Mark Thatcher, president of Teva Sports Sandals. CID LU UJ CC UJ 38 IMI ark Thatcher is sylvania Dutch the first to admit country. My that Providence mother's family probably had a was Russian from hand in his phe- the Litvak-Kiev nomenal success. area. Her maiden In 10 years, a rare conver- name was Zion." gence of factors propelled the Mr. Thatcher Arizona geophysicist out of a says he had a sputtering career in the oil busi- growing curiosity ness and into a cottage indus- about "where my try designing and licensing the family was from" popular outdoor footwear Teva, and welcomed the Hebrew for nature. opportunity to visit Mr. Thatcher's Flagstaff- the Jewish state. He based Teva Sports Sandals did spent 1971 studying $40 million in wholesale last with a group of other year. This year, he expects sales American students at a kib- to jump another 50 percent. butz-run school. In the early 1980s, armed It was the beginning of a life- with little more than an intu- long fascination with the land itive business sense, Mr. of Israel and a burgeoning sense Thatcher began peddling his of identity as a Jew. He came idea around the Southwest. home for a year, but was drawn When rafters, then hikers, em- back in 1973 when a call for vol- braced the new foot gear, Mr. unteers was issued during the Thatcher, 38, had found his Yom Kippur War. market niche. "The Jewish Agency sent us Mr. Thatcher's story has as over to harvest the crops," he much to do with soul as soles; recalls. with mechanical tetherings as Mr. Thatcher stayed for an- with spiritual connections; with other year, working on various living the life one wants to live kibbutzim. It was during that rather than the one to which he stay that he went to the Sinai. is consigned. "I embraced the desert," he That's where Providence says. "I just found it awe- comes in. Mr. Thatcher was a inspiring. troubled adolescent growing up in the Philadelphia area when his mother, whose mar- riage to Mr. Thatcher's fa- ther ended in divorce a few years earlier, suggested sending him to Israel to finish school. Mr. Thatcher's mother is Jewish; his father is not. Mr. Thatcher had You can feel the been raised with spiritual beauty in a no religious back- place where you can see TEVA® Topo ground. as far as you can see." Terrain Sandal "I wasn't raised He returned to the anything," says Mr. United States to contin- Thatcher. "My father was your ue his education, drawn to the basic Protestant from the Perm- Southwest because of the desert's appeal. Mr. Thatcher reveled in the Arizona outdoors lifestyle — rafting, hik- ing, canoeing. His first trip down the Colorado River provided another spiritual high. "The Grand Canyon touched a nerve," he says. "And I just fell in love with the South- west." The idea for Teva dates back to the early 1980s, when Mr. Thatcher was among 1,000 geo- physicists laid off from Houston's Cities Service Co. at the end of the oil boom. With a tidy lump sum in severance pay and six months' access to the company's computers and tele- phones to job hunt, Mr. Thatch- er decided to launch his idea for a new kind of sport shoe. Inspi- ration for the design had come to him during the late 1970s while working as a guide on riv- er raft tours down the Colorado River during his college years at Northern Arizona Universi- ty- VICKI CABOT SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS Dissatisfied with available footwear — traditional sport shoes quickly be- came sodden and squishy, old-fashioned rubber thongs were impervi- ous to the wa- ter but offered little of the stability the intrepid rafter needs — Mr. Thatcher com- bined the tough rubber sole of a running shoe with a system of sandal-like beltings and straps to snugly grip the toes and ankle. Mr. Thatcher says that while he enjoyed his work as a geo- physicist prospecting for oil, he felt constrained by the 9-to-5, jacket and tie, office politics cor- Entrepreneur Mark Thatcher takes footwear to the limit. porate lifestyle. "I was desperate for a change," he says."I had a clear vision of the product." His science background helped him develop a product, he says. But the business end, Mr. Thatcher says, was baptism by fire. "No one teaches you how to take an idea and capitalize on it," he says. He learned the hard way,