaders for a re- alignment of the Israel-Diaspora relationship based on partner- ship. 'The Israel fund is a major mu- tual fund designed to bring U.S. dollars into Israel for the devel- opment of business," said Jerome Corsi, president of MDS Securi- ties Inc., the broker-dealer arm of MDS/Bankmark, which will underwrite, administer and dis- tribute the fund products.