A DAY OF PEACE Walking On The Wild Side Palestinians celebrated in East Jerusalem. But the mood in West Jerusalem was more subdued as Israelis took a leap of faith. INA FRIEDMAN ISRAEL CORRESPONDENT J erusalem — "Take a Walk on the Wild Side" was the first song Israel's Army Radio played Tuesday morning — the proverbial morning after — during the musical break in its early news roundup. Like all the other symbols, metaphors and subtexts that have filled the papers, air- waves and streets the past two weeks, this one, too, struck a chord. For the experiment that Israelis and Palestinians are about to embark upon — first in Gaza and Jericho, then gradually through most of the rest of the West Bank — is quite an adventure, and no little risk. And it seems that the implications of the change are just now beginning to sink in. To the degree that Jerusalem is a microcosm of the broader landscape of Israel and the territories, it can be said that true recon- ciliation between the two peoples may lie somewhere down the road. But for now, communication has yet to get going between them. There was no meeting of Israelis and Palestinians on the streets of their shared city last Monday. While East Jerusalem was jammed with crowds of celebrants march- ing in processions, chanting slogans, beating drums, playing bagpipes, and above all waving the long-outlawed Palestinian flag, on the west side of town the streets were deserted. Even the usual mid-evening traf- fic jam seemed to have evaporated. If Israelis drew satisfaction from the signing of the agreement with the PLO, they were doing so in the privacy of their Above, Jubilant PLO The fact is that homes, each family supporters chant strange things are before its own televi- slogans in support of happening in the Yassir Arafat, and sion set. Middle East, and Later in the below, Israeli Foreign it's difficult for Minister Shimon evening, youngsters people to keep helped engineer from Peace Now held Peres up with the pace of the peace proposals. a celebration in change required Menorah Park, at the heart of them. of downtown West "This is a country that, Jerusalem. But only a hand- unfortunately, has spent too ful of Israelis — Knesset much time preparing for war members from Labor and and not enough time prepar- Meretz — crossed over to the ing itself for peace," observed East to address Professor Dan Bar-On, head the tireless rev- of the Department of elers gathered Behavioral Sciences at Ben- at the New Gurion University. Orient House, "Most Israelis have har- where they bored the naive conception were greeted that peace would 'break out' with shouts of on its own and solve all the "Shalom" and nation's problems. We've "Salaam." completely lacked a realistic For everyone understanding that peace else, the old will be a gradual process and borders and won't even be felt during the barriers still transition period from one seemed as clear status to another." and high as Given the complex psycho- ever. logical situation, even after the Washington ceremony and the "handshake of the decade," it's not surprising that the battle for Israeli public opinion remains in high gear, with the opposi- tion pouring cold water on the agreement at every turn. "Yitzhak Rabin shook the hand of Yassir Arafat and the sky didn't fall," Israel Television's anchorman began his post-ceremony interview with Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu. "But the sky did fall," Mr. Netanyahu insisted. "Israel has suffered a national humiliation...We are marching toward a PLO state and the destruction of Israel... Every Jew is appalled by the sight of the Palestinian flag flying from the walls of Jerusalem" (a flag, by the way, featured prominently on the back- drop to the interview in the state-run-television studio). Shimon Peres, mean- while, has mocked the opposition as "men of the past" who are unable to assimilate the idea of "rap- prochement" and "the building of a new Middle East." But between the two poles, the man of the hour was unquestionably Yitzhak Rabin. Fidgety as he stood on the podium in Washington; visibly uncomfortable about his proximity to Arafat; transmitting every possible "This is a country that, unfortunately, has spent too much time preparing for war and not enough time preparing itself for peace." Professor Dan Bor-On signal that he had been brought to this ceremony by the dictates of his head, not