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March 11, 1994 - Image 48

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1994-03-11

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Baruch Goldstein lived in a subculture that
glorified attacks on Arabs.



n the afternoon of the He-
bron massacre, Ha'aretz
military correspondent
Ze'ev Schiff was asked on
an Israeli TV talk show how a
Jewish doctor could commit
"such an act of madness."
Mr. Schiff became impatient
and replied, "Why is it that
when an Arab does it, it's ter-
ror, but when a Jew does it, it's
an 'act of madness'?"

say it was written in the.Book
of Joshua and the Bdok of
Deuteronomy that the Jews
must either throw out or exter-
minate all the gentiles living in
Israel and take possession of the
land," Dr. Landau said. Nahum
Gross, an extreme right-wing
activist in Kiryat Arba, dis-
played pictures of Mr. Goldstein
on Israeli television and said:
"Nobody was more beloved here'



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Israel's cheif rabbi expresses condolences over the massacre.

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The convenient explanation
for Dr. Baruch Goldstein's deed
is that this was "...an insane act
committed by one man," in the
words of the Council of Presi-
dents of Major American Jew-
ish Organizations. Mainstream
Jewish settlers argue that Mr.
Goldstein must have been dri-
ven out of his mind from hav-
ing so many Jewish terror
victims die in his hands while
he was trying to save them.
But Mr. Goldstein, a deeply
devoted member of Kach for
some two decades, first in
Brooklyn then in Kiryat Arba,
had been talking about the need
to kill Arabs en masse for many
years. And while he was the
only one to open fire at the Cave
of the Patriarchs, he lived in a
small but furiously active Jew-
ish subculture that glorifies at-
tacks on Arabs, and whose
members hail him today as a
great Jewish hero and martyr.
Dr. Amnon Landau, a Tel Aviv-
area physician, remembers well
how Mr. Goldstein used to talk
during a seven-week Army of-
ficer's course they did together
about 10 years ago. "He would

than Baruch. People who say
he went crazy are wrong. He
was one of Rabbi Meir Kahane's
most outstanding students.
When he donated a Torah scroll
to the Cave of the Patriarchs a
year ago, he said publicly that
one day a Jew will rise up and
kill dozens of Arabs in revenge
for the assassination of Rabbi
Meir Kahane. I don't condemn
him. I condemn those who con-
demn him."
This is the sort of creed that
prevails among the many hun-
dreds of activists aligned with
Kach and Kahane Chai who
live in Kiryat Arba, the Hebron
settlements, the Tappuach set-
tlement and here and there in
Jerusalem. Mr. Goldstein was
nurtured on this worldview as
a teen-ager in Brooklyn, where
he attended Yeshiva of Flat-
bush before going on to Yeshi-
va University and the Einstein
College of Medicine.
"Kahane preached and edu-
cated and socialized young peo-
ple that this Jewish stuff about
feeling guilty over using vio-
lence is wrong," said Ehud
Sprinzak, an authority on Is-

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