Community Views Editor's Notebook Taking Ourselves Too Seriously Scared Away From The Holidays BY ROBERT A. ALPER SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS PHIL JACOBS EDITOR D uring my first two years at the rabbinical semi- nary, I taught at a local synagogue's religious school. Four of us car-pooled each Sunday. Our group included a fellow named Arnie who is now a well- known and beloved West Coast spiritual leader; Herb, who earned his Ph.D. and now heads one of New England's largest, most prestigious congregations; David, who made aliyah and co- ordinates a major internation- al youth program; and yours truly, who immodestly thinks he's no slouch. But back then...well, we were four guys in a car pool. A boring car pool, until one day we pulled up to the Clifton Avenue inter- section just as the light turned red. Someone yelled "Fire Drill," and as if part of the most grace- ful ballet, four doors flew open and four future rabbis sprang from the car and began circling the vehicle in a well-timed trot. Someone shouted "Reverse," and, in perfect synch, each of us did a neat half turn and contin- ued the trot, this time counter- clockwise. Nearby motorists looked puz- zled, then amused, and finally rather impressed as we man- aged to leap into the car, slam the doors, and lurch forward at the very moment the light turned green. Twenty minutes later I walked into my classroom to dis- cover some two dozen mildly un- ruly 6th graders. I told them to act their age. Those were interesting days at Hebrew Union College. Guys (and one woman) in our 20s, still young but preparing ourselves for careers that would depend on maturity and wisdom. One fellow was obviously a devotee of the old school of rabbinic af- fectation: He would practice walking up and down the side- walk stooped over, as if concen- trating on a heavy textual problem in the book he held. He dropped out of school in his sec- ond year. But most of us persevered and ultimately became rabbis. And along the way, probably the best single piece of advice I ever heard was, "Don't take yourself too seriously. Take your work seriously. But take yourself lightly." It makes good sense. And I never saw a better example than I did last December when I spent some time with Herb of "Fire Drill" fame at his New Haven synagogue. Rabbi Robert Alper lives in Vermont, serves part-time at a synagogue in Philadelphia, and performs internationally as a stand-up comic. Some time last fall, after Hur- ricane Andrew devastated Flori- da, Herb decided to organize a fund-raiser for Florida relief. With co-sponsors from the com- munity, Herb put together a comedy night at his synagogue. I was happy to volunteer my services (I'm also a profession- al comedian) and the event raised more than $5,000, sent directly to relief agencies. But it is not the fund-raiser that caught my attention that night. Collecting money to help others is a tradition. Good, de- cent, caring people like Herb do rows around the auditorium. I went back to my hotel to dress and have dinner with some other local friends. That evening I drove back to the synagogue and parked in the lot. As I walked to the build- ing, I saw a large van in the cen- ter of the drive just opposite the entrance doors. The driver was assisting 8 or 10 elderly people into the building. As I drew closer I was star- tled to realize that the dri- ver...was Herb. A big smile on his face, he gently helped his charges negotiate the step and Artwork from the Los Angeles Times by Catherine Kenner. Cogynghte 1993. Catherine Kanner. DMInbut ad by Los Angeles Imes Syndicate. it all the time. Something else happened that night, something above and beyond happened that inspired me and made me smile. Herb and I met at the syna- gogue on the afternoon of the performance. He gave me a tour: a beautiful sanctuary, So Herb drove the van. The distinguished rabbi of an 800-family congregation became a chauffeur for an evening, shuttling elderly men and women back and forth to a night of comedy. magnificent facilities, and a huge, tastefully appointed rab- binic study, an appropriate of- fice for the spiritual leader of such a prestigious institution. I was impressed. We spent an hour testing the sound system, adjusting the lights, and, along with Herb's 6- year-old son, shooting nerf ar- steadied them as they got their bearings on the pavement. A few minutes later, after he parked the van, we spoke in his study. "What was that all about?" I asked. "Oh," Herb replied in his somewhat wry, self-depreciat- ing way, "we have a van for