4 ■ SPRING 1994 ISSUE ■ SINAI HOSPITAL HealthNews Treating Arthritis A Personal Approach — W At Sinai, the patient is an important member of the healthcare team. Functional Recovery Program: Conquering Pain and Getting Back to Normal ith more than 100 diseases causing arthritis, it's no wonder that finding the origin of arthritis is no simple task. That's why Sinai physicians use one of the best methods avail- able for diagnosing arthritis. "We talk with our patients and we listen," explains Samuel Indenbaum, M.D., Chief of Staff and Section Chief of Rheuma- tology. A good patient history is one of the most effective diag- nostic tools that a physician can have for treating arthritis. Over the past few years, test- ing for arthritis has also become much more sophisticated. Blood tests are now available that help doctors to understand whether pain in the joints is due to in- flammation and disease or sim- ple wear and tear. And when you combine a com- prehensive patient history with a thorough examination, the se- cret of arthritic pain can be un- covered. Continued from page 3 problems, the FRP can help. "Our Functional Re- covery Program em- phasizes function in patients who complain of chronic pain. It's the kind of program that is not offered by any oth- er area hospital," says Joseph C. Honet, M.D., cupation can benefit from rehabilitation. Says Dr. Ellenberg, "At the FRP, we see people from all walks of life. From auto workers to postal employees to at- torneys, doctors and secretaries, our pro- gram reaches out to all workers who want to ended up better than I was before the accident. It changed my entire life..." Chairman of the De- partment of PM&R. "This isn't new," he adds. 'We've been doing it all along. Now we're just formalizing it. We will work with industry to get these patients the help they need to achieve full function." Just about every oc- improve their physical performance on the job." For Mrs. Rosier, a corporate trainer, the FRP was just what she needed. In addition to relieving nearly all of her pain, the FRP taught her valuable tools for daily living. "The FRP staff taught me how to pace myself and control stress," she says. "It was an excel- lent program." Robert Johnson of Rochester agrees. At 35, he injured his back af- ter lifting a heavy piece of steel in a die shop. Several months later — following inappropriate therapy and misdiag- nosis — Mr. Johnson entered the FRP at Sinai Hospital. "I don't like to take pills, and I don't like to sit around thinking about the pain," ex- plains Mr. Johnson. "Daily stretching and exercises greatly relieve the pain and make it tolerable. Dr. Ellenberg and the entire staff were simply fantastic. It's the best thing Work- ers' Compensation ever did for me." Pinpointing the Cause of Rheuma- toid Arthritis Recent breakthroughs in learning about the immune sys- tem have proven to be a valu- able tool in discovering the cause of one of the most severe types of arthritis -- rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system turns against and attacks the joints and surrounding soft tissues. "New strategies are allowing us to isolate the white blood cells that are causing the trouble and then eliminate them," explains Dr. Indenbaum. The new ther- apy stops further damage and holds great promise for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Lyme Disease — The Silent Stalker It's hard to believe, but a sim- ple walk through a field without the proper protective clothing can lead to arthritis. Sounds far- fetched? Well not when you con- sider the unusual properties of Lyme disease which has recently been identified as another cause of arthritis. Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria that is most often car- ried by deer ticks. The disease is characterized by fever, headaches, lethargy, muscle pains and joint inflammation. If diagnosed in its early stages, Lyme disease can be treated and cured. If left undiagriosed, a cure can take much longer. "In the past, a patient who came to their doctor complain- ing of the flu---like symptoms as- sociated with Lyme disease may not have received the most ac- curate diagnosis," says Dr. In- denbaum. wlbday a blood test is available to confirm the pres- ence of Lyme disease. If we can diagnose the disease before joint inflammation occurs, we can generally treat the patient with antibiotics." Early Diagnosis and Treatment Are Key In all cases of suspected arthritis, Dr. Indenbaum em- phasizes the importance of ear- ly detection and treatment. "Damage to the joints is gener- ally irreversible. So the longer you wait, the greater the dam- age, no matter what success you have in treatment," he says. After getting the diagnosis, he adds, it is essential that the pa- tient follows through on the pre- scribed treatment. "If you don't follow your doctor's instructions. you've wasted your time and possibly caused yourself even further harm," cautions Dr. In- denbaum.