The Other srae Daily life is far different from the sensational headlines. CARL ALPERT SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS Do they know? Israel's insurance com- panies have suddenly more than doubled the premium for earthquake insurance. Post office sees red. If you're planning a sim- cha in Israel, and are printing up invitations to be mailed in Israel, do not use red envelopes. The post office won't accept them. Local mail is sorted by an electronic scanner, and the red can't be read by the machine. Hebrew solutions. The man who serves drinks at a bar is called a barman. The Hebrew expression for that occu- pation is — barman. But if the pourer of the drinks is a female, she is referred to as a barman- it, giving the word a Hebrew feminine suffix. Driven by despera- tion. Many kibbutzim are still struggling under the load of enormous debts. To help solve the problem the kibbutz movement recently con- ducted a special course in fund raising, given by professionals, to teach kibbutz representatives how to collect contribu- tions. Second place. Mickey Mouse literature has been translated into 284 languages, some 70 more than the Bible. Square Meets Circle is a love story, a delight- ful little novelty book of drawings, written in English, in which the principal characters are a square and a circle who seek to overcome appar- ent incompatibility. It is published by Gefen Books. Halfway. McDonald's restaurants in Israel will use kosher meat in their hamburgers, but will be open on Shabbat. Favorite fruit. This year's watermelon pro- Hebrew Book Week in Jerusalem. duction in Israel will top 200,000 tons, making it the most popular fruit in the country. Where they come from. Official records show 3,903 foreign work- ers from 71 countries with permits to work in Israel. Leading the list: From the Philippines, 1,239; Thailand, 305; Romania, 223; Mauritius, 162. It is gen- erally known that there are thousands more who are not officially regis- tered. Beware of green. Research conducted at Kibbutz Geva, and docu- mented in a recent film, shows that the color green tends to repress the sexual urge in chick- ens. The farmers prefer that their chickens show less excitement, settle down, and fatten up. Hence the use of green canvas and plastic sheet- ing around the chicken houses. A cover-up job. Tel Aviv's municipal bill- boards blossomed recent- ly with huge posters advertising women's san- dals. However, the san- dals occupied only the very bottom of the poster; most of the space was taken up with a very shapely pair of women's legs. Anticipating public objections, the city sought a court order to have the posters removed, but the two sides finally reached a compromise: The posters will be reprinted, and the legs will be adorned with a pair of shorts. In defense. Knesset member Yosef BaGad, of the Moledet Party, is fed up with seeing all the seats at public cere- monies filled with the same judges, Knesset members and other pub- lic officials and their families. He has intro- duced a bill in the Knesset to make it mandatory that at least 25 percent of the invitees to such ceremonies be from the ranks of amcha, the man in the street.