Editor's Notebook Community Views Jewish In America Meets The Challenge Going Cold Turkey With the TV Set LAURENCE !MERMAN SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS PHIL JACOBS ED TOR A friend's daugh- ter, Amy, recent- ly married a "nice Jewish boy." While cer- tainly not an ex- ceptional event, the nay-sayers among us might claim the mar- riage of two Jews a rare occur-- rence, given today's inter- marriage rate and the bride's background. The bride is a seventh gener- ation American and the fifth generation of women in her fam- ily to have obtained a univer- sity education. Forebears could be found since the Civil War among the leadership of towns from the Ohio River to the Ke- weenaw Peninsula. Amy attended a Reform tem- ple's religious school, but did not have a bat mitzvah. Nor did Amy's family send their daugh- ter to a Jewish camp or to Israel as a teen-ager. The bride's parents are equal- ly at home in the gentile as in the Jewish community. They and Amy are, by any measure, totally assimilated into Ameri- can society. Thinking of Amy, I wondered whether the nature of her Jew- ish identity offers an insight into how my own daughter, seven months old, will meet, as an adult, the challenge of being Jewish in America. Amy's Jewish identity begins with her family's history — a Laurence Imerman is a Birm- ingham attorney. family that clearly identified it- self as Jewish through seven generations in this country. Her Jewish ancestors not only achieved many personal suc- cesses, but labored to improve the general society in which they lived. They accomplished this while actively practicing their Judaism in places with few co-religionists and fewer Jew- ish institutions. Being a Jew binds Amy to that very personal history. Being a Jew means Amy is yet another thread in the complex tapestry of Jewish life in America. Equally important, Amy views being Jewish an asset, not a liability, or worse, an in- significance. The identity ties her to a people who not alone created Israel, but also played a major role in shaping modern America. Further, she shares a common "religious" social sta- tus with high church Protes- tants. For almost 50 years, the Jew- ish community has utilized the Holocaust and Israel to fashion Jewish identity. We, as a com- munity, have not invested the same energy constructing mu- seums of American Jewish his- tory throughout the country nor highlighting American Jewish history for our children. For someone like Amy, mem- ories of Europe are of Eurail passes and perhaps seeing a play or two in London. The Holocaust is but another — al- beit more personal — example of man's inhumanity to man: another 20th century instance of a government, which tried to systematically destroy a tribe, ethnic or religious group. Israel's emotional tie for Amy is an abstraction. As a child, she planted trees in Israel and she marched with classmates on Is- rael Independence day. But she increasingly views Israel as "dif- ferent" — a Middle East state with its own culture and her- itage. It is not her second home- land. Perhaps as the Jewish lead- ership focuses upon the multi- faceted aspects of Jewish continuity and identification, we should examine how the Amys of our community define their Jewishness. This scrutiny should occur in light of the fact that the vast majority of Jews are third or fourth generation Americans and that an increasing per- centage of Jewish children are from mixed-marriage house- holds or homes where one par- ent converted. These children do not bring the same emotion- al response to the Holocaust and Israel as their parents or grand- parents. We need innovative symbols of Jewishness drawn from the American Jewish ex- perience. As the children at Tamarack sit around the campfire singing songs, they should sing both about the heroes who built Is- rael and those who built the United States into the most vi- brant community in history. We must create stirring visions derived from the children's own experiential base to form that necessary shorthand for being and remaining Jewish. ❑ This week's Talking To Kids seminar at the Shaarey Zedek Parenting Center brought to mind an experience that we had in the early 1980s, one that I'm about ready to try again. My wife and I, both working people, would leave every morn- ing, and get back in the evening by 6 p.m. We were without chil- dren at the time, so often the television became an automatic distraction. There were times when the TV went on just for background noise. It became ob- vious, though, that we were ad- dicted to the tube. We knew how to watch our fa- vorite reruns of M*A*S*H three separate times during the evening on three separate sta- tions. We'd find ourselves com- menting that "Dan Rather looks a little gaunt tonight; I wonder what's the matter." This was a small television, a table-top model, and we would carry it from one room to the next of our two-bedroom condo. But we thought we weren't addicted. Then one day in 1982, on a dare from a friend, we gave away the television. He took the lit- tle Sony and put it on his closet shelf. Whenever we visited, I'd ask to see the television, almost as if I was visiting a friend on the other side of a glass prison wall. What was also happening, though was significant. My wife and I were forced to have mean- ingful conversations with one an- other. We actually read real books other than TV Guide. Still, there was that addiction. Nights spent volunteering to dri- ve to the mall and visit Sears and the TV section. The 45- minute drive to my mother-in- law's was rewarded by the TV in the den. And any time we'd stay in a hotel, I checked the TV be- fore I opened the curtains. Then came the change that brought TV back into my home life. We had a baby. The babysit- ter would be given the tour of the apartment. Here's the refriger- ator; have something cold to drink; there are pretzels and chips in this cabinet; enjoy. "Where's the TV?" asked the 14-year-old with a mop of brown hair and a serious "you better come through with the goods" look on her freckled face. "We don't have a TV." We also didn't have a babysit- ter. The "rational" self, exhibit- ing the classid addictive friends, who held our television captive, were out of town. Before my wife could even respond, I was in line at the department store buying a 19-inch television. When I brought it home, it was after 11/2 years of no television at home. During the time when the TV was away, I can tell you that our lives changed. My addiction was still there, but we did spend more time together and with our friends. We did enjoy a quiet household. One of the strangest aspects was listening to friends talk about particular showS and not knowing what they were talking about. Now, the posture has changed. What was discussed at the Parenting Center hits home The putdowns, the sarcasm that we hear from our children can be controlled. for many of us. The thought of our children talking to us like a Bart Simpson or a Beevis and Butthead is chilling. There are some redeeming broadcasts on television. Still, if you happen to have a rare acqaintance who doesn't have a television in his home, you'll find his life isn't any less rich than the overwhelming ma- jority who are hostage to TV. Truthfully, his life is probably richer. There's conversation go- ing on that has meaning. With television, we are artifi- cially taken into the lives of fic- tional characters or the negativity of reality program- ming to the point that we don't hear what our own children or spouses are saying. The Parenting Center work- shop was teaching us how to talk and listen in a way that doesn't copy a sitcom or docu-drama. Isn't that sad, that we even need such a reminder. Yet it's clear we do. It's difficult to make a change. But we should consider, if not giving our television sets to our friends for a while, at least figu- ratively "giving them away" by turning them on a lot less. Par- ents should be stronger about the TV. It shouldn't be a babysit- ting device only. In this day an age, it's sad that we have to mon- behavior, explained to my wife itor the monitor. But if your chil- that if we ever wanted to get out dren see that the sum total of on Saturday nights, it was time your marital experience is re- to get a television set. My COLD TURKEY page 8