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October 22, 1993 - Image 26

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1993-10-22

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Please join us at the third annual dinner to benefit


feeding the Jewish tiovy


the kosher food pantry feeding the Jewish hungry

Honoring . . .

Florine Mark Ross

a dedicated leader who has generously given her
time and energy in the fight to eliminate hunger
in our community.

Wednesday, November 17, 1993
Dinner 7 p.m.
Hors d'oeuvres 6 p.m.
Couvert: $100 per adult Youth (ages 8-18) $30 per child

$1000 per table
Donors of $500 or more above the cost of their
reservations will be recognized as Yad Ezra Sponsors.

Adat Shalom Synagogue
29901 Middlebelt Road, Farmington Hills

Keynote Speaker
James Macy
Executive Director, Food Bank of Oakland County

A special honor will be presented to Hillel Day School in
recognition of its extraordinary support of Yad Ezra.

Yad Ezra Dinner Committee*

Hannan & Lisa Lis David Marh Jeff & Marissa Mark Rick & Chris Mark Abe & Sheri Mark-Slaim
Honorary Chairmen

Susan Citrin John D. Mart

Sylvia Abramowitz
Bob Abromovich
Jeff Adler
Jeff Appel
Nancy Welber Barr
Richard Barr
Anaruth Bernard
Isadore Bernstein
Sylvia Bernstein
Gloria Cohen
Cynthia Coleman
Julie Cykiert
Stuart Cykiert

Rhonda Dean
Laurence Deitch
Gary Dembs
Fayga Dom bey
Sanford Eisenberg
Jeannette Eizelman
Michael Eizelman
Seymore Eizelman
Phil Elkus
Michael Feldman
Carol Weintraub Fogel
Joel Gershenson
Dr. Conrad Giles

Les Goldstein
Amy Hoffman Haimann
Sharon Hart
Doreen Hermelin
Arthur Horwitz
Lawrence Jackier
Shelly Komer Jackier
Elie Kaplan
Lea Luger
James Macy
Roberta Madorsky
Judy Marx

Judge Susan Moiseev
Allan Nachman
Marilyn Nelson
Nancy Newman
Gary Nitzkin
Barbara Nusbaum
Irving Nusbaum
Barbara Sachse
Rose Lynn Schlussel
Rabbi A. Irving
Pauline Schreiber
Micky Shanker

Eugene Sherizen
Sharon Silverman
Dotty Smith
Suzanne Sondheimer
Rabbi Efry Spectre
Midge Stulberg
Isabel Sweet
Charlotte Tessler
Faye Ullman
Betsy Winkelman
Howard Zoller

*In formation

Michigan allows an income tax credit for individuals, equal to 50% of the amount of cash contributions (subject to
certain limitations) to organizations such as Yad Ezra that provide food or shelter to the indigent.

For information or reservations, call (313) 548-FOOD (3663)

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