MLK-Day: Southfield Forum Honors Dr. King 4ir RUTH LITTMANN STAFF WRITER I he Jewish Community Council of metro Detroit wants to send the mes- sage that Martin Luther King Day is a national holiday, not just for the black commu- nity. "I think that something has to be done to make clear the real purpose of observing MLK Day," said JCCouncil Executive Director David Gad-Harf. "It certainly wasn't meant to be seen as a day exclusively de- voted to African Americans and African American history, but rather to messages about toler- ance, nonviolence, bigotry and racism. We're trying to get the Jewish community more in- volved." Although Jews attended Monday's MLK-Day celebration at the Southfield Pavilion, rep- resentation was sparse. Jewish politicians Jack Fax- on, Sander Levin and Maxine Berman came to the event, as did representatives of the JC- Council's City-Suburban Com- mittee. Rabbi Norman Roman of Temple Kol Ami delivered the benediction.. Norman Naimark, who serves on the committee, said he wished more Jews had been there. "Looking around at the au- dience, both the white commu- nity and Jewish community should have been there more," he said. "Somehow, we've got to get people, especially younger people, to appreciate the need and the stake that we have in working together and living to- gether." Deborah Rose, a third-grade student at Southfield's Steven- son Elementary School, partic- ipated in the 1NALK-Day choir at the Pavilion. "I know people who don't know anything Martin Luther King," she said. "I feel that if students go to this, they can learn a lot. Dr. King wanted everyone to be free and have equal rights." Mr. Naimark, a participant Audience members were attentive. in Corktown revival downtown, also serves on the Michigan Housing Trust Fund. He says Jews should not just work to as- sure the health of their own community. "In my opinion, the greatest threat to bringing about anti-Semitism is a community that does not function, so Jews have a great stake in making sure our overall community functions well," he said. He referred to the Rev. Car- A Southfield school choir sang ballads. MJAC Curriculum Re-Enters Schools Jewish Women Launch Gun Control Group LESLEY PEARL STAFF WRITER KIMBERLY UPTON STAFF WRITER udy Hudspeth gained some perspective. Last year, as a parent, she attended the pilot Michigan Jewish AIDS Coali- tion (MJAC) program for eighth grade and high school students. This year, she sat in as an eighth-grade instructor. Held at Temple Emanu-El and coordinated by MJAC and Jewish Experiences For Fami- lies, "Choose Life So That You May Live" is a three-week cur- riculum for congregational school families. It includes ba- sic AIDS information, games, discussion, speakers and spe- cific Jewish content. The program was re-evalu- ated following its introduction last year and offered again. j Only eighth-grade students at- tended. "There is less separation of students and parents this year," Ms. Hudspeth said. "I'm seeing a lot more explicit conversation and communication. It's not 'it' or 'that thing' anymore. "Sometimes these kids are tough. But they're listening. They seem to be taking this se- riously and asking themselves, and each other, some important questions." Together, parents and youths watched a condom demonstra- tion, played a game which gave them an idea of how quickly the disease spreads, and listened as John Vincent of the Association MJAC page 16 M arj Levin Jackson, a writer, a year ago left the Detroit Free Press to focus attention on a cause: handgun control. Since that time, she and film producer Sue Marx have teamed up to form the Michigan Citizens For Handgun Control, which- kicked off its local campaign at a press conference on Monday at Detroit Receiving Hospital. In announcing the group, an affiliate of Sarah and Jim Brady Handgun Control, Inc., Ms. Levin Jackson recalled a tragic event five years ago in Stockton, Calif. With a semi- automatic AK-47, Patrick Pur- dy opened fire at a school, wounding 27 children and killing five. The group commemorated the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a victim of as- sassination by gunfire, by re- minding the public they can take steps to reduce the prolif- eration of guns and the contin- Handguns were used in 10,000 U.S. murders in 1990. uing increase in homicides in America. In 1990, handguns were used in connection with 10,567 mur- ders in the United States. Now, Ms. Levin Jackson lyle Stewart, pastor of Hope United Methodist Church, who delivered an impassioned speech acknowledging Jewish participation in the civil rights movement. "I think it would do the Jew- ish community good to listen to the Rev. Stewart. He gave Jews credit, yet without singling Jews out, he did make a case for not abandoning neighborhoods. I think he made the point fair- ly. I think he made the point well." ❑ said, the group will lobby mem- bers of Congress to pass a ban on semiautomatic assault weapons. The U.S. Senate, as part of its crime bill, approved a similar ban. "We are afraid it won't pass," Ms. Levin Jackson said. The group is urging con- stituents to contact area repre- sentatives who voted against the Brady Bill. They are: Re- publicans Joe Knollenberg and Dave Camp; and Democrats James Barcia, Bob Carr, John Dingell and Bart Stupek. The group will host an organizational meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 8 at 225 Troy in Royal Oak. For information, contact Ms. Levin Jackson at 540-6868. ❑