every generation, every human being should consider himself or herseif as havingpersonally come out of Egypt" from the Haggadah This Passover, as we v-ecall and iAelive the ancient stiAtitggle fop' freedom/ le+ tits pledge to work foN fr eedom and jt4stice ih out day. May this coming Year witness the p ► tomise and blessing of peace. Tka+ we may all one clay shav-e ivy the feast of freedom. 3rom our families to yours, we wish you a Passover filled with many special memories. riT Diamonds and Fine jewelry Cr) w C.1) L1J CC F- LU LIJ 16 TUITION page 15 ping scholarships at $650,000, eliminating the kindergarten scholarship program and form- ing an alternatives in education committee to look at new op- tions to raise money. The changes have been made in attempts to avoid huge tu- ition hikes, maintain a balanced budget and not add to the school's deficit. "By doing these things, we started a course to maintain a budget while offering a certain kind of education to the widest group possible," Mr. Gene said. Teacher costs, utilities and fixed contracts account for most Hillel costs which can not be controlled. Extra-curricular of- ferings, such as theater, give Hillel an edge over the basic day-school education. "If we were a fair institution with no programs and fund raising, we'd all write checks for $6,900 (the true cost of educat- ing each child for 1994-95) and go home. But that's not reality. We teach gemulut hasidim and tzedakah here every day. I be- lieve in those concepts. But I don't believe if you give charity, you should get it," Mr. Gene said. Akiva, which has four tuition rates depending on grade level, will see the highest jump in kindergarten rates for 1994-95, from $2,650 to $3,000. Elementary grades will cost $3,500, middle school $4,000 and high school $4,700. Additional funds required are not formally called "give or get." The program, under that name, was phased out in the 1970s when Akiva stopped running Bingo nights where parents could volunteer to work. In- stead, the school has a manda- tory banquet assessment of $300. Options to the dues in- clude selling ad journals and banquet tickets. The mandatory assessment has been in place for 10 years. Akiva also requires a $1,500 donation per family toward a building fund. Barry Eisenberg, Akiva's ex- ecutive director, said $425,000 was given out in scholarships last year. No minimum pay- ment exists as in Hillel's new program. "To my knowledge, we've never lost a student due to a scholarship quibble," Mr. Eisen- berg said. Last year, Akiva received $203,000 from Federation, about $576 per student. Mr. Eisenberg, like all school leaders, would like to see even greater funding. "We're hoping, since Federa- tion has identified education among its highest priorities, we'll see more support through allocations, to help us not deny any child a Jewish education," Mr. Eisenberg said. Federation has not yet de- termined 1994-95 allocations for beneficiary agencies. Pre- sentations are not yet complete. However, Douglas Bloom, chairman of Federation's edu- cation committee, repeated that education, day school and sup- plementary, is among the high- est priorities. Lay and professional leaders of Yeshiva Beth Yehudah have not yet determined 1994-95 tu- ition rates. For the 1993-94 school year, lower grades ran $3,750, upper grades cost $5750. A family discount is im- plemented depending upon the number of students per family "To my knowledge, we've never lost a student due to a scholarship quibble." Barry Eisenberg in the system, which includes both the boys' and girls' (Bais Yaakov) schools. Of its $3 million budget, about $1.1 million is brought in through tuition. More than $1 million goes toward scholar- ships. The school received $300,000 from Federation for the 1993-94 year, about $461 per pupil. Yeshiva Beth Yehudah lead- ers say it costs about $4,500 to educate a child. A minimum tu- ition line was drawn at $1,300 this past year to help maintain a balanced budget. In unusual cases of extreme hardship, the executive committee may make additional considerations. To help offset rising expens- es, Beth Yehudah last year im- plemented a give-or-get program. Parents either write a check for $400 or may earn credits equalling that amount through volunteer work. "We just started the program this year, so we don't yet have a complete picture of the re- sponse. There has, however, definitely been greater parent attendance at our dinners and some increased volunteerism," said Dr. Maury Ellenberg, chairman of the board of direc- tors of Yeshiva Beth Yehudah. "We hope this, together with other new programs, will raise some additional needed funds and improve participation in all aspects of the school." Darchei Torah is not a Fed- eration beneficiary and does not receive allocations. The school has requested status to receive dollars. To date, it has not been approved. Calls to the school re- garding tuition and scholarship were not returned. ❑ ti