Nor•••ir 4.1.-4111 SOME V~~WS ■ IF-IRE4c•ne. HIGH SCH OOL Be Yourself No Longer R Tourist Making the transition from private to public school isn't that bad. A student recalls her semester in Israel. STEPHANIE LOVINGER, NORTH FARMINGTON HIGH SCHOOL JOSH HERMAN, HARRISON HIGH SCHOOL "Enjoy being the biggest kids in school." "You just have to be yourself and hope that others will like you," she said. I agree. As someone who graduated from Hillel to Harri- son, I believe that the best way to fit in is to act natural. Re- member that a lot of students are in the same boat. They're all looking for friends. Finding a social niche isn't the only challenge, however. Ac- climating oneself to the over- whelming size of Harrison can be a major feat. Then again, Shari and Yaneev say large crowds of people and a huge building were exciting — a new and different experience. Now for academics: Your par- ents obviously want you to get good grades in high school. If you're coming from Hillel, you have a head start. "It is easier to concentrate on each of (my six classes) since half of my day is not devoted to Hebrew," said Shari. "I am en- rolled in honors and advanced placement classes due to my coming from Hillel." Three out of four '93 Hillel grad- uates who have continued their ed- ucation at Harrison have received academic letters and no less than I Josh Herman got off the plane and took my first step. I didn't know what to expect. This is it, I thought... I am in Israel! I spent the second semes- ter of the 1992-93 school year on a Youth Aliyah village in Jerusalem. The four-and-a- half month program was sponsored by the Project Dis- covery-Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim group. The semester is one I'll nev- er forget. I was astonished by the in- credible amount of public transportation in Israel. I learned to get around on my own. Though everything seemed within walking dis- tance, buses and taxis were everywhere. I was able to visit Mea Shearim, an Orthodox section of Jerusalem, where I saw how fellow Jews observe their traditions. I truly felt like a citizen of Israel. After about a month, my group and I were no longer simply tourists. Case in point: When my friend, Davi, and I attempted to enter a disco, we were told by an employee: "This is tourist hour. You can't enter. Please come back later." (ie. when the planes break the speed of sound). Ironically, the "Boom!" was a comforting sound. It re- minded me that the Israeli military is always preparing itself to defend the country. Today, it seems strange to me that upon embarking on the trip at Metro Airport, I had actually turned to my friend, Shira, and said: "What are we doing? We're leaving everything we have in Michi- gan." Before boarding the plane back home to Detroit, I turned to Shim again and said, "What are we doing? We're leaving everything we have for Ameri- ca." Everything about Israel was a shock to me — at first. But it became a way of life. The trip will continue as a memory of my sophomore year in high school. The culture and every special detail about Israel are things all Jews should ex- perience and appreciate. I thank my parents for this incredible journey. ❑ a 3.3 grade point average. But there are some draw- backs to attending a Hebrew Stephanie Lovinger day school. Shari believes Hillel did not offer her the opportuni- In Israel, the walls of build- ty to excel at organized school ings sometimes begin to shake sports. while airplanes, practicing mil- "Hillel needs more extracur- itary maneuvers, thunder up ricular activities," she said. "If I above. The phenomenon, I try out for the girls basketball learned, is called a "sonic boom" team, I am in competition with girls who have played on their middle school team. They have experience and coaching, and this training gives them an ad- vantage over me." Another public-vs-private school perk is the "open cam- pus," which enables students to Akiva Hebrew Day School students have different plans for their futures as Jews. leave school during lunch hour AVI EBENSTEIN, AKIVA HEBREW DAY SCHOOL to satisfy their fast-food crav- ings at local restaurants. But not all students share Surprisingly, religion is a Orthodox; others predict they those feelings. Some not only non-issue at Harrison. At Hil- will become less observant. lel, one is always made aware of "I see how much my par- have doubts about Orthodox one's Jewishness. Every day, ents appreciate Shabbat, and Judaism, but also complain boys must remember to wear I honestly believe this is the about the private education their kipot. Each morning, stu- way God wanted us to prac- they receive. "I want to go to public dents greet teachers with the tice religion," said sophomore customary "Shalom." Sarah Chopp, who says she school and leave the sheltered Orthodox world," Randy Mod- The analogous greetings at will remain Orthodox. Harrison are: "Buenos Dias," Marcy Eisenberg, a junior, ell said. "I wish I could be on more sports teams, but Shab- "Guten Tag," or "Bonjour," de- bat prevents me. I don't think pending on one's choice of for- religion should interfere all eign language electives. the time." Parting advice from recent Other Akiva high school Hillel graduates to current Hil- students are happy with their lel eighth-graders can be education, but disgruntled summed up in these words of about their daily religious wisdom: lives. "Enjoy being the biggest kids "I want my kids to have the in school. That will all change Randy Modell same solid Judaic education next year," Shari said. that I got at Akiva, but I don't "Don't take your education for Avi Ebenstein know whether this tradition- granted," said Yaneev. hen it comes to did not hesitate to forecast al lifestyle is for me," said As for me, I say: carrying on her future. Shaina Stark, a junior. People and teachers will try the precepts Elana Nussbaum, a sopho- to scare you about the "horrors "I wouldn't think twice of high school." Don't believe and practices of their religion, about not raising an Orthodox more, says she will probably them. It's not that bad. If you Orthodox students at Akiva family," she said. "I plan to marry an Orthodox Jew. "Once married, I'd probably are successful at Hillel, you will Hebrew Day School have dif- make aliyah and continue my be successful at a public high fering agendas. present religious lifestyle in stay Orthodox," she said. ❑ Some say they will remain Israel." school. ❑ Will Students Stall Orthodox? "I want to... leave the sheltered Orthodox world." \D c) 01 NO V EMB ER ow will I find some- one to sit with dur- ing lunch? This is the biggest concern of Hillel Day School graduates who later attend Harrison, a public high school in Farming- ton Hills. Although the transition from private to public school might seem daunting, many former Hillel students found the going easier than expected. So if you're a Hillel student who plans to "go public" in high school, take note: For Yaneev Golombeck, a 10th grade student at Harrison, the toughest part about the transition was saying farewell to Hillel. "It was difficult leaving a school with 40 people in my graduating class — 40 people I've grown close to over a 10- year period — and coming to a school where I only knew four kids," he said. Yaneev made new friends while keeping in touch with for- mer classmates and teachers. So has Harrison ninth-grader Shari Katz. 93