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January 07, 1994 - Image 85

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1994-01-07

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events are for devout car guys.
Investors and poseurs need not
apply. Before there was big
money to be made in collector
cars, only car guys played. The
Classic Car Club of America has
had 16-cylinder Cadillacs, 12-
cylinder Packards and super-
charged Duesenbergs, now
worth serious money, thunder-
ing down country lanes for
years. They were often driven by
the guys who restored them, or
at the very least, by guys who
knew how they worked and
could fix failures.
And now we have the very
successful Great American Race,
which takes pre-1940 cars from
all countries and runs them
from coast to coast in a time-to-
distance rally format. The win-
ner collects $100,000.
This event costs as much to
enter as the purchase price of
many good cars these days. But
the primary point to any of these
events is to get great, important
cars back on the road, spend
good time with other car people
and let the rest of the world en-
joy seeing cars they may not
have seen before — on the road
where they belong.
For more information on
events, contact:

Good Guys
Byron Edwards
3300 Alpha Drive
Paducah, KY 42003
(502) 443-4996

Mille Midlia Storica Italy
M.W. Veteran Car Club
Via Somalia 8/A
25100 Brescia

California Mille and
Mille Miglia Storica Italy
Amici Americani Della
Mille Miglia
2300 16th St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 626-9700

Colorado Grand
Kathy Meyer
953 S. Frontage Rd. W.
Suite 222
Vail, CO 81657
(303) 476-4939

New England Tour 1000
Rich Taylor
Jackson Hill. Rd.
Sharon, CT 06069
(203— 364-0311

Vintage Sports
Car Club of America
Anthony Carroll
170 Wetherill Rd.
Garden City, NY 11530
(516) 248-6237

La Carrera Real
Karen Sheehan/
Anthony Arutnoff
1329 E. 29th St.
Tulsa, OK 74114
(918) 743-0888 0








t was a European ver-
sion of the movie City
Slickers where mid-
dle-aged suburban
men pursue the va-
cation of a lifetime.
A handful of area
professionals, in
search of the ultimate
adventure, shipped a classic

1959 two-door Mercedes coupe
and a 1957 Jaguar sports coupe
to Europe to compete hi a 2,600-
mile road rally that took them
from Versailles, France, to Mar-
rakech, Morocco.
Terry Podolsky and a group
of friends, including Harold Blu-
menstein and Alberto Hodari,
spent a week following maps

and making calculations as they
drove along unmarked Euro-
pean roads.
"It was rewarding every time
we got to the next checkpoint,
knowing we found our way,"
said Dr. Podolsky.
Mr. Blumenstein and Dr. Ho-
dari, who race vintage cars as a
hobby, learned of this race

through a classic car publica-
tion. Mr. Blumenstein said
there are several different road
rally events a year.
These Detroiters filled two of
the 75 classic cars that graced
the mountainous and unchart-
ed roads of Europe and North-
ern Africa and competed for the

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