HEALTHFUL page 106 Crust: In food processor, blender or with a fork, blend graham cracker crumbs, hon- ey, cinnamon, nutmeg and oil together. Press firmly into a lightly oiled 9"x13" baking pan. Filling: In a food processor, blender or with electric beat- er, whip together, until smooth, cheeses, sugar, egg whites, vanilla and pineapple juice. Pour cheese mixture over crust. Bake 25 to 30 min- utes or until center is set. Cool. Topping: In saucepan, combine flour, sugar and re- served canned pineapple juice to equal one cup. Over medi- "The Holidays. My favorite time of ((':.) 1 993 Kraft Gene ra l Foods, Inc. year. The kids come, they eat, they kibbitz, they eat, they show pictures, they eat, they kiss, they leave. I have my cup of Sanka® and love every minute of it. Did I mention they eat?" 0 Kosher SANKA®. EVERYTHING YOU LOVE ABOUT COFFEE:" MEM MEM MEM MON RUT 000 Just In Time for Chanukah! 25% OFF EVERY BOOK DISCOUNTED! PAGES & PAGES. LTD. 14 111I .F 11N11 II iGGI R RM. (Nh,UIil.lfBI NII R) 669-3388 1101AS: MON-SAT: 10-9 S1 f: 12-5 Entire Stock Sale Runs December 4 - December 11 Prior Sales Excluded In the Claymoor Apartment Building 29260 Franklin Rd. ♦ Suite 121 ♦ 355-0591 Eat less saturated fats. WE'RE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE American Heart kst, Association 'V um heat, bring to a boil and stir for one minute, until mix- ture reaches a thick pudding consistency. Remove from heat, fold in pineapple and cool completely. Spread pineapple mixture over cheese. Cover loosely and refrigerate about four hours. Cut into 24 squares. 2 grams fat per serving. Gunships Hit Lebanon Tel Aviv (JTA) — At least three members of the rejec- tionist Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine were reportedly injured when two Israeli helicopter gunships fired missiles at a terrorist base near the Lebanese port of Sidon. The terrorists were en- camped on the outskirts of the Ain Hilweh refugee camp near the southern Lebanese city. The DFLP, led by Nayef Hawatmeh, is an offshoot of the Palestine Liberation Organization that strongly opposes the Israel-PLO self- rule accord. DFLP members had been involved in attacks against troops of the Israel Defense Force and its allied South Lebanon Army. El