Ro COMPILED BY ELIZABETH N ext time you're smearing some of that "Hot Lady Red" or "Drive Him Wild Pink" stuff on your mouth, think about the ingredients. It's noth- ing to lick your lips about. Cinema Beaute Cosmetics founder Susan Krasner has found that many lipsticks contain carmine, a pig- ment derived from the dried and pulverized bodies of fe- male cochineal beetles (which, in addition to being just plain gross, makes the lipsticks treife). Now Ms. Krasner, of New City, N.Y., has developed a kosher lipstick that bears certi- fication from the Union of Or- thodox Jewish Congregations of America. And the lipsticks come in such pro-Israel colors as "Dead Sea Red," "Milk & Honey Mocha," "Promised Land Pink" and "Sinai Sienna." Ms. Krasner said it took more than a year to develop the lip- sticks, which are even pareve. "Why should a woman wear a kosher lip- stick?" she asked. "Be- cause anyone who wears lip- stick is most probably eat- ing it. Do you ever uncon- sciously lick your lips while wearing lip- stick? Does your lipstick come off while you eat and you see lipstick on your sandwich, cup or fork?" For information, call Cinema Beaute Cosmetics, 1-800-359- 1961. God, Ecology And The Good Life T he University of New Hampshire in Durham, N.H., this week is hosting a conference on "God, the Envi- ronment and the Good Life," cosponsored by the Northeast Region of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the school's religious studies programs, and a variety of churches and syna- gogues, among others. The confer- ence's focus is "changes in contemporary theology and ethics which have recently emerged in response to the present ecological state of the world." Fea- turing talks and panel discussions, it aims to widen the dialogue concerning religion and the environment. Speakers include Rabbi Everett Gendler of the Phillips Academy, who will discuss, "{Shomrei Adama): Guardians of the Earth." Following the conference, or- ganizers plan to launch a long- term educational project, including dissemination of video tapes, an educational outreach project, art exhibits and music programs. Meanwhile, members of the the National Religious Partner- ship for the Environment re- cently met with Vice President Al Gore to discuss progress on their three-year, $4.5 million campaign to integrate issues of environmental justice into the heart of religious life in Ameri- ca. The Na- tional Reli- gious Part- nership, whose mem- bers comprise Jewish and Christian clergy, in- cluding Jewish The- ological Seminary Chancellor Dr. Ismar Schorsch, has established a number of pro- jects: * The distribution of educa- tion and action kits to 53,000 U.S. congregations. * Training young clergy in "environmental ministry." * Legislative testimony, up- dates and public policy educa- tion stressing issues of environmental justice. * The creation of an 800 hot- line. Mailbox Offers Aid To India T he American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee has established an open mailbox for victims of the recent earthquake in India. The JDC will bear all admin- istrative costs for the project, en- abling 100 percent of the donations to reach those affect- ed by the earthquake. Checks should be made out to the JDC-India and sent to: In- dia Open Mailbox, JDC, 711 Third Ave., New York, NY 10017. Read All About It our son isn't in the mood for the High Holidays. Your daughter wants to celebrate Purim and you don't know where to begin. jewish family magazine is for you. Edited by local Jewish educator Har- lene Appel- man, jewish family maga- zine includes advice on every-thing from teens and the holi- days to "toddler spir- ituality." Re- cent issues feature such articles as "Purim's Four Major Opportunities," "Hamman's Middle Name Was Saddam" and `TV and Your Jewish Fam- ily.), "Nature and Nourish" offers clear instructions on how to make an elegant round challah. It even includes photos, so any- one — even the most incompe- tent baker — can master the technique. "First Day Honey" advises jewith family NEW BEGINNINGS: Teaching your child to say "I'm sorry" TODDLER SPIRITUALITY Teenagers & HOP NolltlaYs The first day of Jewish School ADULT BAR/BAT MITZVAH former- Soviet Sukkot A. MO. Barbara Walters Who Did What es, they are all R.I.P.s (Really Important Per- sons) now, but there was a time when Dustin and Roseanne and Harrison were simply ordinary mortals, much like the rest of us. So what did these Jewish celebs do way back then, when no one clamored for their auto- graph? Here, according to Ed Lu- caire's The Celebrity Almanac, are some of the careers of the rich and famous before they be- came Somebodys. Roseanne Barr was a cock- tail waitress and window dress- er. Sandra Bernhard was a manicurist-pedicurist. Peter Falk was an admin- istrator for the Connecticut Bud- get Bureau. Harrison Ford was a car- penter and cook. Dustin Hoffman was a typ- ist, waiter, psychiatric attendant and toy demonstrator. Walter Matthau was a ce- ment-bag hauler, floor scrubber and boxing instructor. Barbra Streisand was • a switchboard operator and the- ater usher. Barbara Walters was a sec- retary for an ad agency. parents how to help their chil- dren actually look forward to that first day of Jewish school. (One contributor recommends writing children a letter and sticking it in their lunch bag). "Sukkot: A Harvest of Rich- es for Soviet Jewish Fami- lies" tells of a family's tradi- tion of bring- ing Soviet guests into their sukkah, where one new immi- grant says, "In spite of diffi- culties, eter- nal feeling that I am a Jew, rve loved this country (the former Soviet Union). Yet, I left. Why? For the sake of money, delicious food, fancy clothes? No, I didn't. I would never do it for such poor rea- sons. I did it for my son's fu- ture." To subscribe, contact jewish family at 1-800-845-0662, or write Alef Design Group, 4423 Fruitland Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90058. Righteous Gentile Is Honored ad Vashem recently hon- ored a German Catholic woman who, with her husband, saved the lives of more than 1,000 Polish Jews during World War II. "Thank you for remembering me. I did what I could," said Em- ilie Schindler, 85, who was des- ignated as a Righteous Among the Nations. The Schindlers' heroism is the subject of a movie, Schindler's List, directed by Steven Spielberg, which will be released in December. During the Nazi occupation of Poland, Oskar Schindler op- erated a Crackow enamelware factory that produced kitchen equipment for the German army and employed hundreds of Jews. Resisting efforts to shut his factory and ship his people to Nazi death camps, Mr. Schindler insisted that his Jew- ish employees were skilled workers essential to the Ger- man war effort. Finally, however, the Nazis closed the factory and ordered its employees to Auschwitz. Fighting the order, Mr. Schindler compiled a list of 1,200 "indispensable" Jewish workers and successfully de- manded that they be transferred to a new factory he was opening in Czechoslovakia. Today, many of those former employ- ees are still alive, re- siding in Israel, the United States, Aus- tralia and South America. "I'm one of those who sur- vived thanks to the Schindlers," said Moshe Beisky, a former Is- raeli Supreme Court judge. "To this day I preserve the image of Mrs. Schindler, who day after day brought us heavy pots of soup that she cooked by herself with foods she got at great risk in the black market." CT) 0) NO VEMBER Pucker Up 13