some of our elderly members. Since this is a holiday weekend, we couldn't get anyone to dri- ve it. I didn't want them to miss out on your show." So Herb drove the van. The distinguished rabbi of an 800- family congregation became a chauffeur for an evening, shut- tling elderly men and women back and forth to a night of com- edy. To big deal. This is just part of what he does. This is who he is. But I saw a pow- erful message in action. Here was a man who doesn't take himself too seriously, but quite obviously takes very seriously his work as a rabbi. And be- cause of that delicious combi- nation of who he is, and what kind of rabbi he is, hurricane victims received help and a group of octogenarians spent a delightful evening laughing. "Don't take yourself too seri- ously. Take your work serious- ly, but take yourself lightly." A helpful, healthy resolution for the new year. ❑ When I was a child, I used to tease my parents that Rosh Hashanah should be re- named "Rush" Hashanah be- cause all that I saw was my fam- ily rushing around getting shul tickets purchased, food bought, finding old, dog-eared index cards with recipes on them, phone calls made, friends and relatives coming over. But that was just in my imag- ination. Because that really never hap- pened, at least in my house. Growing up in a Jewish neigh- borhood, I used to dread the High Holidays. All of that rush- ing around, with ladies dressed in beautiful dresses and my friends in suits, happened in the houses next door and across the street. Our small, tree-lined street became so crowded with cars that it was difficult for my father to find a place to park his car when work ended that night, well after sundown. Well after a shofar was blown. I remember the embarrass- ment of being the only Jewish kid at school the next day. I re- member the feelings of not un- derstanding this time of year, only that I fasted even in school until my parents were able to get home from work. I didn't know why. We were assimilated. There were no High Holidays. It wasn't until I met the girl who later became my wife, and her family invited me over for Rosh Hashanah dinner, that I felt part of anything. My memories bring back a certain excitement of being in- vited somewhere, anywhere for Rosh Hashanah. To break the fast at my future in-laws also quietly meant so much. I was concerned that because I couldn't read Hebrew, someone might find out and hold it against me. My girlfriend's father, now my father-in-law, joked back then, "Don't worry; we'll make a Jew out of you yet." He said that be- cause I didn't know the blessing over wine. "Boray, paree, ha- gafen." He joked. But it wasn't such a joke. Embarrassment gets in the way of so much, and at holiday time there are many Jews who aren't getting together for big meals, and who aren't going to synagogue, who don't know about repentance, and who are basically alone with the televi- sion set on Rosh Hashanah while right across the street are signs of Jewish life — prayers and songs going on around the dinner table. It's not abnormal to not un- derstand the shofar. It's not a mark against you if you don't know what Rosh Hashanah is. There is no embarrassment if you need to send your children to school during these days be- cause of a work schedule or day- care hang-up. Please don't let lack of knowl- edge get in the way of learning. If we maintain our solidarity, we do so as a total people. We only hope and pray that those that don't know, who aren't taking part, feel comfortable enough to learn, to ask for help. If there is someone you know who is going to be alone during this holiday, walk across the street and invite him to your table. If you build a sukkah, in- vite someone to share the expe- rience. Explain what a lulav and etrog are and what they mean. Sense if a person is afraid to ask the question, "What is this all about?" and offer him your It's not abnormal to not understand the shofar. It's not a mark against you if you don't know what Rosh Hashanah is. There is no embarrassment if you need to send your children to school during these days because of a work schedule Or day-care hang-up. knowledge or the knowlege of a rabbi or teacher in the Detroit area. No Jews should sit out these Days of Awe. No Jews should be embarrassed, and no Jews should be alone. And those who know a little more shouldn't get caught up in the "rush" of Rosh Hashanah to the point where we forget how important our friends, loved ones and even the "quiet" family across the street are to all of us and the greater Jewish family. ❑