Step In The Right Direction RONELlE ROSENTHAL GRIER SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS Fir rom the too- wonderful-to- be-true Brady Bunch to the horrible plight of Cinderella, there is no shortage of stepfamily myths. Although most would agree reality lies somewhere in between the two stories, statistics are grim for re- married couples with chil- dren from previous marriages. According to data compiled by Irma Starr, director of SPACE, a Southfield-based, non-sectarian peer support program for changing fami- lies, 60 percent of these mar- riages fail, almost half within the first four years. Of those that survive, it can take any- where from two to seven years for parents and chil- dren to develop strong fami- ly sentiments. "I think the divorce statis- tics are so high because that's a long time to wait to feel like a family," Ms. Starr said. "Many people just don't want to wait that long." Ms. Starr said one of the most difficult stepfamily situations is when both spouses have young children from their previous mar- riages, and both ex-spouses live nearby. In addition to the multi- tude of adjustments that any marriage requires, a step- family can have its own set of additional problems: resent- ful children, hostile ex-spous- es, added financial pressures, and complicated custody and visitation arrangements that make normal family life next to impossible. Some resourceful stepfamilies have found their own ways to stay on the right side of the bleak statistics. Jewish educator Harlene Winnick Ap- pelman recalls an anecdote that helped set the course for her marriage to Dr. Hen- ry Appelman. When the couple wed almost 10 years ago, they had five chil- dren between them: two boys from Dr. Ap- pelman's first mar- riage and two boys and a girl from Ms. Appel- man's previous marriage. To complicate matters further, both had joint custody with the ex-spouses living nearby, and all four of the boys were heading straight into adoles- cence. Realizing there might be some problems, the Appel- mans sought the advice of a nationally known psychia- trist and family therapist. "He heard our story and said he couldn't help us, that no one could help us," Ms. Ap- pelman said. "Not only that, he wouldn't even charge us for the visit. We knew then that no one was going to res- cue us — we would make or break this on our own." Ms. Appelman attributes her family's success to sever- al factors: resiliency, a strong marital foundation, good com- munication and the structure of Jewish ritual. "Shabbat dinners and hol- idays have provided an enor- mous amount of support," Ms. Appelman said. "Fami- Photo by Dan iel Llpp itt Despite statistics, blended families create their own successful dynamics. Joseph, Linda, Rachel, Sari and Linle Aviv and Stephanie Etkin: Building a family history. lies like ours need periods of structured interaction, and that's what ritual does. My stepson recently brought a girl home for Friday night dinner — I was really touched." Ms. Appelman believes consistency among the mar- ried couple, shared values, is important. Ms. Appelman recalls the time she and her husband purchased five bicycles at once, one for each child in the family. "Because it was such a big investment, the rules about (spending for) the bikes were very clear," she said. "My husband and I were in ab- solute agreement, and there was never a problem. We re- alized that if every issue were this understood, there would be no dilemmas." Ms. Appelman feels that synagogues should be more sensitive to stepfamilies, es- pecially regarding what she call the "simcha stress" sur- rounding bar and bat mitz- vahs and weddings. She believes that congregations should develop policies "guid- ed by good sense and Jewish morals" that can serve as a baseline for remarried fami- lies. "The families should not have to create all the rules," said Ms. Appelman, whose family had four b'nai mitzvot in as many years. "And the kids should be allowed to be kids. They shouldn't have to choose which parent plays which role in the ceremony." Both Ms. Appelman and SPACE's Ms. Starr believe that starting out with realis- tic expectations is essential to a successful stepfamily. "At first the stepparent should stay in the back- ground and hope for friend- ship, not expect instant love," Ms. Starr said. Ms. Appelman agrees. "We were brutally realis- tic," she said. "We didn't de- mand or expect love, we hoped for respect and peace- ful coexistence." The needs of the children also should be a prime con- sideration. "It's important for kids to see a united couple and also for them to have input into the family," Ms. Starr said. "If the changes are drastic for the adults, they're even more drastic for the children. It's a very confusing time for everybody." Joseph and Linda Aviv of Birmingham, remarried par- ents in a "yours, mine and ours" stepfamily, are anoth- er couple proving that a po- tentially disastrous situation can work successfully. STEP page 96 0, L) 95