Jr :Nrai Bowes r 77--_— _raNwt.. I G1-I-1-7 • A Gift Of Chanukah Unity From All The Children Over 500 Chanukah contest entrants! Our 25 winners are featured in today's Jew- ish News. And later this month, all of the art work will be on display through the end of Chanukah at the Jewish Community Center's Jimmy Pren- tis Morris facility in Oak Park. Of course, everyone who turned in an entry wins. As long as there is at least one entry, we all win. There's been a great deal written, taught and said about Chanukah, about how it's become used too much to fill the void created by the Decem- ber frenzy of Christmas. This is also a time of the year when we seem to give more and pay more attention to those who would, otherwise, go without. People fill grocery bags for the hungry, we volunteer in soup kitchens, buy clothing and toys for the needy, especially for children, so they shouldn't go without. For those who can give, it feels good. It's as some would say "what this holiday is all about." But here's the difficulty. Hunger, being with- out toys, without clothing isn't just a November- December condition. Social service professionals know all too well that families are more prone to ending up on the street during the wanner months of the year than in December. Domestic violence cases rise with the temperatures. The need for good nutrition and the security of a new stuffed animal for a child is as important in April as it is in December. Popular culture, the Americanization or rather the assimilation of charitable giving or caring focuses our warmth on December. Maybe we need to run a poster contest on the cover several times a year so we don't forget that as individual Jews and as a community of Jews our responsibility to be a light unto the world does not start nor does it end in December. Community? How about seeing Judaism as a civilization, a continuance. The holiday of Chanukah is a small but important part of that civilization, that continuance. Indeed, how many times have we talked about the difficulty of bringing Jews of different backgrounds, different educational levels together? The truth is, it's very difficult. There's still a great deal of energy placed in our own Detroit Jewish community on differ- ences, instead of what we have in common. In this issue are posters from children of vary- ing age groups and backgrounds. Some are Orthodox; some are Reform; some are unaffiliated. All are together, drawing about the same theme. There is some light to feel here in these pages, and when the 523 are displayed at JPM, the commu- nity can be proud. This is the civilization of Judaism without dif- ference, without condition, at a level of unity. Our gift this Chanukah is that our children, through their art work, showed us how to reach that level. That unity should flicker with strength and warmth, not just in December when custom dictates it, but throughout the year. El A Mickey Mouse History Will Make The Past Fictional History has always been rewritten, whether by the victors, the losers or the revisionists who chal- lenge the accepted versions of what has been written about the past. But a current approach toward history has now gone too far: The past, no matter how gruesome or shame- ful, has become yet another commodity in the market-driven culture of the West. It has become something to be hustled and sold and promoted by hucksters who wrap themselves in the smooth veneer of $1,000 suits and in data from the latest focus groups. ci) The evidence is not encouraging: w • In Poland, the Wolfs Lair, the Nazis' Eastern Front command post during World War II is being converted into a theme resort. The hotel's staff will dre ss in replica uniforms of the Luftwaffe and 11/ the Wehrmacht, and there will be dancing nightly 1— at "Hitler's Bunker Disco." ,7, • In Germany, an amusement park with the theme of East Germany under Communism is being built near Berlin. "Bartenders" and "chain- L ° bermaids" will double as mock agents of the secret police. Visitors overheard criticizing the "govern- ' merit" will be thrown into "jail." • In the United States, the Walt Disney Corn- pany has announced it will build a giant park with , L U 4 an American history theme in Manassas, Va. Slavery, industrial capitalism, the battles over civil rights and the Vietnam War will all be de- picted, say Disney officials, with a realistic verisimilitude. But with Mickey, Donald and Goofy serving as visitors' maitre d's through our some- times glorious, sometimes ignoble past, one must wonder just how "real" Disney's America will be. By letting the marketplace become the medium through which history — or, at least, a version of history — is transmitted, the past is being tar- nished, corrupted and given no more inherent value than a hamburger at MacDonald's or a stereo at Circuit City. History, now an item to be exchanged, swapped, traded and sold, is being neutered of values, lessons and potency. To turn a Nazi command post or American labor history into grist for some accountant's bottom line is to demean all it represented, whether it was represented decency or evil (for even evil has a certain sanctity, and this, too, can be demeaned.) Worst of all, bottom-lining and sanitizing the sorrows and the pains and the dreams of those who came before us means that we must be pre- pared for the strong possibility, as did philosopher George Santayana, that what preceded us may yet be replicated in the future. ❑ - 114 AT 1 S THE •4-efes 4:70 ci-41 C..D.R6tv Cartoonists & VV Mars Syndic-at. IS LA-) 1-A--r- Gmk-CES. GLOW c;1. 12e4E.i>c:4kA I 11111i II M r- Tvk t\ --r- K AS 0 UTZ_ t v 6-r) - rte E CE 'URlES 0E: >ARIc NEE SS ! • At.. ► I:, -nits. IS it TRUE mtRAct.-6 OF I-4 AN) U KKA - & Opinion The Brady Bill And Gun Control Protecting Freedom Halting The Slaughter RUTH LITTIVIANN STAFF WRITER KIMBERLY UPTON STAFF WRITER S omething just doesn't make sense. . America already has gun controls — more than 20,000 if you add up all state and federal laws. But odd- ly, gun-related fatalities in the United States have not de- creased with more legislation. In fact, they've increased. For instance, when Congress passed the Gun Control Act of 1968, America's murder rate was 6.9 per 100,000 people. By 1992 it had risen to 9.3 per 100,000 people. Twenty-five years ago, 5,245 homicides in- volved handguns. That com- pares to 12,489 last year, ac- cording to the Federal Bu- reau of Investi- gation's Uniform Crime Reports. Given these facts, it is logi- cal to suspect that gun con- trols have not helped reduce crime. Is it, therefore, so crazy to won- der 'why Con- gress passed the Brady Bill last month? At best, a five-day waiting period is useless. At worst, it will only exacerbate the prob- lem. Here's why: Innocent, re- sponsible citizens will encounter more red tape when trying to buy a weapon for self- defense. In effect, they will lose ground to criminals, who rarely obtain firearms through legal channels. Criminals will buy guns off the streets, thereby bolstering the already crime-ridden un- derground market; innocents PROTECTING page 8 G uns scare me. And they should scare you, too. As a long-time advo- cate of gun control and a ban on assault weapons, I am a staunch supporter of the much talked about Brady Bill, which creates a federal law mandating a five-day waiting period for the purchase of hand- guns. The law has an expiration date of four to five years — which is conceptually enough time to allow law enforcement agencies to properly update computerized systems for background checks. Michigan al- ready has a system in place for checking potential gun owners, which may — or may not — exempt the state from enforcing Brady. In the meantime, some bills to strengthen gun control here are expected to surface early next year in the Michigan Senate. These bills call for a statewide ban on the sale of as- sault weapons and make adults liable for casualties attributed to children who use their guns. "The majority of people don't want to be confronted by an AK-47 while driving up 1-75," explains state Sen. Lana Pol- lack, D-Ann Arbor, also a mem- ber of the year-old state group, Enough-Is-Enough: Women Against Gun Violence. Ms. Pollack and other gun control supporters believe the Brady Bill makes a statement HALTING page 10