t a recent pack meet- ing, parents talked of discipline and life skills. But if you ask Yeshiva Beth Yehudah third- grader Yaakov Brown why he likes Cub Scouts, he simply says, "It's fun!" Yaakov was taking part in his third meeting of Pack 1579, which meets Wednesday nights at Congregation Beth Achim. The Cubs and Boy Scouts of 1579 are unique in the Detroit and Clin- ton Valley Scout councils: They are one of three area Boy Scout/Cub Scout units sponsored by a Jewish organization and the only one that runs the spectrum of Jew- ish affiliation. At a recent Wednesday meeting, 1579 was a four-ring circus. The three Cub Scout dens and the Boy Scout troop meet weekly in the Beth Achim school wing, each group in its own classroom. Under the direction of Les Kan- non, the Boy Scouts (sixth-12th grade) were practicing put- ting up tents for their weekend camping trip at Kensington Park. Because they would not be arriving at the camp-site un- til well after sun- down Saturday night — after Shabbat — they wanted to be sure they could eas- ily assemble their equipment in the dark. Across the hall, the Bears (grade three) were doing a unit on bike safety. Den leader Rich- ard Steinnon brought in a dirt bike and a unicycle, which he demonstrated in the school corridor. The Webelos (grades four-five) studied maps. They told leaders Yehudis Rabinowitz and Paul Magy what roads to take from Southfield to a General Motors plant in Pontiac and what inter- states were needed from Detroit to New York. The Tiger Cubs (first grade), under the direction of Leah Rosenstein, made pillow place cards (miniature matzah covers) for the Passover seder. But before each group became immersed in the evening's ac- tivities, the Scouts were inspected by their adult leaders. Mr. Stein- non reminded his Bears to keep their fingernails clean, to tuck in their shirts and then come into the hallway for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag and to recite the Scout Oath: "On my honor, I will do my boys and a lot of work for the par- said. "That's a viable option with- ents. Each Cub Scout den must in the Cub Scouts. And the have at least two adult leaders to fathers do the leading." Pack 244 plan and oversee the weekly ac- also formed a new Tiger Cubs tivities. Guiding the youngsters' den for five first-graders. work on achievements, electives, Temple Kol Ami also sponsors activity awards or merit badges a Cub Scout pack, but not every- is time consuming. thing is rosy according to leader "All these parents work," said David Debello. "I'd like to see Pack 1579 leader Donna Feld- more units. I have kids who had man, who teaches Hebrew school to drop out because parents at Congregation Shaarey Zedek couldn't be bothered to bring and at Adat Shalom Synagogue. them." "But we can give up one hour per Parental involvement also week for our kids." helps to eliminate a concern of Even those parents not directly any organization that caters to involved are required by the children: abuse. After several pack's rules to come to the highly publicized incidents in the monthly pack meeting. 'The kids 1980s, the Boy Scouts of Ameri- used to be upset when they re- ca began more rigorous screen- ing and training of its adult leaders. Above: Dovid The national council has files Rabinowitz and Shim) on persons convicted of crimes, Winkler roll up a tent. "but especially those convicted of Left: Donna Feldman crimes against children," said and Leah Rosenstein Dave Downton, a senior Boy form a friendship circle Scout executive with the Detroit with the Tiger Cubs. Area Council. All leaders are Below left: Yisrael trained about abuse and in- Rabinowitz with Ryan, structed in state laws on report- Cheryl and Ken Reid. ing abuse. Below: Tiger Cub Nicky Mr. Downton said two adult Kamins. leaders must be present at all Scout activities, and private coun- On Page 1: seling sessions between a leader Moshe Schreiber, Jonathan Feldman and a Scout are not permitted. and friends. The Boy Scouts also have been embroiled in lawsuits challeng- ing their policies of not admitting boys who are gay or atheist. "A belief in God has been part of our policy since Scouting was founded in 1910," Mr. Downton said. 'There have been court bat- tles across the country, with some local reversals; but our policy has been upheld on appeal to higher courts." The same, he said, holds true for the organization's stance against Scouts or adult leaders who are homosexual. best to do my duty to God and my country... ." T he groundwork for Scout unit 1579 was laid in 1931, when Boy Scout Troop 23 was formed in Detroit. The late Nate Trager spent 50 years of his life devoted to Jewish Scouting. He participated in Troop 23's hop- scotch from one sponsoring syn- agogue to another until his death and the troop's ultimate demise. Now, Cheryl Reid has picked up Nate Trager's mantle. Ms. Reid has been involved with Scouting since a friend roped her in nine years ago, revolving around her sons, Jason and Ryan. Ryan will be bar mitzvah April 9 and will earn Scouting's Jewish religious award, the Ner Tamid, at the same time. The Ner Tamid is similar to a Hebrew school class. Ryan was required to complete 20 pages of requirements, including telling about the Sabbath and holidays, being involved in Jewish activi- ties, describing ancient and mod- ern Jewish leaders, explaining the meaning and contents of tefillin, making a scrapbook of Jewish current events, and com- pleting three Jewish service projects, such as ushering at syn- agogue, helping in the office of a Jewish organization, or assisting in a religious school. Both Ms. Reid and her hus- band, Ken, are trained Scout leaders, and she serves as the De- troit Area Council's Jewish com- mittee chair. Ms. Reid became active in Scouting for the same reason that makes each Boy Scout troop or Cub Scout pack a success or a failure: parental involvement. Scouting is a lot of fun for the ceived awards and their parents were not there to see it. So now we require them to come," Ms. Feldman said. Lack of parental involvement is a common problem for Scout- ing, as are competing activities. Pack 244 in Farmington Hills is made up of Hillel Day School stu- dents and chartered to Adat Shalom. Of the four boys who participated last year, said leader David Marks, only his son Joseph and another youngster wanted to continue this year. Two dropped out for other activities. But two new dens have been formed. One, with seven Cub Scouts, meets every other week with no set location. "The different par- ents each take a turn," Mr. Marks S touting has gotten a welcome push at Congregation Beth Achim. Rabbi Martin Berman is an Eagle Scout and went with the older boys to D-Bar-A Scout Camp near Metamora last summer. "It was the first time in 20 years that D-Bar-A had a Jewish troop," said Cheryl Reid. The troop arranged for kosher food and davened (prayed) every morning. Rabbi Berman, seven scouts and several parents already have signed up for summer camp this year. Ms. Reid says many local syn- agogues have resisted her efforts to start Scout units under their auspices. 'They don't want us be- cause they think we are going to interfere with their youth groups," she said. Pack 1579 is careful not to in- terfere. Sunday hikes or other