BETZADIUT Lira MET YUMA (//- ` 4 L i MAY NC A GiG FOR YOU iN MitrAST.. CAN YOU DO IVOR oto 1 4' anirs "( ?7, 41 5:Af ' ( • //ljt0\\‘ I Interfaith Leader The announcement that Mon- signor Alex Brunett has been named Catholic bishop for He- lena, Mont., adds a bittersweet note to an ecumenical week. Monsignor Brunett's ap- pointment was announced Tuesday, the day of the fund- raising banquet of the Ecu- menical Institute for Jewish-Christian Studies. In the history of ecumenism in Detroit, few names in the Christian community stand taller than the Rev. James Lyons of the Ecumenical Insti- tute and Monsignor Brunett of the Catholic Church's Arch- diocese of Detroit. For 20 years, Monsignor Brunett served the Church in the dual roles of parish priest and liaison to other religious groups. In the years since Vat- ican II, the historic conference that changed official Church doctrine toward the Jews, Mon- signor Brunett was in the fore- front in Detroit in making the new policy a local reality. His appointment three years ago to head the Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak was more than symbolic. It helped to bury dark memories from 50 years ago of the Shrine's "Ra- dio Priest," the hatemongering Father Charles Coughlin. Monsignor Brunett will be missed. But his new appoint- ment can be seen as a tribute to his interfaith work and as recognition that his efforts have begun to pay dividends. Monsignor Alex Brunett A Human Achievement Operation Exodus II has been much more than a six-month marketing campaign. The four-year ef- fort to help Israel resettle 500,000 Jews from the former Soviet Union has helped save a people. It also reminded the world and klal Yisrael — the Jewish people — the purpose of the Jewish state. The United Jewish Appeal and the Jewish fed- erations in the United States have raised signifi- cant dollars to help Israel bring to its shores and educate, acculturate and employ Jews from Eu- rope and Africa who have been persecuted in their native lands. The campaign has assisted the black Jews of Ethiopia to escape famine, and the Jews behind the now-fallen Iron Curtain to leave be- hind anti-Semitism and economic upheaval. The role played by the UJA and federations has made a significant impact. So, too, has the role of the Israeli citizenry. A country of 4 million Jews has accepted and assimilated in just a few years diverse immigrants with different languages, cus- riSIDP -THE INTI LPT 11-16R BOYCOrr s AMD END 1146 PLO CALL FoR MIRUCTIONJ OF ISRAeL•?!• 4 toms and levels of education. A country that is only 45 years old has accepted a wave of immigrants equal to one-eighth its population. Joel Tauber, former president of Detroit's Fed- eration who has chaired the national UJA for the last two years, points out that the absorption and education of 25,000 Ethiopian Jews is the most ex- pensive aliyah in Israel's history. The dollars could not have been better spent. Offering a safe home to Jews everywhere was a reason for the state's very establishment. But who could have imagined an Israel peopled, as it is today, with such a diverse collection of back- grounds, languages and cultures? That was the goal of the Exodus campaign, and that is what it is helping accomplish. In a world of cynics and skeptics, this remark- able feat should serve as a reminder that life is still full of wonder. r w6 ORE ReALLy INNoCENT BAcK - NEN. Letters Helping, Hurting The Community? Regarding the letter which ap- peared in The Jewish News of April 1, under the heading "De- signing Funds for Borman Res- idents," the writers stated: "We feel so strongly about this is- sue that we are going to hold our 1994 pledge and wait and see how this issue will be han- dled. If other people feel the same way, we encourage them to do the same.: In response, I wish to point out that if everyone were to withhold their 1994 pledge to the Allied Jewish Campaign it would not only be necessary to close Borman Hall, but also Prentis Manor, educational classes, the transportation sys- tem, and other essential ser- vices. A far better solution would be to increase our contributions to the Campaign in order that the Jewish Federation could have the financial means with which to provide the needed re- sources for the total Jewish community. Morris P. Elken Oak Park Top Gun And Errors I should like to compliment The Jewish News on the fine article "Top Gun" that ap- peared in the April 1 issue. However, you misstate Arthur Becker's rank by identifying him as "a four-star colonel." There is no such rank in our U.S. military forces nor has this home-made rank ever ex- isted. Further, Raymond Zussman was a second lieutenant in the 756th Tank Battalion, U.S. Army in World War II when he won the Congressional Medal of Honor, and I would presume that he advanced in grade by the time that he finished his military career. It would have been proper and respectful had the article shown his rank at the time of his death, much the same as you identified Col. Becker. Sheppard Werner Natick, Mass. Editor's Note: Lt. Zussman was awarded the Congression- al Medal of Honor for heroism in action at the time of his death. Lamedvavniks, Jewish Descent I have to take exception to two items Elizabeth Applebaum mentioned in her "Tell Me Why" column March 25. In her question of the Lamed- vavniks, the 36 righteous men by whose virtue the world con- tinues to exist, she says, "...the significance of the number 36 is not known." Well, I'm sure it's not known to many, but the origin of that tradition is well documented. The Talmud (Sukka 45B), in commenting on Isaiah 30.18, "happy are all those who wait for Him," notes that the word /o ("for Him") is the numerical equivalent of 36. The Talmud asserts that, for the iniquities of mankind, all the world would perish were it not for 36 righteous human be- ings "who wait for Him." These 36 don't know who they are, and if they knew, they would never tell a soul, but because of them, the world continues to ex- ist. The other item involves the question of Jewish descent, whether patrilineal or matri- lineal. In her response, Ms. Ap- plebaum implies that certain things were permitted prior to the theophany at Sinai which were forbidden after the giving of the Torah, giving the exam- ple of "Joseph and Moses, tak- ing gentile wives, yet their children were considered Jew- ish." She then suggests that bibli- cal law is not the same as tal- mudic law, and from that point, her "response" to the question LAMEDVAVNIKS page 8 (