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November 05, 1993 - Image 20

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1993-11-05

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Product Of
The Month

Dennis Archer Built
Winning Coalition



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The Shirt Box

a5 they present their 1993

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their fourth home in the city.
ennis Archer's landslide
They are friends and neighbors
Detroit mayoral victory
of Mr. Archer's.
this week over Sharon
"This is the beginning of a
McPhail was good news
new era for metropolitan De-
for many members of the met-
troit," said Mrs. Driker, trea-
ropolitan Detroit Jewish com-
surer for the Jewish
Community Council and direc-
For 20 years, the Jewish
tor of external affairs for Wayne
community has had few rela-
State University's College of Ur-
tions with outgoing Detroit
ban, Labor and Metropolitan
Mayor Coleman Young. Now,
Affairs. "I am excited about the
many say, there will be a new
prospects of the greater corn-
point of access at Detroit City
munity coming together again.
"We can't
Archer already
vana tomor-
has many
row," she said.
friends and
"We are on the
colleagues in
threshold of
the Jewish
some very
explains David
Gad-Harf, ex-
Many mem-
ecutive vice
bers of the
president for
Jewish com-
the Jewish
worked as vol-
Council. "He is
unteers and
not an unfa-
miliar person."
for Mr. Archer.
Others, like
Tauber, of
Birmingham, Mayor - elect Dennis Archer.
Miller attor-
spent the past
ney Frank Mamat, worked re-
year working as a deputy field
lentlessly for Sharon McPhail.
director and researcher for the
"I wasn't surprised (about
Archer campaign. He is hope-
Mr. Archer's victory)," Mr. Ma-
ful that Detroit will now have a
mat said. "But I am extremely
healthy future.
unhappy. I would work with
"I don't have the same deep
Sharon again.
sense of historical perspective
of Detroit that my parents have,
but I think Dennis proved he is
an unprecedented diplomat. He
can relate to a lot of people. He
built incredible coalitions that
included a large majority of the
Jewish, Arab and Latino com-
"I think people now feel they
Brian Tauber
may be able to move back to De-
troit," he said. "I am very seri-
ously thinking about it."
"She is strong, and she is
Many Archer supporters
tough and upbeat," Mr. Mamat
warn that Detroiters and sub-
said. "Several of us are talking to
urbanites must remain patient.
her about other political races.
They compare Mr. Archer's vic-
We think she should look at John
tory to President Clinton's in
Conyer's congressional seat. Two
1992 after 12 years of a Repub-
times he has come back and tried
lican administration. Change
to become mayor.
"She had the ability to reach
will take time.
"I think Dennis Archer set
out to the suburbs," Mr. Mamat
the right tone during the cam-
said. "She got trapped in this is-
paign, one of inclusion between
sue of suburbs versus city,
the city and suburbs," Mr. Gad-
which left Dennis the high
Harf said. "This struck a chord
ground, and which worked
within the Jewish community.
against her."
We look forward to cooperation
Next week, Mr. Mamat in-
on many fronts in the years to
tends to meet with Ms. McPhail
to talk at length about future
Community activists Elaine
political bids.
and Eugene Driker have lived
"I hope Dennis Archer can do
the things people expect him to
in Detroit for 20 years. They
now live in Palmer Woods in
do," Mr. Mamat said. ❑


Photo by Glenn Triest


"I think people now
feel like they may
be able to move
back to Detroit."

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