de' A funeral can take place, even without the body. uter, University of Mich A University of Michigan Medical School professor supervises the dissection of a cadaver. w w CC H- LLJ LLJ 44 all me morbid. Inspiration for this article came when I accompanied a medical-school friend to his gross anatomy class. The ques- tion that immediately crossed my mind was: What does Jew- ish law say about donating our bodies to science? "Plug your nose," my friend warned before we entered the lab. The cadavers were covered discreetly with plastic, but that didn't prevent shriveled limbs from hanging offthe sides of ex- amining tables. A dozen or so "first-years" hovered over the specimens. Re- ferring to illustrated textbooks for guidance, the students lo- cated muscles, nerves and veins on the corpses. For these doctors-to-be, Gross Anatomy 101 is a required course. "Knowledge ur the body's What does Jewish law say about donatihg bodies to science? RUTH LITTMAN STAFF WRITER structure is essential for the study of medicine. Anatomy de- partments rely on willed and do- nated bodies. I guess medical students could look at pictures and slides, but that would be to- tally inadequate," said Wayne State University Professor Dr. Harry Maisel, who chairs the department of anatomy and cell biology. I found the "Gross Lab" a far cry from disgusting. If anything, dead bodies, reeking of formaldehyde, were reason for hope: Even in death, we can help improve the lives of others. What a mitzvah. Well, then again, maybe not. The next day, I drove to the secretary of state's office and re- quested an organ donor sticker for my driver's license: I hereby make an anatomical gift effective upon my death: 1. All organs 2. All tissues (bone, eyes, other) 3. Body for study. I checked off everything. Oddly enough, I was happy to establish a post-mortem raison d'etre. But, days later, a co-worker informed me that my "good deed" violates Jewish law. For the most part, Halachah (Jew- ish law) forbids Jews from do- nating their bodies to science. Rabbi Chaskel Grubner of Dovid Ben Nuchim synagogue explains why: "Torah tells us you are made from dust and to dust you should return. Also, we believe that there will .come a day when the body is resurrected, and the body must be resurrected as a whole." Traditional responsa (rab- binic opinions) recommend that Jews bury accident victims with their bloodied clothing and am- putees with their severed ap- pendages. This way, when the Messiah comes, the deceased will be resurrected intact. Judaism also prohibits post- mortem mutilation out of basic respect for the human body. Au- topsies, too, are outlawed in most cases. "The body is a sanctuary of the soul. There is an honor due to that which was used for a CASKET page 46